Scripting npc interactivity over long periods of time

That's a good point about whether or not Bess can fit in the car. I hadn't really thought about it, as a long-term trend in my style of play is that for whatever reason I seem to care less and less about getting the car with each new game (I either ride the caravans or walk to get more random encounters). You're right though that it will have to be addressed in some way (too bad it's not so much work to add in-game animations, or she could get her own little cattlebox that fits on the back of the car with a trailer hitch :D ).
Hi Endocore, thanks for the wiki page, breaking the process down like that made it almost possible to understand. :lol: I've had one problem following it though, I can't compile the mcmiria script. FSE keeps refusing to work saying that it's incompatible with Vista64 and I can't get noid's working either even with multiple attempts to make sure I've not missed anything.

I think I've altered everything else as I should have, is there any chance you could upload a compiled even if you don't want to upload the full mod?

Either way, thanks for your hard work, and I'm sorry my first post here is pestering for something.
Yes a trailer would be fine, or you have to decide of what you take..a cow or a car...? :falloutonline:
I mentioned already the "Animal friend" perk of Fallout 1 who becomes a real utlity when adapted in Fallout 2

What do you think about my other suggestions?
That's a good point about whether or not Bess can fit in the car. I hadn't really thought about it, as a long-term trend in my style of play is that for whatever reason I seem to care less and less about getting the car with each new game (I either ride the caravans or walk to get more random encounters). You're right though that it will have to be addressed in some way (too bad it's not so much work to add in-game animations, or she could get her own little cattlebox that fits on the back of the car with a trailer hitch ).

The guys from Fonline made a graphic of a cart pulled by a brahmin. Maybe you could ask them to use it, and a make an alternative for the car with it. Slower but more environment friendly or something like this.
But you really should consider releasing actual files for the Miria mod. :D
No problem, I want to know if people are having trouble. I've never been able to get FSE to work for me either, so I don't think I can help on that (sorry). To use Noid's compiler you need the compiler files (available in the NMA files section) as well as an old Ruby fileset called "ruby-1.6.8-1-i386-mingw32.tar.gz" from here. First "install" (i.e. unzip) the Ruby files, then copy Noid's files over top of them. I'm not sure about using Noid's compiler with Vista though, as I don't know much about anything from Microsoft after Windows XP except that I want to stay as far away from it as possible (as it doesn't satisfy any needs I have and gets in my way of using all the old software I want to use regularly). I'll look into seeing what I need to do to upload the script file somewhere; in the meantime I'm sorry you had trouble but am glad it sounds like you found the article helpful.

@ smilodom
Your ideas for Grisham/Davin/Miria wouldn't be very hard to add; you'd probably just want to try to modify the existing dialogue between either Grisham/Davin/Chosen One or Grisham/Miria/Chosen One at first to avoid introducing a problem into the compilicated wedding cutscene.

I'm not sure I'm following you on implementing the Animal Friend perk for interacting with Bess the cow; are you saying you'd like to see this perk implemented and made a requirement for getting Bess in the party?

The brahmin-pulled cart idea is an excellent one. I'm not sure I want to do the work, though, required to add a completely new "vehicle" to the game (dozens of scripts would need to be changed to allow that); I try to keep my mods small so that I'll be certain to finish them, even if they are artificially limited in scope by looking at it that way.
Endocore said:
That's a good point about whether or not Bess can fit in the car. I hadn't really thought about it...

And I don't think it is something worth bothering with. Seriously. Sure, the idea of a trailer for her sounds great and all. It adds realism, and possible cool graphics, and possible quests. But, why is anyone concerned about getting Bess in the car when the situation is already unbelievable? If you have a high charisma, you can get all sorts of NPCS... and even more if you have Magnetic Personality or Cult of Personality. Anyone really care that they all can't fit in the car (along with all the stuff being carried in the car) either? And no one can make the argument that Marcus or Goris would fit in the Highwayman, nor that Skynet could even get into it.

So, really, please don't sweat the "Bess-can't-fit-into-the-car" aspect of your work with Bess. I do have a pet peeve of course, and that is lower level maps. What I was going to do with that idea I told you about in that pm was prohibit the pack animal from accessing certain maps (making it invisible on certain interior maps that could only be accessed via ladder or rope). Again, though, the same rule then would also need to be applied to the dogs and Skynet for consistency. But, I am willing to put realism on the back burner in many cases when it comes to playing/modding this game.

Thanks for the help, but I still can't get noid's working. I've tried for a good while this morning using your advice and it's still having none of this compiling business. I don't know if it's a Vista issue or pilot error, but I can't get it working. It was fun fiddling around with the command prompt again though, took me right back to battling the config.sys and autoexec.bat in the days of DOS and Ultima 7. :)

Your guide was well written and easily followed even by someone with no prior knowledge of Fallout modding, if the script compilers are going to be dodgy with later operating systems though it would probably be worth uploading a compiled script and linking to it from the end of the article in case others have the same problem I've had.
For Jonny and others who may be having trouble getting the antiquated FO2 script compilers working, I uploaded a small file containing the two compiled scripts discussed in my article ( and to the NMA "Files" section, but it may be a few days before the download appears as it has to be approved by an NMA administrator first. I strongly encourage everyone to try the modding project on their own, but if you're having trouble these files should help. If you're having trouble with the first part of the article involving using the Fallout 2 Mapper, as I mentioned before to mdqp you could use the proto and other files from Grandson of Sam's "Miria for Real" for RP 2 mod with no problem.

There is currently a small problem in all the RP 2.0 npc scripts (including Miria's) involving how the npcs receive a temporary strength bonus if you buy them an evening with one of Miss Kitty's ladies at the Cat's Paw in New Reno. When the best way to address this problem is figured out, I'll update my article at the modding wiki and perhaps at that time upload all the files for the mod discussed there to NMA. In the meantime, just make sure your npcs don't have a weapon equipped if you treat them to an evening at the Cat's Paw.

Thanks again, I'm glad you found the article helpful. Once the script download is here at NMA, if you have any other questions don't hesitate to ask.

Your point is a very persuasive one, and I agree. The game is better in general if the player brings a little imagination with them, and an overemphasis on "realism" often only serves to break the player's immersion in the environment since it highlights other areas of the game that will never be realistic. If a cow can stand in combat against some deathclaws without running away, it's not really a stretch to imagine a cow can lay on the hood of a moving car, either.
Sorry if this all seemed unresolved; the project has been fully playable for some time now. Your options for getting it into your game would be:

a) If you have the Fallout 2 mapper installed and have a script compiler tool, just follow along with the tutorial; you'll learn a lot of interesting things about Fallout modding and have a fully functional mod when you're done;

b) If you have the Fallout 2 mapper installed but don't have a script compiler tool, then download the compiled scripts from NMA and follow along with the first part of the tutorial to make the proto files;

c) If (a) or (b) aren't for you, then download my scripts from NMA and download Grandson of Sam's "Miria for Real for RP 2.0" mod (I don't have a link handy but it's on the RP bug report page at the modding wiki). Use the pro files, party.txt, and pro_crit.msg from Grandson of Sam's mod plus,, and mcmiria.msg from my download.

After killap releases his updated RP 2.1 I'll check for continuing compatibility and probably replace my current upload to NMA with a full mod including all the protos, etc. But it's not necessary to wait for that if you're starting a new game right now. One thing to keep in mind is that Miria currently, like all the other RP 2 npcs, will have a small problem of gaining permanent bonus strength if you buy her a visit with one of Miss Kitty's ladies in New Reno without first having her unequip her weapon. I'll fix that in the tutorial when I also update my upload at NMA. Other than that, though, I've playtested the mod very extensively and haven't run across any other bugs with it.
Okay I am willing to learn, but uh, what are the biggest differences between a)-b) and c)?

Will I miss something vital while going for c)? :shock:

All three paths lead to a similar destination. You'll learn some stuff that you may want to try on your own someday if you follow along with my tutorial, but not everybody is interested in how this stuff works so the third option is fine too. The main thing is to have fun.

If you use the pro files from Grandson of Sam's more traditional Miria mod, Miria will have a little different skill development and end up a tougher fighter (more APs, higher stats, more HP) when she's at her max level as opposed to what I recommended.

I forgot to mention in my last post that you'll need to update the text file vault13.gam as well, regardless of whether you start from scratch or use downloaded files. The file is in Fallout2\data\Data, and the change required is to add five lines on to the very end of the file:

GVAR_MIRIA_ASK1TIME :=0; // (791)
GVAR_MIRIA_ASK2TIME :=0; // (792)
GVAR_MIRIA_ASK3TIME :=0; // (793)
GVAR_MIRIA_SEXTIME :=0; // (794)
GVAR_MIRIA_WANTS :=0; // (795)

All this info and more is discussed in my article over at the modding wiki.

On the other thing with Bess the Cow, it's been a while since I actually played all the way through an entire game (going to the Enclave, etc) as I usually stop my games in New Reno (before the loot issue gets too ridiculous). As I wanted to make a full playthrough of RP 2, I've been looking along the way for possibilities of other interactions for Bess. Since I'm nearing the end of my current game, I'll probably make all the Bess code available after I finish my current game and polish it a bit.
Well, thanks for the info. Appreciated. :-)

By the way, this may be slightly OT but are Miria and Davin included in the RP NPC Armor mod and do they change character models according to the armor etc.?

The Armor mod on wikia mentions only the other companions(even Dogmeat, lulz).
Hi. New to the forums. Wanted to say great work by the way with the modding of Miria. Though i am currently experiencing a problem (as a result of this mod) that forces me to shut down fallout 2 through task manager. When i try to have sex with Miria, when she is wearing armor, the screen goes black and does not go away. When i remove her armor, it works just fine.

I have the RP mod installed (v. 2.04 d) and have your pre-made mod installed. I have the NPC armor enabled as well. I know this is not game breaking, but it would be convenient to have this fixed. Thanks again for the great mod.

P.S. sorry if this has been addressed already, I'm going out the door and don't have time to search.
I'm about to start a RP playthrough, and I'm hunting for mods that'll keep the game feeling fresh. I may go through your tutorial before I do, I might learn something.

Or I'll finally embrace all those years of repression and whip up a Davin mod.
Recon Rover Rick said:
So does this work with RP 2.1?

Aye, I would also like to know that.

Unfortunately, I am not on my computer right now... so anyone would mind checking out if the version above works with 2.1?
Recon Rover Rick said:
Hmm. Either no one knows, or everyone thinks its a stupid question unworthy of an answer.

Endocore is the creator and best to answer you...the man has been missing in action recently.