Well I may not be a professional dream analyst, I do dream often and intensely enough that they can stick with me for days. As for sleep paralysis it does seem if you want to induce lucid dreaming some may have to induce sleep paralysis. To do so, you have to turn out all lights, lay completely still, eyes open and resist all urges to move. I've tried to induce it myself because of my intense dreaming my entire life, although less frequent as I get older, wanted to experience by will but was never able to do it but have done it by accident. I do remember 5 or so years ago laying in bed. It had been a long week at work, tired, stressed to the point of crying, laying in bed. Trying to sleep with work stuck in my head. Laying in the dark. In Wyoming, silence and dark is not hard to accomplish, accidentally induced sleep paralysis may happen. My experience was... horrible. Felt short of breath, heard voices, saw shadows and was afraid but unable to move. I feel the weight of several pounds sitting on my chest with the dark image of something that wasn't there. Stealing my breath. Shortly after the horror of unable to move, slept, waking in a lucid dream. In context of time seemed like forever when in reality it was a matter of minutes or even moments but how fantastic it was to materialize things on a whim, although your mind seems to block certain things that you may want to do or see like sexual fantasies and if you want to punch someone or something there is no impact, feels like your arm is a limp noodle. I've talked about a sexual dream I had on this forum before and what context it had for me in reality so your dreams can tell you something as it is thought that dreams our the minds way of trying to solve a conscious problem unconsciously. I wouldn't recommend dwelling on them sure but in context of what the dream may be just may be your mind trying to solve a problem that may or may not be on the surface. Either way, don't dwell on it but try to take something small away from it.
For me recently my dreams have been centered around water and swimming. Here, we only have a brief moment of swimming in warm water cause winters are long and the fresh water is cold plus public pools can be down right gross, I don't get to swim that often. Recently I did have a dream centered around a fresh spring fed by a creek. I remember in this dream, the water being so clear that you could see every little pebble and every little creature that called it home, there was no stress involved, though found it odd upon wakening that I was fully clothed while swimming. I reached the shore of this clear water and waiting for me there was a group of people. Most of them were a blur and something of a mystery as they were just there. One stood out in particular, a woman, I used to love a long time ago. While I'm not using this post to dwell in the past, she was for me, perfect. Long red hair, crystal blue eyes, good physique, common interests (yadda yadda yadda) the one that got away. Haven't thought of her in many years but Jesus, this dream, she was there. In the flesh, well not really but in the dream was real enough but her hair was curly and her skin...sickly grey, almost several days dead in appearance and the moment she opened her mouth the talk, the dream ended. I had woke with the feeling of worry. I recalled her sister's phone number but not hers, being several years ago...it was disconnected years ago. So social media to the rescue, nothing. She used to be a social media whore via early Myspace but nothing. I fear she may have died and I never knew. I still have not been able to contact her to find out but that is one the strange mysteries of life.
I do believe that it may that I have not ever gotten any kind of closure but I will never be sure. My responses on this forum may be strange or jarring but dreams are something I love having and sharing. They are a mystery but a mystery we all experience.