Science fiction vs Post-Apocalyptic Fiction?

Shin Megami Tense I&II are Science Fiction Post Apoc, Shin Megami Tensei 3 Nocturne is a Supernatural (and weird as fuck) Post Apocalyptic story

Digital Devil Saga is a combination of both; While it is technically technology that caused the end of the world, what that technology did was send corrupt data to god (Brahman) and it in turn transformed the light of the sun into a virus that turns people into stone and forces the surviving humans to seek refuge underground unless they have an Atma Avatar, in which case they just turn into canibalistic demons and they have to either fight off the dark hunger or just indulge into it and becoming demons completely. Yeah it's kind of a weird one.

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The Postman? Hmm, the movie at least isn't really science fiction in my opinion.

Blame! it's a mango.
Does Mad max count as Science Fiction?

I would say no.

The Matrix is a post apoc science fiction movie.

Any non fantasy post apocalypse is science fiction (unless it's historical I guess).

How do you figure? I mean let us take the movie Postman or Mad Max as example. Sure, they play in a kind of "future", but that alone is at least for me not a guideline to science fiction. It is just the narrative. The things you see in Mad Max or Postman though are not even close to anything you see in Science Fiction.
That's why I wonder about Mad max, I mean the first movie was just dystopic but there were no robots, futuristic tech or anything, the next ones were post apocalyptic but still everything was very low tech, maybe Diesel Punk?

Would Interstellar be an Apocalyptic, Post Apocalyptic and Post Post Apocalypitc movie all in one?

I guess any story with an "abandoned earth to colonize other planets" story could count as Post Apocalyptic too.
Well, nothing says Post Apocalyptic stories have to remain like that forever or that they have to be Mad Max, Akira takes place after an Apocalyptic event that shaped the whole plot and the lore, I say it fits the bill.

Would a historic Post-War history also count as pots apocalyptic? Altho in a more localized way?
When I think about it. Aren't we technically a post apocalyptic society? Formed from the progression of science, technology, and ideals after the collapse of the Roman Empire and the Dark Ages that followed afterward? Actually had a discussion with a librarian if we'd enter another Dark Age in the future.
The dark ages weren't actual dark ages though. It's just a term. And it was certainly not caused by the fall of the roman empire.
Sorry, I'm not even close to an expert on this. I just know that dark ages was just a term historians slapped on a certain time period. Felt like a good in-betweener name. And the roman empire did not fall, it was a slow decline. Not very apocalyptic.
I guess some meso american cultures suffered close to apocalyptic events, like with famines, megadrought and other issues. At least that is what some belive caused them to abandon some of the cities in such a short time. The Roman empire didn't really suffered an apocalypse though. Like Akratus said, it was a slow decline which took probably several 100 of years loosing slowly but steadily all of its territory. So at least Europe isn't reallya post apoc society ... well not in the traditional sense.
I was under the impression that they were one and the same. Post-Apocalyptic being a sub-genre.
Not really.
You can have post-apocalyptic fiction without science fiction.
Age of Decadence is post-apocalyptic, but it's set in an age similar to the fall of the roman empire in our History.

Science-fiction is any fiction that involves science as the justification of its fictitious aspects.
In other words, it can't be magic. It might still be fireballs being shot by wizards and dragons flying around: if it's science, it's science-fiction.

Post-apocalyptic is any fiction about stuff that happens after some sort of holocaust or something that like that. Might be the dinosaurs dying. Might be after the heat death of the universe, doesn't matter.

The dark ages weren't actual dark ages though. It's just a term. And it was certainly not caused by the fall of the roman empire.
Care to break it down for me man?
I touched on that issue in your other thread mate. :)
The Postman? Hmm, the movie at least isn't really science fiction in my opinion.

Blame! it's a mango.
Does Mad max count as Science Fiction?

I would say no.

The Matrix is a post apoc science fiction movie.

Any non fantasy post apocalypse is science fiction (unless it's historical I guess).

How do you figure? I mean let us take the movie Postman or Mad Max as example. Sure, they play in a kind of "future", but that alone is at least for me not a guideline to science fiction. It is just the narrative. The things you see in Mad Max or Postman though are not even close to anything you see in Science Fiction.

Fiction that speculates what future societies may look like is part of Science Fiction. The science part just means it should be relatively believable, it doesn't have to be high tech.
That's an extremly broad view on it though. I guess most people see something like Mad Max or Postman rather as action movies than science fiction movies.
Hm, there's highly developed society with futuristic technology mentioned in the last chapter of The Postman novel IIRC. The same goes for A Canticle for Leibowitz. First two acts are pretty much post-apo, with technologically advanced society in the last one. Orbital satellites, military bases with nuclear arsenal placed on Moon, or space travel to Alpha Centauri.