Look, Ma! Two Heads!

nukepunk said:Let's get this thread back on topic, with a look at each company's track record:
-Wasteland (I think)
-Fallout 2
-Fallout Tactics
-Fallout: BOS (or POS, depending on how bitter you are)
-Van Buren (never finished)
-FO:OL (maybe)
-Fallout 3
-Fallout: NV (sort of)
I only came into the series with F3. At the time I was a huge fanboy, then I discovered the originals and learned to hate Bethesda for what they did to it.
For a while I was all for giving the rights back to Interplay, then I came across Tactics and BOS, and I loved NV, so now I have mixed feelings. It seems like Interplay destroyed their own franchise, and Bethesda just snatched it up as a purely business venture.
I included The Elder Scrolls games to give some context to Bethesda's track record, to show that they are capable of making good games. As far as I can tell, everything else Interplay has made is shlocky shit (I may be completely wrong here, I have done no research but to peruse their website a little).
I kind of like the idea of giving it all to Obsidian, but one good game (that is by no means perfect) is just not enough proof for me.
So now I'm eagerly awaiting FO:OL and Bethesda's F4, to see who can improve the most.
May I just edit that list of bethesda made games for you;
-Fallout 3
-Fallout: NV (sort of)
-My favourite game of all time - Daggerfall!
Sorry about that, but I felt the list had numerous injustices in it. Also, on a list of good games that Bethesda have made. (referring to possibly Oblivion and Skyrim) coming from an elder scrolls fanboy, Skyrim and Oblivion just don't cut the bill. Just wanted to add that. And also, I'd blame Todd Howard.