Sonny, I Watched the Vault Bein' Built!

What do you mean they don't? What about Gibraltar? Another piece of stolen land they posses.
It's inevitable that the EU will eventually become something like a republic, confederation/confederacy or federation. Personally, I'd rather see one of the first 2 options + a firm list of freedoms that are not to be infringed, rather than seeing a true federation (which I fear is what the EU will ultimately become, although probably not in my lifetime). The EU is quickly becoming a nannystate, so it would be handy to have a list of freedoms that can't be touched (other than the universal human rights, which are not the same as what I mean).Mikey said:Talk of making the EU more efficient and more like a republic will generally get people more worried over here, I think - I don't think that even pro-Europeans want to simply become an incorporated state in a super-republic. At the moment everyone is wetting themselves over immigration and benefit tourism rather than the economy, but I think it's fair to say that they are issues that require definite consideration.
Jesus on a pogostick!Gonzalez said:One thing that always bothered me: If the UK was part of the EU why do they keep using their pound and everyone else has to use the Euro?
Ilosar said:What are the arguments in favour of leaving the EU, apart from the usual ''it's inefficient right now''? Anything unique to the UK I mean.
Alphadrop said:one of the major problems the current coalition government has with the EU is that they can't get rid of the Human Rights act while still being part of the EU.
artificial connection nonethelessHassknecht said:The british islands don't have a connection. They're, well, islands.
There's the tunnel, though, so in a way there is a land based connection.
and that is the core of the problem. As long the EU is this half assed "union" of nations, it will not really be succesfull. Not in the future. Thats my opinion. Not only because they are undemocratic, but because they can not really do more then to give "guidlines". But for a body to really work, it need something where they can actually use power to enforce those decisions. What ever if we like that or not, but thats how nations work. There can be a form of freedom and sovereignty as we see them with federalism. But even here, the core decisions HAVE to come from somewhere. At the moment, the difference between the nations as far as the important matters go, are still way to different. One good example, foreign policy. Europe? It has none. France might have totally different interests compared to Germany, particularly as France has still quite a lot of military instalations all over the world. Similar to Britain.SuAside said:The EU is far from perfect, but it's far less pushy in its guidelines & laws than what people would lead you to believe...
It's horribly organized & quite undemocratic though.
Earth said:It would help if the Euro-sceptics weren't a group of clowns. Like I said, I don't care much for the EU, but when it's a bunch of homophobic Tories and UKIP arguing against the EU you know no one's ever going to take that side of the argument seriously.
Radman said:You've said it yourself the EEC wasn't the EU it was a common trade market.
The EU is creeping towards federal determination and actively meddles with internal British Policies - immigration being a key issue.
The EU today is nothing like the EEC we joined - that's the real issue.
As I said, it's actually both. The politicians blame the EU, but the EU actually does some real meddling, too.Ilosar said:Radman said:You've said it yourself the EEC wasn't the EU it was a common trade market.
The EU is creeping towards federal determination and actively meddles with internal British Policies - immigration being a key issue.
The EU today is nothing like the EEC we joined - that's the real issue.
How is it meddling?
Is it bona fida, honest to goodness meddling, with lawsuits and all that jazz, or just the usual excuses about politicians blaming the EU for their own failures? That's what I wanna know.
Gonzalez said:What do you mean they don't? What about Gibraltar? Another piece of stolen land they posses.
The NHS is fairly unique, yes, but it differs mostly in the details rather than the overall concept. Most other systems are in some form insurance-based, but those other nations face essentially the same problem with regards to immigrants. The solution is generally to somehow exclude recent immigrants, though that can be problematic. I would also argue that that is inhumane, and that the whole exclusionary practice of nationally segregated welfare states is morally problematic to begin with -- but you're never going to find political support for that position. Not for a long time, at least.Mikey said:As for UK-specific reasons to leave the EU: at the moment the vogue thing to worry about is an influx of Eastern European immigrants coming and becoming a massive burden on the National Health Service and state schools, at a time when as a nation we are trying to save money on both. Of course every right-wing publication says this will ruin the country, every left-wing one says it will be utterly inconsequential. Presumably the truth is somewhere down the middle, but I'm not well-read enough to judge that. Plus I don't know if there are equivalent situations for other member-states - my knowledge of other countries' health services is pitiful. Is the NHS relatively unique? I have no idea.
Ilosar said:Radman said:You've said it yourself the EEC wasn't the EU it was a common trade market.
The EU is creeping towards federal determination and actively meddles with internal British Policies - immigration being a key issue.
The EU today is nothing like the EEC we joined - that's the real issue.
How is it meddling?
Is it bona fida, honest to goodness meddling, with lawsuits and all that jazz, or just the usual excuses about politicians blaming the EU for their own failures? That's what I wanna know.
That's true, except for Slovakian gypsies immigrating to the UK. Older or young, they're just milking the benefit system. It's organised crime, they're fabricating false birth-documents for imaginary children, granting them to suck up even more money from the benefit system. The same goes for gypsy immigrants from Czech Republic, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, Poland and so on, I assume.Sander said:Of course, there are legitimate arguments to be made that immigration actually supports the welfare state. Immigrants tend to be young (=inexpensive for the welfare state) and they work (=pay taxes), generally for lower pay (=more profits for national companies). The expensive inhabitants are the elderly.
Radman said:The EU has meddled in plenty of UK internal policies - the power has been slowly taken away from our elected governments and is ever so slowly shifting over to Brussels.
Take a look at the way Greece has been treated with its bailout.
My point still stands however, the British public voted to join the EEC not the EU in its current form or where its currently heading (a federal Europe.)
The EU is an Alliance, a pact, an agreement between nations. It's a give and take based on contracts and trust. To get some, you need to give some.
But of course there is the parasitic mindset to consider:
We want access to their market but we don't want foreign companies having access to ours
We want to go and work wherever we please but don't want immigrants ourselves.
We don't want to pay tolls but miss our toll income.
The EU should not meddle in our internal affairs but it should have meddled in the internal affairs of Greece, preventing them going that deep into debt.
The party was fun for quite some time and everyone was glad to join and have a go at the buffet. But now it's over (or there's a lull in it), everyone is worrying about the bills and thinks it's high time to quit the premises.
I heard Cameron blab about leaving the EU and doing bilateral deals much like Switzerland does with the EU. Well, have much fun with that folks. That just means that the discussion taking place now will repeat itself with every single deal the government tries to do with the EU. Does he or the voters really think the EU will sign a deal giving the UK all the benefits of a memberstate without any drawbacks?