Senegal and North Korea?


Vault Senior Citizen

(CNN) -- Senegal on Saturday unveiled a colossal statue during a lavish ceremony amid reports of criticism over the monument's construction at a time when the western African nation is struggling financially.

The 164-foot structure -- about a foot taller than the Statue of Liberty -- shows the figures of a man, a woman and a child, arms outstretched, facing the Atlantic Ocean.

President Abdoulaye Wade says the statue, which he designed, is a monument to Africa's renaissance. Critics say the opulent copper structure is merely the product of the president's own self-indulgent vision and poor governance.

North Korea, which made the statue's construction possible, also sent Wade a congratulatory message, the state-run Korean Central News Agency reported.

In exchange for the money to build the statue, North Korea received a piece of Senegalese land, Abrassart said.

The message from top North Korean official Kim Yong Nam "expressed belief that the friendly and cooperative relations between the two countries would grow stronger in various fields in the future, too," according to KCNA.

That's a bit out of left field, but what's North Korea going to do with a piece of land in Senegal? :scratch:

The statue thing is a bit of a lame duck, but all leaders like to build things that might outlast them. :lol:
Yeah, but in regards to the statue since the President says he designed it he demands 30% of all the profits the damn thing makes. So its also for personal gain.
Starseeker said:
That's a bit out of left field, but what's North Korea going to do with a piece of land in Senegal? :scratch:
Building the communistic dream land they always imagined :mrgreen:
Does anyone get a flashback from Command and Conquer 95 NOD Africa missions when reading this?
It's interesting to hypothosis North Korea's intentions and reasoning on setting up a foothold in Africa.

Are they purely economic intentions to use the natural resources of the region through trade to help strengthen it's economy? Or is it a threat against western interests in the region? Probably both? This is an interesting move to say the least.

The statue is of consequence being that symbols like this are ancient forms of political socialization and propaganda used against the populous and enemies, so.

The enemies against Senegal's president are the enemies against North Korea? Or is it just a pragmatic play on the fence to acquire land and resources?

One would guess from North Koreas statistics economically that it can't outstretch itself this far. Maybe we were wrong and they are feinting another move into something else.

Africa has so many resources, and if they get a grasp on them somehow the whole market will turn upside down.
North Korea may be alot of things, but stupid isn't one of them.

That video though, I can't believe...what the fuck.

Also, Troposphere is such a shitty name for any space vehicle.


Translation: it was built entirely with Congolese materials, including powder milk cans for the fuselage.

The chief engineer says "I was worried it would fall down on me. Then woooooo!"

The research minister: "with this Africa is going to conquer space".

Newscaster: "the scientists are hoping to put satellites into orbit. With this launch, there's only about 300 km to go".

Seriously, I could build a better and more successful rocket myself, at home. Maybe I could even have a useful payload, unlike the rat (!) they sent up. Which promptly turned into a fireball.
Those of African decent are found to have a lower I.Q. than all other races, except for Australian Abos. Pure Africans have even less, at around 70 I.Q. See "The Bell Curve"
Like monkey see, monkey do, these negros are trying to put together a space capsule with literally no understanding of chemistry, Aerodynamics, Metallurgy, Advanced Computer guidance, high temp physics and all the other subjects Whites struggled with for 100 years to get to space.

It is not amusing, it is sad.
It's not a race thing. It's a consequence of the complete lack of education for a large portion of the populace. If they lived in the pre-industrial societies they had before colonization, it wouldn't be a problem. But when futilely attempting to start a space program when they don't even have means to feed themselves or have any form of economical stability, it's a big problem.
But when futilely attempting to start a space program when they don't even have means to feed themselves or have any form of economical stability, it's a big problem.

Yeah, tell that to India...
Like monkey see, monkey do, these negros are trying to put together a space capsule with literally no understanding of chemistry, Aerodynamics, Metallurgy, Advanced Computer guidance, high temp physics and all the other subjects Whites struggled with for 100 years to get to space.
That wouldn't be a problem. They could just copy technology from the west and go with that.

Rocketry is a relatively simple thing. With enough money even idiots can put a rock in orbit. The problem arises with fineries such as orbital control, reentry and safety.
Crni Vuk said:
guys seriously stop that africa is retarded crap. Its pretty close to rasicm you know ...

No, it's not.

That's like calling people racists because they say Africa is poor. Which it is. They're not "retards" like you understand the term, they're retards from a Western educational point of view. That is, using IQ tests. It's no surprise either, considering many of them haven't been to school.

I bet they're great at herding and farming. Rocket science, not so much. And it's not a simple thing, at least not for them.

I'm equally opposed to India's space and defense programs.
I bet they are all just pissed scared and stupid from the prospect of another tribe popping up out of nowhere with machetes and huge AIDS infected penises.
Blakut said:
But when futilely attempting to start a space program when they don't even have means to feed themselves or have any form of economical stability, it's a big problem.
Yeah, tell that to India...
victor said:
I'm equally opposed to India's space and defense programs.


What the fuck is the problem with India ? It's the biggest democracy, they're industrialized and on their way to become better developed.
Unlike any African country trying to shoot painted lead pipes in orbit, India has resources it exploits itself, it has high tech equipment and qualified engineers and has an effective heavy industry. The guy in the first video I linked said "It all started like that, that's how plains started, that's how cars started...", but contrarily to India, Congo has no automobile industry, not even bike industry.
So yes, India is not a heaven of stability and prosperity, but it's got the means to pursue its goals, and there's nothing to be opposed too unless you're an Indian citizen, it ain't no colony no more ! :P