Second streak of Bioshock reviews

Brother None

This ghoul has seen it all
Couldn't resists, as Bioshock is still breaking all the records (all XBox 360 reviews):<blockquote>Taken as a whole, as an experience that's richly and utterly complete, and one that engages the player in a constant dialogue, BioShock is virtually unassailable. And that makes you feel good. - 1up

There is art here, despite what many would say isn't possible with games, from Roger Ebert to game designers like Hideo Kojima...BioShock stands as a monolithic example of the convergence of entertaining gameplay and an irresistibly sinister, engrossing storyline that encompasses a host of multifaceted characters. This is an essential gaming experience. - IGN

Bioshock leaves you to figure things out for yourself. It's a gruelling game of resource management, and as the ammunition dries up, you end up having to improvise. And more often than not, Bioshock will reward you heavily for thinking outside the box. - TeamXbox.</blockquote>Link: 1up review (100/100).
Link: Gamespy review (100/100).
Link: Gamepro review (100/100).
Link: Console Gameworld review (99/100).
Link: IGN review (97/100).
Link: Team Xbox review (95/100).
Link: Xbox World 360 Magazine UK review (94/100).

Metacritic aggregates at 98/100 right now, which is the XBox 360 record with some margin over Gears of War and Oblivion (both 94/100). We'll see how it holds up.

In other words, 2K Boston updated the Bioshock site to "version 3.0", the final iteration, with a heap of new videos. They also put up the final Q&A with Ken Levine for this game.

Almost a pity. I honestly doubt it can live up to this, which is a waste of a good game. Hype, the ultimate experience-killer.

PS: I never realized this, but Baldur's Gate II actually aggregates better than Oblivion, 95/100 vs Oblivion's 94/100. Go figure.

That is ridiculous. If a game were that perfect they wouldn't have been able to stop playing enough to write a review and would still be playing it non-stop decades from now.
I just went to the site and it said it was coming out in 4 hours. Then I noticed the trailer and decided to take a look. While I liked the art and music, I found myself hating the game play. Why? Because its the same as every other FPS I have ever seen! Don't people ever get tired of FPS?

If only it was turn based...
Brother None said:
You can't play Bioshock for decades, it has online activation :P

Is that just the PC version? Cause I don't have a PC capable of playing it and I can't connect my 360 to the internet. :shock:
Davaris said:
I just went to the site and it said it was coming out in 4 hours. Then I noticed the trailer and decided to take a look. While I liked the art and music, I found myself hating the game play. Why? Because its the same as every other FPS I have ever seen! Don't people ever get tired of FPS?

If only it was turn based...
Personally I didn't like one thing in the trailer - sheer amount of bullets that one has to put into a target to make it die - an annoying FPS cliché that IMO didn't fit the game's atmosphere.
I mean, everything looked so serious and so realistic and then that...
I'll try the demo (if they release the PC version) and maybe pick it up based on that. I do like the artwork and the modeling, I loved system shock! But I am sick of game companies letting me down... I just want real choices that matter and depth. The hype machines do get too ramped up nowadays. You really have to wonder about some of these reviewers!
looks like all the other awesome ass breakthrough FPSes that come out every 4 months...that I play for 5 hours, spend 1 week tweaking the .cfg to, spend 1 week reading forum posts about, and then I forget it's name.
NukaColaClassic said:
BioShock looks incredible. And I hope the above poster is joking about "turnbased."
Hi NCC! How're you doing?

Anyway, ANY game with a good setting and/or a good story would be much better if the combat was turn based. ANY game, except, of course, those that already ARE turn based. Just the same, most things could be much better if they were completely different.

BioShock with turn based tactical combat would surely be completely different regarding the gameplay approach, but it could prove to be a much much better one. I don't know, I haven't played the game, so...

Sorrow said:
I mean, everything looked so serious and so realistic and then that...
This holds more truth than it looks.
Davaris said:
I just went to the site and it said it was coming out in 4 hours. Then I noticed the trailer and decided to take a look. While I liked the art and music, I found myself hating the game play. Why? Because its the same as every other FPS I have ever seen! Don't people ever get tired of FPS?

If only it was turn based...

Whatever happened to the "We don't talk about (insert game here) and say it should be turnbased" talk?

Bioshock is really that great. And, it certainly doesn't play the same as "every other FPS".

If you want to miss out on it because of the "hype" that's really your call. But you will be missing out on a masterpiece.

Seems to me a lot of people are round here are far too concerned with not being mainstream.
I suspect Bioshock is a great game, worthy of praise, but 100% is idiotic.

Mind you, when the media gives shitty games scores of 97% there isn't much left to manoeuvre with when something truly brilliant comes out.... this is even worse when they are using the even more crippled out of 5, or out of 10 systems.

Time for reviewers to move away from scores and use the text to review a game, concluding with a short summary if necessary. Would piss off marketing departments though - you can't slap a summary onto a box-front sticker :)
ratsnack said:
fuck yeah im concerned about not being mainstream !!!

Yeah, well the need to "not be mainstream" is a personality trait that's pretty much identical to the need to fit in.

Like what you like. And don't worry if others like it, or don't. It shouldn't lessen your enjoyment of something, if almost everybody else enjoys that thing too, anymore than if very few people enjoy it.
Jiggly McNerdington said:
But I want to be a unique snowflake. :(

That fits your nipplepinching sig very well

Autoduel, thanks for the unasked for and unnecessary amateur psychology. You enriched all our lives :salute:
Aw come on, there's a difference between sarcasm and just being an asshole. Just can't decide which one describes it better :lol: