
So, scientologists, is it true that you got a stash full of loot near San Francisco? Anyway, let's burn this thread to the ground.
Yoshi525 said:
Ok sorry I have not responded to this, I have been doing some time. During my isolation I have rethunk my life and decided perhaps Scientology is not the solution to all the worlds problems nor my own.

What so far has been my biggest problem with the CoS, their arbitrary denial of the freedom of speech through copyright law, time and again they refuse freedom of speech about the church, dissenting opinions or otherwise.

That's silly. Loads of holy books and scriptures are copyright.

Yes, but have you ever heard of bible study, none of them shut down people for TALKING about their religion, even if it is in a negative light, unlike Scientology.


That are within North America and most European states, I can't say anything for extremists, but general practice as far as human rights states that they have the freedom to at least talk about what they believe, CoS revokes that.

--EDIT 2--

I'm glad you're back though Yoshi, Although the choice is yours my design was more to figure out if Scientology is a legitimate Religion rather than a cult following with Hollywood Celebs bringing people in droves.

If it's not too personal I'd like to ask what caused the change in heart?
If you want something to base your morals on and think religions are a good choice, you really don't know your religions very well.

Also, how is NOT facing your own mortality a good thing? It's part of growing up and learning the value of life. I'd even argue you can't fully appreciate the value of your own life if you believe in some form of after-life. And anyone suggesting that valuing your own life makes altruism impossible should go straight back to Ethics 101.

Regardless, move along, there's nothing to see here.