Senegal and North Korea?

India has a lot more pressing issues to deal with than it's space program.

The United States doesn't count because it's so Free Market batshit over here all arguments are voided every market quarter, and then valid again next year.
))<>(( said:
India has a lot more pressing issues to deal with than it's space program.

ALL countries ALWAYS have A LOT more pressing issues to deal with than space conquest, India is not different, in any way.
For superpowers, especially the United States, NASA is the governments endgame investment. The potential research from their programs are used to forest in a future of technological and economic discoveries and mastery for our current status quo.

India on the other hand, isn't a major player when it comes to the macro game of social structures as a whole.
Unlike the India fanboy up there, I hope most here realize the rampant poverty and social inequalities in India (cast system anyone?) that absolutely need to take precedence over bragging projects like a space program, or a huge copper statue that will fall apart in a decade.

Santoka said:
ALL countries ALWAYS have A LOT more pressing issues to deal with than space conquest, India is not different, in any way.


Most Western countries with an active space program don't have streets riddled with human corpses. Your comparison is absolutely ridiculous.
Victor hasn't been to South Central.

Okay, South Central isn't that bad.
))<>(( said:
India on the other hand, isn't a major player when it comes to the macro game of social structures as a whole.
Neither was Portugal when it decided to invest in overseas expeditions. The analogy is flawed, but in the end, India has the means to start, continue and explore this particular goal ; they should invest that money in its population, but so should any country.
Unlike the India fanboy up there, I hope most here realize the rampant poverty and social inequalities in India
lol@indiafanboy, thanks Switzerland fanboy. ;)
Yet, as I said, India has resources it exploits itself, it has high tech equipment and highly qualified engineers and has an effective heavy industry. Developing all this has ALREADY taken precedence over the well-being of the whole of the population. Now that they can, they do. I'm not rooting for India, I just don't really understand the animosity.
Most Western countries with an active space program don't have streets riddled with human corpses. Your comparison is absolutely ridiculous.
I made no comparison. But of all countries with a space program, none has a perfect utopian society, all could use the money to further enhance the living conditions of its people. India, more, that's true.
While I approve attempts of the Brazilian government on space exploration and study (mainly because our space program is quite compatible with our finances, structure and objectives, for now), I think that sometimes India takes that BRIC thing too far.

Being a BRIC means "developing your economy and social standards so someday we will be developed, not developing nations". Now if you start taking some actions as you were already one of the big guys, such as spending money on sending men to moon, developing nuclear weapons and stuff, (unless you are already in that context, as Russia is, I think) thats being stupid. Can't you wait till the day you already ARE a developed nation to do that shit? Can't you spend that money better, for now, in education and health and social programs, so in the future you have more and better scientists? Thats just being impatient.
Finally the Chosen One gets the recognition he deserves….
victor said:
Crni Vuk said:
guys seriously stop that africa is retarded crap. Its pretty close to rasicm you know ...

No, it's not.

That's like calling people racists because they say Africa is poor. Which it is. They're not "retards" like you understand the term, they're retards from a Western educational point of view. That is, using IQ tests. It's no surprise either, considering many of them haven't been to school.

I bet they're great at herding and farming. Rocket science, not so much. And it's not a simple thing, at least not for them.

I'm equally opposed to India's space and defense programs.
Yes, and we all know how reliable those "western" IQ tests are.

Retard means Retard in my book. And I find it pretty offensive. Are many African nations poor ? Sure. Is the knowledge and particuilarly industrial evolution in certain fields low ? Sure as well. But to start now to go with IQs or what ever when there are not even any reliable tests around is a bit streching it dont you think ? Intelligence has many meanings and a simple IQ test is not a reliable source for that anyway.

I mean only cause many of them have grown up without electricity and flowing water at home doesnt mean africans are inherently less inteligent. Not that I want to accuse you would have claimed such a thing (which I think you havnt), but such IQ, retard etc. statements are pretty borderline.

If you think africa doesnt possess the needed infrastructure and education system to offer its population the same chances and possibllities like the western nations to aquire the same standarts in science and engeniering like more wealthy nations, then why not simply saying that. It would be much more accurate at least then simply saying they possess a lower IQ compared to US/Europe.
from Anglo-Norman retarder, from Latin retardāre (“‘to retard’”), from re- + tardus (“‘slow’”)
1. Delayed in development.
retarded growth
Well, read about it. You'll learn that first, it is NOT hereditary in its whole, and the minor hereditary factor is still questioned. You'll also learn that when it's not flawed and substantially useless, the tests, calculations and rankings are just outdated or badly designed/operated.
Wow, talk about a topic that touches on everything.

We have a giant statue in Senegal, we have space programs in Congo, and now we have IQ tests. Multifunction topics FTW.

On each, at least the statue looks cool. However, I agree, it's pretty much a waste of money unless it receives a huge tourist boost to the region that brings in funds. But... that's not likely. So as is, it definitely could have gone to better places.

Space programs are cool but for developing nations, there are definitely areas that warrant higher priorities.

And IQ tests are silly and would definitely be influenced by the development of your region and how much education you've received.

Whew. That's a wrap.
Dragula said:
IQ is hereditary.
And your point is ?

Dragula said:
Actually studies have proven that IQ affect how rapid you learn new things.
Which tests are you talking about ?

I find IQ tests and its result quite interesting cause there is not even a clear definition what "inteligence" really means. I am sure enough people that had a education in certain schools might be eventualy have more knowledge in general compared to some African nomad. But do they have what it needs to survive even one day in the Kalahari Desert ?

There are many forms of inteligence and one should not take those IQ tests even the big ones that serious. Its a complex topic and there is still a lot of research needed.
I like it too

1. Statues are ok. They can inspire people, improve a location aesthetically, provide some background to cool graffitis or be a source of metal in times of need. Also without statues people cant topple them to mark the "Beginning of a new age".

2. Space Programs are cool. When the next big rock is about to hit, it will be good space program that could save our collective asses, not a food program. I would still do both of course and neglect some other areas like war, financial bubbleblowing and statue… well, other things.

3. IQ-Testing under carefully controlled scientific circumstances can tell us a lot. Using it as some na-tion- or worldwide indicator of how smart people are tells us nothing. Using it to tag a science!-number to whatever argument is going on so it sounds good shows only that the test has been failed.

4. India got nukes. If you got nukes, you want some effective delivery-system for them. ICBM's are an effective system. Orbital space-programs are better than ICBM-R&D because it sounds better and you can use the stuff even if there isn’t a war going on (deploying satellites instead of warheads). What if they want to toss nukes at someone that isn’t a neighbor? To me it sounds quite logical what they are doing. Besides, orbital-Space programs can be quite profitable and not just a status-symbol for a na-tion. And some people might want a GPS of their own, communications of their own, weathersatelites, spysats… there is a lot of things that can be done in space and not every country wants to be dependant on the US to provide those services just to save some bucks.

5. Studies have proven…. I wonder how long it will be until the statistical studies method to "prove" something will be used in exact-studies. Imagine: "of 57 people polled 2+2 equals 4 in 9 cases, 7 in 14 cases and I dunno in 33 cases. One guy is still struggling with the question". So the correct answer is maybe or perhaps I dunno, but it proved that we need more grant-money to look into this. Every time I read a paper with an article about a study that has proven this or that I die a little inside. Although it can be quite amusing to track down the actual study and read it.