Skynet Tests Its Limits

The Vault Dweller

always looking for water.

<blockquote>The U.S. Navy has admitted that it lost control of a helicopter drone during a test flight in Maryland earlier this month, leaving it to fly unguided for more than 30 minutes and 23 miles and violating Washington's restricted airspace. The drone's operators eventually regained control and got the drone safely back to base. The Navy tells the New York Times that a "software issue" caused the snafu.</blockquote>

:crazy: ,
The Vault Dweller
Honestly, if they don't want to risk drones flying over the nations capital, maybe they should stop testing shit right next door.
Why would they even admit that they lost control of it???

It looks mean as fuck, BTW... Wonder what sort of weapons it can hold :|
If i knew that thing was flying out of control in the same country as me i wouldn't bother trying to fix it, i'd GTFO of there!
I'm bored of nukes, they're so 1940's.

Bring on the FEV, I say. Or a zombie virus.
They could build small land drones on tracks with high powered rifles (NTW 20) or a machinegun and have it look through a termal sensor, making it shoot everything that is at 36-37 degrees and moves and kinda looks like a human. Parachute hundreds of these into enemy cities and wait.
Blakut said:
Parachute hundreds of these into enemy cities and wait.

this way you'll probably bring a lot of enemy civilian casualties and just piss the military off and to top it off you'll get UN on your ass
They could build small land drones on tracks with high powered rifles (NTW 20) or a machinegun and have it look through a termal sensor, making it shoot everything that is at 36-37 degrees and moves and kinda looks like a human. Parachute hundreds of these into enemy cities and wait.

Aren't human soldiers waaay cheaper ? :twisted:
The Fire Scout is supposed to A) Scout shit out B) bring supplies C) bring supplies D) bring people (sometimes, I think).

It's pr. cool when it works right

The Reaper/Predator-B have been in service for a while now, and are pretty awesome. And they fly over america, around the border with Mexico. They also carry Hellfire missiles; fire-and-forget missiles designed to take out tanks. They're pr. cool.

Blakut's drone would be terrible. You wouldn't put a big antimaterial rifle on a drone that's going to be dropped into a city. the equipment to use it effectively really shouldn't be dropped out of that sky. No, you'd want to strap on some M249's or a M240's, put a bigass belt in, and let someone remote pilot it. Making drones that automatically kill people is dumb, anyway. Soldiers have to have permission to fire, check their targets and everything, so why should drones get to have all the fun.

Also drones get can damaged, people have NVG's, PEC-2's, and thermals, soldiers are pretty good at aiming their rifles, squeezing the trigger, and slaying bodies on instinct.
I live right in DC and you see stuff like this occasionally. Like the dumb Cessna pilot that wasn't paying attention and F-15s are scrambled to escort him/her out of airspace
. Soldiers have to have permission to fire, check their targets and everything, so why should drones get to have all the fun.

Yeah?? Well i can dream about the Robot Apocalypse, can't I? Google-bots searching for humans to shoot and all sounds very robot-apocalypse to me.

A drone - i mean a tracked armored inverted bathtub with a rifle and movement/thermal detectors could deny surface area to any humans. And if it "dies" it blows up, eliminating toxic gas.
'pends. Not sure what would happen if an AMR hit the driver's tank-windshield thingy with a DU round.
Aside from it being a "helluva" shot, at best, the driver would be down. Would require human intelligence to try and make the shot though. Human stupidity, really. Logic would say to attempt to disable the treads, which would be the best you could hope for. Besides, tanks in a thermal imaging camera tend to look 'hot'. Really, hot. Like "How the fuck could I know where the window is" hot.