Sky Captain and the world of Tomorrow

Retro-Futuristic is Fallouty, so we can cover it.. I misread tho and thought it said PA.. hence why I posted pa..
Well... the doctor is TRYING to destroy the earth and if he succeeds it will be an apocalypse... ::rolls eyes::
Okay, guess that's cleared up. I have a conservative streak in me, if I'm unsure about an action, I'm more likely not to take action. Blame engineering.

Not to mention I'm at a Convention for the moment and my head is rather muddled at the moment.
I love the look of the style of the movie... it looks cool, retro... interesting... but... that does not a good movie make... it can have actors that I like... but is the script any good?... Only time and someone telling me that it is worth a see will get me to put out my money to see it.

The name... and the idea... spells disaster... could be awesome but... I don't think it will be.
What's with Flash websites and background noise?
I don't mind the noise STALKER uses, at least it's ambient, but this one's is a nightmare. Apparently the whole thing was designed by someone who earns their food by producing DVD menus, the annoyingness of both are quite identical here.

This is to everyone who thinks background music would be an addition to websites: it is NOT. Many people INCLUDING ME browse with MP3s running in the background. Now I don't mind ordinary embedded background music because I set my browser up to ignore it, but music in Flash websites is AWFUL because you can't disable it. Sounds in Flash are meant to be used for single-shot effects, not for looped backgrounds.

Lady Ronin said:
I love the look of the style of the movie... it looks cool, retro... interesting... but... that does not a good movie make... it can have actors that I like... but is the script any good?... Only time and someone telling me that it is worth a see will get me to put out my money to see it.

The name... and the idea... spells disaster... could be awesome but... I don't think it will be.

Only YOU can prevent Ellipses.
I suppose it could be somewhat entertaining...the title makes it sound lame...however that only makes me want to see it more!

The Vault Dweller
Bradylama said:
If you'd consider that a plus.

Sky Captain is about as Post-Apocalyptic as the My Little Pony treehouse.

Its more of an air-punk universe if anything. Like Crimson Skies, or that Disney cartoon where Balloo the bear flew a sea plane and was attacked by air pirates every episode.


Useless knowledge comes in handy for trivia games :)
Ashmo said:
Apparently the whole thing was designed by someone who earns their food by producing DVD menus, the annoyingness of both are quite identical here.
I disagree. I like fancy DVD menus, but I expect the buttons to actually work. More than half the buttons on this site just didn't do a thing, for whatever reason.
Briosafreak said:
It`s a cool subject isn`t it?
The subject maybe but that movie isn't.

EDIT: Ahhh! I'm a DAC Warrior now! Get it off me! Get it off me!!

Oh... actually, hang on a minute...
Conserning the conversation on page 1 of this topic - a little clarity:

Sky Captain is, via sci-fi literary definition (let`s just apply it to movies as well since they are all so uncivilized there) - STEAMPUNK. The alter/retro/futu thingies are ANACHRONISMS, loosely defined as invetions/objects that are out of sync with the eras general advancement in science.

Since Fallout does not actually take place in the 1950s/60s with laser/plasma weopons, it takes place in the 21st century, Fallout does not have anachronisms. Thus it can`t really be called steampunk even under the most vague of reasons. More solid ones - steampunk almos always has automatons, steam engines and stuff like that (Arcanum, Syberia) and a slightly victorian era gentlemenlike style to it (LXG, Hellboy).

So, perhaps there is a slight line between Fallout and Steampunk, but isn`t there a slight line between french fries and creme bonjour? After all, you CAN eat them both.

But I for one am rather interested in anachronisms and steampunk, so bring it on. Although movies like LXG anfd Hellboy have been utter garbage, Arcan7um was a nice game, I believe some of Fallout`s creators were responsible for it`s unique universe.

But this Sky Captain thing... C`mon. Didn`t Leagu of extraordinary Gentlemen teach you a lesson? This stream of steampunk movies - it`s a lost case! Read Jules Verne and let Gwyneth do her thing, if she wants to.

The question remains - why has Jude Law stuck his nose into a project like this?
Marat Sar said:
The question remains - why has Jude Law stuck his nose into a project like this?

Silence insolent fool! We do not question why Jude is any anything, we only appreciate the view and accept it as part of nature's plan to make me happy.

Also Anachronisms can easily exist in modern or futuristic settings and without being considered steampunk too.
Anytime something is presented in a time other then its own you have an anachronism, no matter if that thing is from the past or the future.
Commissar Lauren said:
Marat Sar said:
The question remains - why has Jude Law stuck his nose into a project like this?

Silence insolent fool! We do not question why Jude is any anything, we only appreciate the view and accept it as part of nature's plan to make me happy.

Also Anachronisms can easily exist in modern or futuristic settings and without being considered steampunk too.
Anytime something is presented in a time other then its own you have an anachronism, no matter if that thing is from the past or the future.

Very well put Comissar Lauren, the movie isn`t Steampunk. I wouldn`t mind if it was mind you, it`s really cool too.
Tempistfury said:
Well... the doctor is TRYING to destroy the earth and if he succeeds it will be an apocalypse... ::rolls eyes::
That'd be PA as of Pre-Apoc, not Post-Apoc ...
Been There

Been There

Oh my god, an off-topic thread in the News Section!! ...

Been to the web site. My trail was the Old Copper Trade Route: the Lumpy Camel Bypass, that two lane, gravel top, down by the T-Pee Pulp Mill and All Things Great And Small - School of Render Engineering.

Or with all the Flash 'effects', it seemed the road I traveled.

The smelly, pot holed, B side of the web.

Kind of makes one think if you're really welcome. Not the target demographic, so move along. Especially when one can't readily download and save the trailers. Getting trained for the Real Time Universe, the immediacy of vaporous entertainment, I suppose.

At least we don't have to go to some god damned pay site to wait in a line where you are always 45 minutes away. 45 minutes of commercials and pop ups. Freedom ain't "free" 'cause "free" ain't either ......

Makes one think that pushing the envelope is more about keeping the waiting time constant, and a little more, and a little more, regardless of the techno bobble on display. It's always been a waiting game.

Got to drive by a cable hook up this day, so I saw this
- artistic - presentation in it's proper medium, broadband.

And in all the tedious eye candy, .. pardon my aesthetic Luddite-ism. It's not the scratchy, itchy, noise in the speakers or the silly game they are pimping for your e-mail address and consumer 'profile'. It's the damned trailer that would sell this pic to me.

There's an
to consider.

Sorry to hold ya'll back.


Steampunk? In a larger realm of discourse, Steampunk wouldn't be reaching, or projecting, too brightly, through a unique intellectual filter onto another time and place. An excellent genre to 'ping' off for bearings.

This pulp action universe has stronger ties to the movie media of the last century. The trailers show obvious visual and stylistic referencing to the old black and white cinema of the 30's, 40's, and 50's. Not just the B pictures, but the weekly serials. More modern techniques, content, and sensibilities are at work, for it surely will be packaged and paced for the 'tomorrow' of today's audience.

Yet, one should anticipate a 'sekret' decoder ring in the mail after signing on for the Paramount spam. Or a ticket coupon on a specially marked box of breakfast cereal.


Oh my god, an off-topic thread in the News Section!! ...

Before ya'll wander off, I want you to consider that an intimate and perhaps traumatic "slip" in psychology is lurking behind the confusion of why this pic was included as "news" in a FO forum.

Now, no anti Freudian body language, so uncross your legs, and thumbs out of mouths.

Let me put this obliquely for all our brothers and sisters traumatized by FOT.

Sometimes a Blimp is just a Blimp.

... Unless it's a 'stiffy', a rigid slip, ah ship, so then it'd be a dirigible . (Techno purists and aviation buffs can relax now.)

Yes there are beloved mental links to Troika's Arcanum trailer airship. But look to the Sky Captain trailers, lots of uncondensed atmospheric vapouring, streaming by the heavy light/dark shading of film 'noire', and, ... then a dramatic lighting to focus the frame's composition. Lots of diagonals at work. Lots of highlighting of the blond babe's locks ...

And your granddad's ridgid airship ...

Maybe it's because I can see a "softie",a blimp, any time of the year in Columbus. Blimps are a weekly thing during OSU football season, and as many as 4 or 5 can be seen at the homecoming game. I've had to confront and master my "blimp fear". Had to come to terms with another FO title that wasn't - the FO we all perpetually anticipate. Had to be proactive in seeking closure or hide in the basement every home game Saturday. Confront your personal demon, take some hands on, direct therapy, and master your own "blimp fear" !

Quite the sight to see a flock of 'em puttering in a sunny afternoon skyline, off to Akron, or where ever they roost.


Edit: too many vowels. You adults can handle the adverbs, right?
You minimalists just pretend they aren't there. I know you can.

4too - 2
Numbered list time:

1- Looks about as post apocalyptic as "13 going on 30";

2- The game they have on the site sucks, glad they didnt get FO3.

3- Jolie was a plus till Billy Bob Thonton touched her, same problem as the Electra/Rodman ordeal.

4- That game sucked so much infact that i'm not going to see the movie.

5- No problem with NMA covering that, just as long as the the info doesn't get messed on the process.
Macaco said:
5- No problem with NMA covering that, just as long as the the info doesn't get messed on the process.
Hey, I've no problem with NMA covering that, in fact, I think it's good to sometimes take one's head out of his or her PA ass. The point was, it was pulp-sci-fi not PA.

Hell, my cinema budget's getting tight. Somebody please gravedig this thread when they've seen the flick! :D