Demonslayer said:Now it would be only a question of fitting it to the game. Camera angles and coloring and stuff.
It will never fit into the game, but it will fit into my Mad Max 2 fantasy…

Demonslayer said:Now it would be only a question of fitting it to the game. Camera angles and coloring and stuff.
Oh shit! That's goddamn large!Jesterka said:lets start the fuck up something damnably well fittin'!
I feel it all the time!Jesterka said:(Do you actually feel that strange mental pressure I'm directing on you?)
Of course, if there's an importer for 3d models from particular game.Grayswandir said:A question I wanted to ask for some time, is it possible to use the fan-made models built for other games?
My mad skillzz are close to zeroJesterka said:It's as large as your skills!
Command me master! Command!Jesterka said:Feel the mental lizardous power *NOW*.
Maybe some day I'll add them. Right now I'm re-painting the truck for the 3rd time:.Pixote. said:could you add some rivets to the surface to give the impression that this thing is tacked together
PM sent..Pixote. said:Will you pass over the PS file for some inspection.
It's already has a color! Been consider making much different colors, but I made only slightly darker/lighter.Demonslayer said:Maybe add a color to the front part and another to the back so we could notice it was made from different cars.
Continuum said:It's only a game, not real life conditions simulator. How to hell some kind of suit can stretch your bones and make you bigger? * Or how to hell Zombies with such uber damaged body can still live?By creating tons of rusty, home made shit we exaggerate the post apocalyptic nature of game. Nice and straight from the factory stuff simply sucks
Also, I don't care about Higwayman - it's done for silly, lulzy game, where most of new art is AWFUL and totally out-of-place.
Lexx said:You explain ghouls with Science! but a rusty car cannot be explained with Science!? this is not coherent.
6. About how many working or servicable cars are there at the time of FO2? Obviously there must be more then one, since the guy in new reno has a garage fully staffed, and most likely has a large supply of parts( im assuming that was what the warehouse building next to the garage was filled up with, you couldnt pick up anything off of them)
Probably not too many, but I don't know the exact number. The real problem isn't fuel, it's mostly tires and other degradable parts that have gone to the dogs in the past 100 years. For every two hundred or so people, there might be one working vehicle, and even "the local clunker" wouldn't be up to factory specs. NCR is rumored to have a mechanized vehicle division outside of its farming vehicles, but the number of vehicles in the division is unknown.
6. Last update, you said there were 1/200 cars/people ration in the NCR. If there were so many working cars in NCR, where were they?
They're there. It's game logic. You don't see them for the same reason NCR is only three maps, only has 1 councilor/senator, and only about 40-50 people in its city limits. That's why the Chop Shop in Reno exists, why the bum outside of NCR offers to watch a car for you before you show up in one, and a reason that NCR built a garage in Shady Sands.
So to explain "game logic" in this instance, there's nothing precious about building a car of your own if you can steal one – or if somebody else in town has one. Or in the words of one designer (me), "there's no good reason why a PC would want to undertake a fucking huge Fed Ex quest to rebuild one if they can jack one from the locals." The last part is especially true considering town-wide mass murder is possible in both Fallout 1 and 2.
And before you get the image of tanks and jeeps flying around everywhere with heavy machine guns mounted on the back, most of that junk is old tractors and crap like taxis, old buses, snowplows, and even old construction equipment. It's possible that mysterious old steam-truck mentioned in the bowels of the F1 data archive is still lumbering around somewhere. The caravan houses of the Hub, in particular, around the time in Fallout 2, have been looking to further its trade influence, and new vehicles (and types of transport, such as trains, boats, or barges) have been eagerly sought after for carrying large amounts of trade goods vast distances. Good ol' human greed will move mountains. Or at least rebuild things that can. Once they learn of the Enclave's presence in the North, they are likely to have huge bounties promised for vertibird plans - or better, a working vertibird.
There's a distinct difference between being larger (bulky) and stretching your body. Compare both normal critter and PA:Ravager said:The Power Armors don't really stretch bones or anything. Their simply large armors with hydraulics systems and advanced electrics which help your physical strength. The power armor is simply a machine, a tank suit.
Car that runs must look like some shiny Ferrari? You're totally wrong. Also, how much rust you can see there? Not much. Mostly metal-ish plates are covered by it. The rest quite fine, just some rust here and there.Ravager said:The rusty stuff is fine, but is it fitting as a car that runs? Nope.