Silver Style and Fallout 3

please please please make fallout3!!! i waited so many years hoping they would make this game.. and now this :(

I know its not the same as if BIS made it, but cant they just give some input to the game ? or you could hire them or SOMETHING! ANYTHING!

If Silver Style was to make fallout3 would they have to start all over or could you just keep going where BIS stoped ?

this reminds me of back when cavedog's Good&Evil was droped :( , please dont make us miss out on this game to.
I agree with many of the points above. I also think that while we are sad to see BIS go, and our hearts go out to them, we are fans of a game more than a company. Even if we are grateful to that company for what it has given us, we want a continuation of a game that we have come to hold dear.

I think it's inevitable that there would be changes in the look and style of the game. But then we were going to get something different with FO3 anyway. I don't think anyone picking up the game should change the back story, the setting, the history, and freedom of choice of FO 1 and 2.
I don't think Silver Style would do a very good job of F3. They don't seem to know how to cancel a game... hee hee...

If they could get hold of the alpha and finish that then I think they would be on a surefire winner... so long as Interplay don't rip 'em off in the sale and fuck 'em over with restrictions.
@|Ausir|: Sorry, got my facts wrong, it was obviously RT with pause. But I still have no doubt about their dedication to the fans after spending some time on their boards.

As for the games Silver Style have made, I am not sure about that. From their site I found:

@Briosafreak: Indeed, but not to worry. I keep an eye on Fallout anyway :). Or I kept... :(

Regarding RT with pause I believe they would listen to the Fallout community and make at least a TB option. But you should ask Carsten if you are worried :)
At this point, I only trust the current (former) developers to see the project to its end.

Wherever the majority of the team goes, I'll follow.
I want Silver Style to stay the FUCK away from Fallout.

They have the skills, but they have no talent. Nor appreciation of Fallout's more subtle aspects, it seems.
I dunno, you cant really base how the actual game will turn out until it comes out. As much as I hate to see things end this way, I probably wouldnt mind if a majority of the team were rehired by SS to finish the game. As of now, they have my support if they hire the old team members. Other than that, maybe a fan-made mod.
If SS were to buy the game then its possible they might buy what has been developed already.

If interplay (I spit on the bitch) is to go for console games in the future, they might get rid of what BIS has developed for Van Buren along with it. COnsidering how poor Interplay is, SS might be able to buy it cheap.

If SS doesn't have to rebuild the wheel complete, then they would basically be continuing what BIS started. That would be cool.
Fallout was a rare masterpiece, it would be mistake to for Silver Style to try and follow it with their own effort. They gain little but scrutiny, even a very good game would fall apart when it became Fallout 3.

We are so critical and the expectations would be so high that, well it would be ugly.

Make the fall, and let us appreciate it on its own merits.
Geez, I feel so...important!

FWIW, I've never played anything with the Silverstyle label on it. But I do beleive that they deserve a chance.
I'd love to see it myself, they should probably wait to release The Fall first thouhg to build up some respect with Fallout fans
I think maybe they should consider The Fall 2 instead. What with the problem that Interflay would want to keep the console license and sodomize the whole setting, the fact that they already have a PA rpg, and the fact that there are some pretty damn high expectations of F3, I don't really see it worth the effort.

Maybe I am channelling Visceris but I say bury it and let it be. No matter how tempting it is to dig up the corpse and molest it one more time, this one is starting to get just a little bit too putrid.
Michael said:
I think maybe they should consider The Fall 2 instead. What with the problem that Interflay would want to keep the console license and sodomize the whole setting, the fact that they already have a PA rpg, and the fact that there are some pretty damn high expectations of F3, I don't really see it worth the effort.

Maybe I am channelling Visceris but I say bury it and let it be. No matter how tempting it is to dig up the corpse and molest it one more time, this one is starting to get just a little bit too putrid.

You make excellent points. Way to go asshole! j/k

Micheal said:
Interflay would want to keep the console license and sodomize the whole setting

What a great line! So true so true [sobs]

Regardless of the fate of the FO universe, I think many would agree that Silver Style could be the obvious successor to the FO legacy. I personally cannot foresee Troika filling the role, and Obsidian is unproven and untried as of yet.
Uh oh. As much faith as I have in Silver Style's ability to put together a great game in the Fallout Universe, FO fans tend to put canon over quality every time. Which means that once you open the doors to scrutiny and criticism, you should be prepared to be hounded by people second-guessing every decision you make.

Add to this the dozen or so completely different views fans will have of how the game SHOULD be...hrmf. There are people out there saying that FO2 wasn't a real Fallout game...I mean, WTF!? Seeking innovation will be like walking through a PR minefield.

So if you do make FO3, you will most certainly have to play it close to the vest, and if you do this you risk creating a redundant game. Choices that Black Isle would have made that you make will get bashed simply for the fact that you're not Black Isle, and pointing out that many of the remaining Black Isle folks hadn't worked on FO1 or FO2 won't help.

I would love to see Silver Style make FO3. I would hate seeing the shitstorm that would precede it.
The way I see it, your chances of actually getting the licence are very good. Think about it: Interplay has $7,000 in the bank right now, they have NO titles ready to ship for xmas and no good titles that will make them money in the future.... They NEED cash FAST, and since they no longer make PC games, selling the rights to Fallout would be the fastest way to get some cash in their pocket. When they "shelved" Jefferson it was for a different reason then Van Buren, IIRC Jeffersons demise was due to licensing shit? Or something like that... I believe Interplay actually PLANS (currently) to sell the rights to Fallout for the PC. How do I know this, you ask? Because no almost bankrupt company would cancel a game that’s half way done production and just leave it collect dust... They don’t have that kind of money to throw around. Interplay is not rich by any means! They HAVE to sell the rights in order to make pay role, to develop other games. Put yourself in the CEO's shoes: Your running a company and you just stopped making PC games, you have a half finished game from a well recognised franchise collecting dust in the basement. The game was being developed for the PC, and you no longer do PC games so the only logical thing to do is just sell the PC rights along with the already finished stuff to the highest bidder. The company makes money they otherwise would not have made, since their not doing PC games, and the stakeholders are happy, plus the fans are happy. Its win win... Interplay does not lose whatsoever, they only gain.

But then again, when has Interplay ever been the least bit logical?
I don't see how any of you guys can be so pessimistic about this situation. If SS obtains the rights along with what has been done, and stays true with the Fallout storyline there is no way that Fallout 3 will be a shitty game. SS seems to be a pretty decent company. The people who run the company pay attention to there fans and feedback on there games, and aren't afraid to make changes based on fans ideas. Plus there is a good chance they will hire some of the BIS team, along with consulting the former FAllout devs.

With all this working for them I really don't see how much can go wrong. I just want my FO3 gadammit!
I think its ok, no problem by fallout 3 be maked by Silver Style, but we must remember, Fallout 3 will not be developed by the Black Isle Producers!! So, fallout 3 may be.... how can I phrase this... Diferent!
The only way for SS to pull it off would be to get some of the key devs along with the code (if they get the code with the licence) otherwise they'll have to try and interpret it and might miss things in terms of story as well.

Taking a half finished program and giving it to a different group is never a good idea.

:deal: Well if a good company bought it that can and will finish up Fallout 3, and make it to be...well good, and following along with the originals I'd definately buy it. :) Heck I'd buy it with virtually any creator as long as it was a real Fallout 3 and not some stupid BOS type of game.

:lighten: Ya know what would be cool, if all the original BIS team created their own company, bought the licence and made it where they left off but thats only a dream, what'r the odds. :sad:

sigh...this is the worst day I've had in a long time :badmood:

Sign my petition to boycott Interplay Products, with the exception of the real BIS's games.
My feeling is that it depends on how many of the original Fallout 1 & 2 team they can get to work with them. If there's some semblance of continuity, I don't care what the company is...