Sonny, I Watched the Vault Bein' Built!

Any hints on a good site to find those on? I'm sure I can find them via googling but asking is so much lazierUniversalWolf said:I like ToEE, but it definitely requires a ton of effort from the player to get going. You have to search out the user-made patches, and then the story starts out really slow. On the other hand, the combat is excellent, and the story picks up once you get past the early parts. If you remain determined and don't give up, you'll be rewarded.

Wasn't offended in the least, especially considering that I know where you're coming from. I really don't know where the trend started but I know that Yatzhee's helped to popularize the hatred because he has fans who revere him (it's been on these boards and others since before him).Kyuu said:Apologies, I didn't mean to imply you were. But there is something of a stigma regarding JRPGs in general around these parts.
Oh it certainly shined in parts. The music, particularly during the intro, was extremely captivating (I was extremely excited to play it after watching the intro scene for the first time and enjoyed the beginning of the game greatly). The world/environments are quite good but I thought that Viper Mansion clearly stood above the rest of the game, which I'm pretty sure is at least partly due to Radical Dreamers. I agree that Kidd was a well designed and explored character and thought that Serge was fine, I just wish that they would have put that effort into a few other characters and trashed the rest.Kyuu said:All quite true. I still enjoyed it for the music, world/environments, and Kidd (probably the only character with any real development).
Indeed and I enjoyed what I've played, other than the slow downs (which I really only noticed in towns, though I'm sure it happened during some of the cut scenes as well). The pains of crappy ports.Kyuu said:I assume you are referring to the PS2 port, as the original Dreamcast didn't have those issues (unless my memory is completely faulty). But yes, you're right, the slow-down in the PS2 version is a bit worse than my use of the word "occasional" probably implied.
I need to dig up an old article in a gaming mag that I have, I swear that it said something about your choices determining how the main character looks later in the game, though it wouldn't surprise me if I'm completely wrong. I wasn't suggesting that the gameplay had anything to do with Fable.Kyuu said:I'm wondering if you're thinking of a different game or if maybe you just got something from another game mixed in, as there's really no parallels between Skies of Arcadia and Fable at all that I can think of, other than some basic RPG mechanics. But yes, you really should try it out. One of my all time favs.