Sina said:It would produced the same effect if it erased military installations or just a part of country.
Wow! How do you know this?
It's symptomatic of the topic how people "think" or "believe" a lot of things and then suddenly it's supposed to "prove" or "show" this or that, as they paint their own assumptions over what may or may not have happened. That's how a myth is perpetuated.
Mikael Grizzly said:Atomic bombs caused suffering that could've been avoided. Period.
What is this supposed to say? Of course if they hadn't been dropped, that particular suffering would not have happened. Other suffering would have happened instead, a darn whole lot of it. The same would be true for choosing not to resist the Axis forces to begin with. In a war, trying to make sure that casualties happen to the other guy and not yourself is not "the lesser of two evils" or anything, it's just what you do. People who say the atomic bombs should not have been used on any account are basically saying the Americans should have "played fair" by taking a lot of casualties onto themselves (and people in regions invaded by the Japanese) so that the Japanese wouldn't have to suffer so many of them at once. It doesn't make any sense. Also:
Kharn said:2. Sacrifice the lives of combatants, which is what they signed up for
They were draftees, not fucking clones or mercenaries. I really doubt they or their commanders would agree that they had "signed up to die" and could be sacrificed by the thousands in order to escape the moral burden of having used the atom bomb.