Thanks to everyone for the comments. Testing is going well and the only real problem I had so far is that for some reason sleeping with Miria at the Abbey must offend the monks, as the game screen went dark/faded out but then didn't come back up/fade in (I had to alt-tab out of the game and shut it down). There isn't any code in my script that does anything unusual at the Abbey, so I'm not sure yet what's going on there. There was a kind volunteer to help test the script, so hopefully if there are any other bugs I'm not seeing they'll be discovered and squashed.
I made an frm of a nice wedding ring but didn't do a very good job as it has a jagged blue fringe around all the edges when shown on the in-game inventory screen. I'll hold off on that until I have time to do a better job on it.
In general, I have learned a lot by seriously studying scripting in order to implement these ideas for Miria. By initially tearing her script apart and then rebuilding it, I'll have a much easier time making other npcs into potential teammates for the Chosen One in the future (which is one of my long-term modding goals).
I was thinking of doing something with that makeup case in general (not just for Miria), but haven't decided what exactly it should do or be used for yet.
That's a good point. Perhaps she's trying to provoke robbers to get the Chosen One into fights as it turns her on or something (sadly there are some women and men like that IRL).
Those are all very good ideas. I didn't include any negative effects from adultery for a few reasons (I see Miria as free-spirited and someone who understands the wasteland is a hard place where people do what they must to earn a buck, etc, my own style of play normally includes the pc/miria/both turning tricks for extra cash, and so forth). In a future version, however, I think there should definitely be some consequence for having affairs with Leslie/Angela Bishop, etc, since those are for fun rather than paying the bills. I originally had her making comments specifically about wanting to see her father and Davin, but later got rid of those due to all the possibilities of checking whether they were alive or dead, etc. I have also given some thought to and would like to include the idea of buying her special presents or baubles eventually (prompting various reactions), but I first want to iron out any wrinkles in what I already have. I'd also have to give some better consideration to what these items should be and where to place them in the game (should they be in shops vs. should they be quest items, etc). If I had more time, something I'd like to do someday is add a whole new store (with guards, etc) on the New Reno #3 map that would sell nothing but fluff/trivial items that serve no real purpose in the game except to enhance role-playing and soak up the pc's cash. I initially considered parts of another idea you mentioned by thinking about whether Miria should demand actual privacy during "intimate moments," but gave it up as checking to see whether anyone on the map could see the pc and Miria seemed too complex for me at this time (it's much easier to use my imagination and just pretend they go somewhere private at these times).
That's definitely a concern I share. I tried to avoid making everything too demanding by only requiring the player to make an effort on each aspect of the relationship once in every two months. In my testing so far however, it seems like two in-game months pass very quickly (although I've mostly been just roaming the wasteland rather than spending time doing quests in towns). On the other hand the whole point of the mod is to add something different to the game so I'm not just on "autopilot" cruising through yet another playthrough doing the same things for the 50th time.