Skynet Tests Its Limits

Soldiers have to have permission to fire, check their targets and everything, so why should drones get to have all the fun.
Yeah but mercs don't, just look at Blackwater-I mean Xe. Just hire a contractor with them and then blame the civilian casualties on them. When there's enough complaints about them have them create a child company (or change their name) and hire them instead :twisted:
though isnt the US gouvernement the bigest contractor of those mercenaries in iraq ? Cant remember anymore but I think I have heard that while watching something about it in TV.
Wooz said:
'pends. Not sure what would happen if an AMR hit the driver's tank-windshield thingy with a DU round.

I recall reading that one of the only tanks lost in a conflict (I think it was Desert Storm, but memory is really foggy) was lost because of that. Was just after the M1A2 got introduced and it was absolutely dominating the other tanks, but a gunner got lucky and lobbed a round through the drivers slit/windshield.
I thought we didn't loose any armor in Desert Storm (Or that might be that might have been that no M1A1's or M1A2's in combat.

fake edit, actually I think it was M2's, but I'm still not sure. Either way, I still don't have faith in the Iraqi military being able to pull that off.
Meh, tanks are not invincible. Although, as far as i know, the driver doesn't look directly out, aren't there mirrors and he's looking through that slit like through a periscope?

Don't they have video cameras in the 21st century?
DirkGently said:
I thought we didn't loose any armor in Desert Storm (Or that might be that might have been that no M1A1's or M1A2's in combat.

fake edit, actually I think it was M2's, but I'm still not sure. Either way, I still don't have faith in the Iraqi military being able to pull that off.

Eh, i could be wrong about the particular period/area of conflict.

I don't believe it was a intentional shot either, lucky shot got it.

the way i look at it, the next step is DROIDs.

haha it's going to be great.

Edit: Or, just further miniturizaation. Little DROIDS flying through windows and hovering over hovels ect. getting intel. Then ICBM through the stinkpipe into the basement ect. We have that stuff.

Im really into all this military shit kinda tired of it though all that money to slay a people who's standard issue military footwear is sandals, meanwhile our guys are coming home fucked up and have to fight tooth and nail to get any help at the VA.
That's because we're not using the badass, high tech ultra speedy precise missile. Because it's too expensive. Why should the military send a half million dollar missile to blow up a target when you can just send in a platoon of dudes in piece o' shit HMMVV's. (Although they're actually phasing out the piece o' shit HMMVV's in favor MRAPs, which there isn't a lot that meets the standards of.)

Also @Aphyosis: Where I heard the "none of them lost" thing was a show on the military channel. So, god only knows as to it's accuracy. Or timeliness.
Crni Vuk said:
though isnt the US gouvernement the bigest contractor of those mercenaries in iraq ? Cant remember anymore but I think I have heard that while watching something about it in TV.
You might say that they're the only international contractor of the mercs in Iraq and either there or Afghanistan has banned Blackwater.

DirkGently said:
I thought we didn't loose any armor in Desert Storm (Or that might be that might have been that no M1A1's or M1A2's in combat.

fake edit, actually I think it was M2's, but I'm still not sure. Either way, I still don't have faith in the Iraqi military being able to pull that off.
The only armor we lost in Desert Storm was from friendly fire if I remember correctly.
They should make 30ft high battle bots on tracks, with GAU-8 Avenger's for arms and program them o shoot anything with a thermal signature. This way M1A2's won't be a problem.
oh yes that would be kick ass


Yoshi525 said:
They should make 30ft high battle bots on tracks, with GAU-8 Avenger's for arms and program them o shoot anything with a thermal signature. This way M1A2's won't be a problem.

So it would shoot.... everything?
Wooz said:
'pends. Not sure what would happen if an AMR hit the driver's tank-windshield thingy with a DU round.

nothing. because engineers thought of that possibility. as a result, almost all tanks built since 1950 have the drivers look through periscopes.


IF something happens to the driver, then it's pure chance. i remember the driver of a Marder IFV getting killed by a ricochet 7.62mm round that hit him in the head through the periscope in 1998 or so.

anyway, BTT, didn't coalition forces lose control of a fully armed mq-9 over in AFG last year? they had to shoot it down with F15s, before it could cross into tajik airspace.
DirkGently said:
Yoshi525 said:
They should make 30ft high battle bots on tracks, with GAU-8 Avenger's for arms and program them o shoot anything with a thermal signature. This way M1A2's won't be a problem.

So it would shoot.... everything?

See, that's why you don't put the brains of psychotic, drug addicted criminals into robots like the ED209. On the other hand, you put my brain into an ED 209 because ED 209 is badass as fuck.

I was thinking more -metal gear- but robo cop is right there with it all. PS that scene is like top 10 for me in movies all time. classic.
Yeah. because the best robot is the one that can be taken down by one guy, with a rocket launcher, on foot. Yeah. That's a great fucking walking death tank. Where as ED209 got it's ass kicked by Robocop. There is no shame in that. Robocop kicks ass.
SkuLL said:
Aphyosis said:
Believe it's unarmed. Surveillance only.

If you want firepower on a drone
Yeah, I've seen that beast on 'Future Weapons' - that's some freaky shit.

Makes you wonder why they still take foot soldiers to wars...

those are great for rural or open areas reconnaissance, support and engagement but no toy can replace a soldier, unless you teach them nifty little tricks like knocking on a doors, asking for ID's or inspecting a car content for starters.

besides it takes 50million for a control units and 5-10millions for each MQ-1/9 unit, while it takes only 20K to train a marine, so you make the math whats better in war's.
besides in our time wars decided pretty fast, its the guerrilla fighting that comes after that you need worry about, so i can understand the appeal in the long run no salaries, no health coverage, no pensions and no bad PR(our dead), that does sound appealing.
although history is full of those who tried to win guerrilla with their toys and advantages but counter to the popular belief there is one way to win and its putting large volume of troops on the ground.
think of it in similar terms to crime management, what stops crime lots of laws, high imprisonment times, death sentence, nice toys like cameras etc or just a lot of enforcement, because nothing deters pp-l like the chance they might get caught(or in the previous context hope)