Scenery stuff and such...

ArtWhiz said:
I think the bus it's too desaturated. It needs more rust and some noise. I know, this is just a suggestion for Horatio, I am just giving my humble opinion too...

Converting to the Fallout palette helps breakup the surface somewhat, the pixels get slightly messed up, which can look nice.
Jesterka said:
So keep up your challenge and remember me well because - when the right day comes - I'll definitely PM you for some work :D

Didn't you say that BGE mod was dead?
ArtWhiz said:
do you have active projects right now?
The only thing I'm working on are THs. Although veeeeeeeery slow (long breaks, and shit).

ArtWhiz said:
I really like your style
I'm trying fit the original style. Of course, I'm not talking about old shit, because it's shit, and that's it ;) Design-wise is nice though, like Da Tribalz House, Subbie, or final area of MR. In other words: ideas good, execution awful. Speaking of original art style: Ursa truly mastered it - check out his stuff in this thread.

ArtWhiz said:
I'm wondering if you became a game artist or something.

BTW, nice car. All is painted?
x'il said:
Jesterka said:
So keep up your challenge and remember me well because - when the right day comes - I'll definitely PM you for some work :D

Didn't you say that BGE mod was dead?
You look so happy to see me alive x'il, don't you

Modding mortality rate is so overrated...
I recently made this for FOnline: Reloaded (not sure if they'll use it tho). I decided to share it with wider audience. Feel free to use it/modify it etc.

I present you brand new car:

"Chryslus Crusader"
It's faster than a bullet! It's more reliable than Vertibird! It's tougher than a Power Armor!

Big image:

Smaller, ingame model:
I found some of my old stuff that I won't be using in Van Buren so feel free to use it (just mention me in the credits as an artist).

Hi all, this is my first try at doin' this stuff. I know its not very impressive (to say the least), but I would appreciate any suggestions what to improve and how to do it. My take on the Enclave hummer variant:

You're almost there! Now you have to add fine details (rust, etc.) and light highlights. At the moment is doesn't look so metallic because there are no highlights. Check the monitors above to see how the light bounces of metal.
Also check the size of the truck - the dude in Power Armor won't really fit inside right now. A slight tweak in size should fix that. Enclave monster trucks, ho!
Okay, thanks guys! I will post another take when it's done.

Edit: Been playin' around a bit. Added some highlights, rust and fixed a few things, and converted to fallout pallete. I'll get to the size thingy at the end I guess. Any thoughts?

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Looks great!
I would add some hadlights on roof. Or maybe mounted gun with roof exit.
At the back of that truck I would add gas carnisters and some other useful stuff.
Thanks a lot all of you guys! I think I'm getting where I want to... @Lavo, I deleted those lights on purpuose, so it would look different than the tactics/bos hummer. I'm not sure If I'll be able to put a machine gun on roof that doesn't look crappy... Anyway, there is some progress, but I still don't like the overall color, it's kinda different than that of the vertibird, not sure what to do to make them more "alike". Same with rust, last one was a bit too reddish after the conversion.

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I guess it could work when it's a "robot" machinegun, but when you want to have it look like a trooper could mount it you'll want the back of the car to be open (like a truck) or have a railing or something.
I'm making a travelling country physician npc who wanders between towns where there isn't a doctor (Den, Klamath, Modoc, and New Reno) in FO2. I was thinking he should have like a (scenery) Brahmin-drawn ambulance cart, or a little medical stand or something like that. I looked through all the mods I have and didn't see anything. Has anybody ever made something like that?
How bout this one?
Brahmin sold separately:smile:


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