x'il said:
And what have this anything to do with what i wrote? I never said the game was perfect, perfectly acceptable (robe) (to some) =/= perfect game.
Ok, my bad. Sorry.
x'il said:
This was a small "introduction" to what I wrote later (talking and doing)
x'il said:
It still leaves one confused about your seemingly (is it seemingly? 50/50 half lulzy/half serious or is it like 30/70 or something?)contradictory stand about referential stuff in FO though...
Still confused?
It's just like talk about Sith Lord... I think, it's really funny to show similarities to something, which isn't intended/planned at all, since some people simply expect to find a reference - do you remember
Strangelove, or

Sure, sometimes I have this
what if idea (I wouldn't even call it "idea", rather something for the fun), like The Fall's characters - I made that render when I was checking how tool for gr2-->ms (mesh import) is working, since I've been modding The Fall (and there was no way to import character meshes back then), so I rendered them to check how they're going to look in Fallout-y point of view and that's all. I think, the first from the left is looking the best - this is a Chain Mail before, so called "engine update", which was nothing more than adding stuff from canceled "Mutant City" (although it's still listed as "In development" at official Silver Style's website).
x'il said:
Sure, you're right i'll give you that, but nevertheless, why try to weaken my point about the cheapness of ripped referential stuff from other games in this thread by making the (now revealed to be) half lulzy/half serious comment if you don't disagree?
I just continued what you started (with some hot eyecandys) anyway

Also, I see no reason to argue anymore, or "fight" with something I don't agree

People will do whatever they think is right (no matter how stupid it may be), IMO. You can scream, fight, explain - you'll fail anyway
.Pixote. said:
except maybe this critter. The jellies...
Indeed, Fallout is lacking big badass mutated monsters

It will fit into "Jelly Rising" mod. I can even imagine in-game poster of 50's scf-fi movie titled "Big Badass Jelly Invaders"