This ghoul has seen it all

The Railroad also apparently thinks killing children en masse is ok as long as you liberate some humanoid robbits.
Yeah, that is actually my biggest issue with Fallout 4 that no ending works without being a child killer.
The game basically becomes one of nuclear genocide or bust.
I would agree if it was design choice, but it's more writers incompetence as no one ever brings that issue in game.Call me crazy but in a way I think it's fitting, in that no matter what you choose innocent people in war die.
Actually I think it's one of things they got better this time. In FO3 some old guy offers you condo in his apartment tower and some pocket change (even with barter). You get less money for getting rid of numerous side quests, guy buying scrap and merchants than selling six slaves and giving a cut to Rivet City preacher for karma boost. Then you can send ICBMs from Fort Constantine and Adams base.Fallout 4 thinks nuclear holocaust is Cool. Because the writers are glue sniffing morons who don't actually understand the series. FO3 was guilty of it too (Megaton Nuke) but Fo4 takes it to the extreme.
Fallout 4 thinks nuclear holocaust is Cool. Because the writers are glue sniffing morons who don't actually understand the series. FO3 was guilty of it too (Megaton Nuke) but Fo4 takes it to the extreme.
The game ends with the Sole Survivor basically saying that humanity will fuck up again until its extinction while uplifting music plays in the background. I really doubt the writers know how to tell a decent story. They even pointlessly added a thing where ghouls are inevitably going to turn feral. A case for racial segregation, a central theme to Fallout like magic and aliens. Are they going to make psykers into elves in FO5? Or are they going to keep using drugs magic?Call me crazy but in a way I think it's fitting, in that no matter what you choose innocent people in war die.
1. And that is why they would probably feel shocked and relieved that the evil the Institute had been doing was stopped. If they weren't, then they are also evil.1. The people of the Institute don't know the atrocities are being committed. That's kind of a big deal.
2. I don't think that's how survival works in the real world. They have no infrastructure to fall back on and the actions of their leaders means everyone hates them.
3. The majority of Synths actually want to stay in the Institute as you find out when you infiltrate them that only a minority want to escape.
The game ends with the Sole Survivor basically saying that humanity will fuck up again until its extinction while uplifting music plays in the background. I really doubt the writers know how to tell a decent story.
Are they going to make psykers into elves in FO5? Or are they going to keep using drugs magic?
Fort Constantine ICBM doesn't actually launch btw.