Silver Style and Fallout 3

Brother None

This ghoul has seen it all
Carsten Strehse of Silver Style, developers of the post-nuclear game the Fall, revealed in a thread about the canning of Fallout 3 that it is not impossible for Silver Style to purchase the rights to the Fallout 3 PC game in the near future, if Interplay is selling. Here what he had to say:

<blockquote>Well, we are definatly interested in hiring some of the former Balck Isle staff. I try to get in contact with them.
I also disclose no big secret if I tell you that we have found a mayor partner for The Fall and that money wouldn't be the biggest problem when we would try to get the FO licence.
My biggest concern is the reaction of the FO community. We're all huge fans of FO here and have deepest respect for the achivements of the dev team. However, we are no Black Isle, we are Silver Style. And I'm afraid that the community wouldn't be pleased with a FO3 that wasn't developed by the original team. Even if I'm very sure that we could deliver a real stunning game.

He is very interested to know the opinion of most of the Fallout community on this matter and asked me if I could organize this for him. I don't know about you, but I find that level of interest refreshing. So please, do him and us a favour and post your honest opinion in the comments to this thread. How would you feel about Silver Style doing the next Fallout game rather than BIS?

Thanks go out to Murdoch/Godd for starting that thread. Cheers, Murdoch.
I'm all for it. They are fans of the original Fallout 1 and 2 and from looking and reading about 'The Fall' its obvious that they are capable of making a great game. Imagine what they can do with the fallout series.
Well, I think I'd prefer for Troika to do it (and if that's not possible, maybe Obsidian)...
It's okey with me. But only if they don't change too much stuff in it.

And it would be good if they ask from time to time what Puuk or J.E. think about some ideas. Maybe a consultation. I think they would help, even if they weren't working for Silver Style.

(there is still hope)
hmm... The guy does seem serious about it. As long as there are no contradictions to the other games (The real stuff - Fallout 1&2) in a possible game by Silver Style I'm ok with them making the game.
It seems like he cares for the community, something that intergay obviously didn't think was important.
Go Silver Style.

Edit: Ok took a good long look around the web site of . It's going to be a great game. I really believe these guys can make a good fallout game, with the community backing them up and showing them where they are wrong and what must be changed. If they are willing to make that commitment (that they will listen to me/you/us) I, personally, will give my blessing :)
Beggars can't be choosers! Just kidding, I'm sure Silver Style isn't that bad. I'm with the others, as long as you try and stick with the genre I'm sure we'll all love it
SickBastard said:
And it would be good if they ask from time to time what Puuk or J.E. think about some ideas. Maybe a consultation. I think they would help, even if they weren't working for Silver Style.

Carsten did mention hiring BIS employers. However, remember that the BIS people working on BV weren't exactly the ones with the most Fallout experience, then you'd have to go back to people like good ol' Timmy and MCA...or Feargus.
Go for it! If they are truly dedicated not only to gaming but to the Fallout series, it will come out fine.
I'd like Troika to get the liscense. Obsidian is a bit of a dark horse. Silverstyle are unproven in my eyes, but since they seem to care about the community, that means a big plus. My worry is their grasp of english.... I can't think of one foreign RPG that didn't consist of poor english hashed together. For a dialogue heavy game such as fallout filled with sarcasm and subtle humour, I don't know how well it would work with Silverstyle. But this is my experience with foreign games companies, maybe Silverstyle is different. So Troika for number 1, but only if they would use the liscense rather than wait a few years.
Well, it depends what his ideas for the game would be. What he would want to do with it and what the engine would be. Also, if it would be given proper devolpment time.

I assume he would be completely against buying the half made VB or the the engine it was being made on, so I would like to see what the engine he would devolp it on could do.

I think he can easily get fan support if he spells out where he would take the game (assuming we agree).

Anyways, I rather have them take a shot then have the series die.
Mr. Teatime said:
I can't think of one foreign RPG that didn't consist of poor english hashed together.



Though maybe I missed the poor english bits in that, seeing as my native language is pretty germanic, but I usually do catch poor English quickly, and I didn't spot any in Gothic, which is German.
As long as they keep the story lines straight, play straight with the community, and actually LISTEN and CONSIDER the suggestions (with the ability to explain the decisions, i.e. JE), then go for it.

At least FO wouldn't die in the horrible fashion it's doing now.
I'd like Troika to get the liscense. Obsidian is a bit of a dark horse.

I see both as doubtful

Silverstyle are unproven in my eyes, but since they seem to care about the community, that means a big plus. My worry is their grasp of english.... I can't think of one foreign RPG that didn't consist of poor english hashed together.
For a dialogue heavy game such as fallout filled with sarcasm and subtle humour, I don't know how well it would work with Silverstyle. But this is my experience with foreign games companies, maybe Silverstyle is different.

great point
I would really like Mr. Strehse to come on to the boards and talk to us about his ideas for the game. The direction he would like to go with it.

I think thats the only way he will be able to really see if fans would agree.
I'd put my money on Trokia to actually do something with it if they aquired it, I agree with Teatime that Obsidian is a black horse.. I know nothing of SilverStyle.
I think SilverStyle, if they keep to the right facts about the FO world then I see now problems with them at all :)

Go for it SilverStyle!
Ideally I'd like Troika to make it, but that's probably not going to happen. I do like the fact that Silver Style are enthusiastic about doing it, but I'd have to hold out judgement until The Fall gets released. I did play the Soldiers of Anarchy demo for a bit which seemed pretty good, but can't really recall much of it now - I'll dig it out and give it another shot. Overall I'm with Ozrat: I'd rather have someone making FO3 than have it on a shelf forever, especially if the people making it are fans of the game.
Yea, I'd like to see The Fall first as well.

BTW, did they already contact BIS to see if the name was for sale on the PC? Anyone?
That is something in their favor. I'd be willing to bet SilverStyle wouldn't deviate from the canon too much. Something like this "needs" to be made by "fans" at this point.