Irwin John Finster
Sonny, I Watched the Vault Bein' Built!

I've seen people on other forums talking about how they've never played a game with such incredible depth as Fallout 4 - specifically because of Kid in the Fridge. They think Kid in the Fridge is deep. I'll let that sink in for a moment.Guess so. The fast food generation.
It is not at all a stretch to imagine Elder Scrolls 6 to be the dumbest game ever made when you consider this. Both Bethesda and its fanboys are getting more dumbed down with every iteration of their games.
I'd like to think that Obsidian made their Herculean effort to make New Vegas in less than 2 years in part because they knew this was the only way Fallout fans would ever see a Fallout RPG again.
As for Oblivion vs. Skyrim - Oblivion is better. It had much better quests. Bethesda's games have consistently been dumbed down with every single iteration without exception. Everytime they take one step forward (like with the improved FPS mechanics in Fallout 4), they take 100 steps back (like with everything else in Fallout 4).
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