Shelter combat teaser

Thanks quietfanatic, spadthebad.

the trailer looks nice...but i wish they had made a music for it by themselves.

While I am flattered by the notion that the trailer may fool someone(as unlikely as that may be) into thinking that we are a real gaming company, with a dedicated audio department, in reality we are two guys, making this game in time we can spare away from our existing jobs.

Oh, and the music is actually present in both 28 * films. In 28 Weeks Later, in particular, its used at the beginning.
Good job on the progress. I'm happy your still working on this. This video is a lot more of result then a lot of projects that end up being tossed. I thought it was a great trailer. Of course I can be skeptical but I'm happy you both spend your free time working on this. If I can't make this, then I have no right to criticize it. So far so good. As I understand some things are temporary but its very good progress. Thank you!
shihonage said:
Like several things in the engine, it's temporary. Right now its just recycled 3 frames from death animation.

very nice mate. i hope you will have much success with your project.
Thanks goffy59, repbomb, Harahvaiti.

requiem_for_a_starfury said:
More of the mechanics on screen would be nice, even if it's simple dice rolls scrolling up the side of the screen.

We're moving toward that in future video(s).

Sorrow said:
What are your plans for game mechanics?

The idea is to use core Fallout game mechanics as starting point and expand on them with our own ideas and certain things that were hard to do on 1997 hardware.

It's a lot more specific than that, but I'll feel more comfortable talking about this after the third video, because now with rudimentary combat mechanics/stats/inventory in place, and the basic dialogue/quest system being next, things are finally starting to be tied together, and its a time of settling a lot of those issues.
Hey shihonage, once you get more fleshed-out mechanics and have something ingame to show that doesn't use temporary graphics, you definitely need to rotate word, at least around the Codex, Watch and GameBanshee.
Brother None said:
Hey shihonage, once you get more fleshed-out mechanics and have something ingame to show that doesn't use temporary graphics, you definitely need to rotate word, at least around the Codex, Watch and GameBanshee.

Well, our bottom HUD is no longer just a "color-swapped bitmap stolen from Fallout", except for the general layout. Inventory is next... however, the in-game tiles and animations are a tremendous amount of work, and will likely remain "temporary" for a long time, if not forever.

If they do remain "temporary" forever, due to no company willing to finance new graphics or to license them from FO:T guys, we can still distribute the game without them and require the user to insert a FO:T disc for one-time asset extraction. That's plan B.

However with the increased popularity of "budget indie titles" and things like Steam, I am pretty optimistic about the outcome, even if it is far away.
Replacing the tiles should be possible, To_an, TW and Señor DeLuxe have done some high quality custom tiles. They haven't been on the modding forums for a while, but if you were to email them they might have enough unreleased work to make a few totally original maps for a start.

Replacing the sprites is going to be harder, practically since FOT came out we've been bemoaning the lack of a sprite editor that could handle the characters but over a year after we finally get two and no one has come forward to say they are working on replacement armours etc. It's just so much work to render all the animations and directions. Would your engine be capable of supporting 3d character models and 2d backgrounds? You might find a lot more people willing/capable of producing just models and not renders.
shihonage said:
Well, our bottom HUD is no longer just a "color-swapped bitmap stolen from Fallout", except for the general layout. Inventory is next... however, the in-game tiles and animations are a tremendous amount of work, and will likely remain "temporary" for a long time, if not forever.

If they do remain "temporary" forever, due to no company willing to finance new graphics or to license them from FO:T guys, we can still distribute the game without them and require the user to insert a FO:T disc for one-time asset extraction. That's plan B.

However with the increased popularity of "budget indie titles" and things like Steam, I am pretty optimistic about the outcome, even if it is far away.

i hope you will give us some options concerning inventory usage, like sorting and/or a bigger roster, because the classic FO inv was really annoying, if it contained too much stuff, and you needed something from the bottom...

is it possible at all to obtain the license?
how much would it cost?
and is it legal to borrow the files from FO:T?
Harahvaiti, there's a program called BartPE which makes customized Windows boot-up CDs for you. It's not bundled with any Windows files as not to violate any rights, but it requires you to insert a Windows CD of your own in order to generate customized, remixed content for the user.

Therefore, there's precedent. With plan B, our game will simply be remixing existing FO:T content. Remixing existing content is what mods do, anyway, except ours will be a separate executable.


Morbus, requiem_for_a_starfury, although I really do appreciate the notion, we've gotten this far by side-stepping "seemingly common-sense decisions" that got other projects stuck in the mud early on, and we will continue following this path, based on our prior experiences... including the ones that got Shelter stuck in the mud several times since 1999.

It is way, way too early to spend time discussing graphical assets, and when that time comes, we'll just have to see. The end point is, the game will be made available somehow, one way or another, even if it takes pre-existing FO:T data files to install. Given the bargain bin pricing of FO:T nowadays, it's hardly an issue.
Looks great. I always thought Fallout Tactics had more detailed graphics and more stuff in the environment it's just a shame they weren't used in an RPG.

Also I felt the animation was a dodge by "dancing" and not a hit.

The Vault Dweller
Tactics' tilesets are great; the game's sloppy level design kind of showed them in a bad light. What can be done with them is pretty impressive. The less said about the robot/calculator/OMG TECH tiles the better, but the Village, Wasteland and Ruined City sets are proper fuken peach.

I reckons making ownership of Tactics a proviso for running the mod to save you a lot of time and misery is a good plan. I can't imagine there's too much of the fanbase that doesn't have a copy lying around. Those that didn't ebay the bastard anyways.

EDIT: Another thought: any chance you could come up with an all-singing, all-dancing editor-'n'-scripting package, so we could make similar games in your mod's image? Tactics' editor was fantastic, but the game was shite; Fallout was fantastic, but the editor is shite. Would be cool if you could cherry pick the best from both worlds.
Looks quite nice =)

It is funny that there are so many little groups struggling for a similar thing.
So inefficient, it is sad.