Skynet Tests Its Limits

although history is full of those who tried to win guerrilla with their toys and advantages but counter to the popular belief there is one way to win and its putting large volume of troops on the ground.

Actually all you have to do is win the population's support. If you can do that, the guerrillas won't have any support. That's wht happened to Che Guevara...
we are speaking about wars and invading force and not civil movements right? besides the above is usually the long term goal but its a long way there... especially in lawless rural areas or in institutionalized propaganda heavens controlled by religious zealots.

SkuLL said:
It's true - if a marine dies, you just get a new one from the bag :)
how else wars was fought up until now? now everything is posted online 5min after its over, propaganda rarely works(at least outside the third world), wars look cool on TV and shooters gives you the ultimate war experience(bull) before its was just a meat grinder and best case scenario nice little lies about heroes death to the family.
mor said:
propaganda rarely works

It does work. Really well actually. Hence the bottomless bag from which you can always pull out more eager marines, ready to kick some America-hating ass...
mor said:
propaganda rarely works

More information on the origins and evolution of modern propaganda/ marketing and how "well" it works..


"His most notorious coup was breaking the taboo on women smoking by persuading them that cigarettes were a symbol of independence and freedom. But Bernays was convinced that this was more than just a way of selling consumer goods. It was a new political idea of how to control the masses. By satisfying the inner irrational desires that his uncle had identified, people could be made happy and thus docile. "

fast food



remote controls

happieness, ,then a sense of entitlement, then complacentcy, then laziness, then stupidity = the drooling masses you see in the USA. Can't speak for other countries.

I was at a few gatherings among various demographics this past month, and i am the quiet type usually, and it amazes me to hear the same conversations about ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. Too much celebrity/tv show crap. I wish i could vomit out of nowhere onto people when they start gabbing about the jersey shore.
SkuLL said:
mor said:
propaganda rarely works

It does work. Really well actually. Hence the bottomless bag from which you can always pull out more eager marines, ready to kick some America-hating ass...
the full quote will be now(today) propaganda rarely works at least outside of third world country's and was in the context of warfare and fighting guerrilla as opposed to the 'good old one'
also this bottomless bag extends to many other professions that never mentioned during the "you can be whatever you want to be, you are all special" in school.
mor said:
SkuLL said:
mor said:
propaganda rarely works

It does work. Really well actually. Hence the bottomless bag from which you can always pull out more eager marines, ready to kick some America-hating ass...
the full quote will be now(today) propaganda rarely works at least outside of third world country's and was in the context of warfare and fighting guerrilla as opposed to the 'good old one'
Still don't see what your point is. War propaganda does work and is (in some form) being used constantly no matter what part of the world you're in.
obviously it does work. The general education or economy of a nation doesnt really play much of a role in to that. The propaganda is just on a different level then. While they use here "females and vicitims" to get people support the troops in Afghanistan in other nations they use hate and racism eventualy. But its in some form propaganda nonetheless.