Anyone had experiences? It seems common enough not to be rare, but rare enough not to be common... in a sense
I can remember 3 times for absolute certain, but I've had much minor moments that could qualify
The first one I remember with clarity was associated with a nightmare. I dreamt that I was in a subterranean city, that I had simply stumbled upon, and that I was investigating, like a good white guy in a horror movie. The city was small, VERY clean, and completely devoid of activity, no people. I saw an exit sign eventually, and left. This is the point where the dream goes "aaand cue nightmare!", as in front of me, there's a stairway up, and a very worried class-mate screaming at me "do NOT tell me you were IN there!" freaking me the hell out, rushing me to flee up the stairs while I still can. Behind me children appear... ghostly, white-clad children, calling my name, calling me to join them, back in the city. I collapse, I can't run, I drag myself towards the stairs, and then - I call my class-mates name, and they switch focus from me to him, and I am freed from their spell, and able to flee.
I wake up
Above me there's a hammock, for some reason, with a stranger sleeping. He should not be there. I turn around, press my face into the pillow, and scream "WAKE UUUUP!" That is the sleep paralysis moment, as I know I should be awake, I'm on the verge of dream and real world, but unable to just snap out of it.
I wake up. I had one more very similar experience, also starting off with a very frightening dream, and ending with my panicked attempt at waking up, even to the point of opening my eyes, while still seeing a dream-fog through the air, and completely unable to move
This is not the worst one (although the dream was creepy enough to keep me awake for a while, before going back to sleep)
The worst one was during a few days of tremendous stress
I was at my uncles, in a small village way north of here, long story, I was trying to relax, reading a comic before going to sleep.
I must have just begun to doze off, with lights on and everything, when I felt hard, ice cold fingers grasp harshly around the back of my neck, and pull me backwards, right out of bed, and down on the floor. I immediately come to, and for several moments I have to tremble with adrenaline, cold sweatting, staring around myself, slowly coming to the understanding that no-such-thing-as-ghosts, and that it was all in my head.
Very different, and very short lasting
I'm not sure which one is worse - a spectacularily active short lasting shock, or those long, drawn out inabilities to open your eyes and wake up, when you know you should be able to
It's very distressing the notion that your eyes ARE open (in the dream), yet you need to open them further in order to wake up :I
I can remember 3 times for absolute certain, but I've had much minor moments that could qualify
The first one I remember with clarity was associated with a nightmare. I dreamt that I was in a subterranean city, that I had simply stumbled upon, and that I was investigating, like a good white guy in a horror movie. The city was small, VERY clean, and completely devoid of activity, no people. I saw an exit sign eventually, and left. This is the point where the dream goes "aaand cue nightmare!", as in front of me, there's a stairway up, and a very worried class-mate screaming at me "do NOT tell me you were IN there!" freaking me the hell out, rushing me to flee up the stairs while I still can. Behind me children appear... ghostly, white-clad children, calling my name, calling me to join them, back in the city. I collapse, I can't run, I drag myself towards the stairs, and then - I call my class-mates name, and they switch focus from me to him, and I am freed from their spell, and able to flee.
I wake up
Above me there's a hammock, for some reason, with a stranger sleeping. He should not be there. I turn around, press my face into the pillow, and scream "WAKE UUUUP!" That is the sleep paralysis moment, as I know I should be awake, I'm on the verge of dream and real world, but unable to just snap out of it.
I wake up. I had one more very similar experience, also starting off with a very frightening dream, and ending with my panicked attempt at waking up, even to the point of opening my eyes, while still seeing a dream-fog through the air, and completely unable to move
This is not the worst one (although the dream was creepy enough to keep me awake for a while, before going back to sleep)
The worst one was during a few days of tremendous stress
I was at my uncles, in a small village way north of here, long story, I was trying to relax, reading a comic before going to sleep.
I must have just begun to doze off, with lights on and everything, when I felt hard, ice cold fingers grasp harshly around the back of my neck, and pull me backwards, right out of bed, and down on the floor. I immediately come to, and for several moments I have to tremble with adrenaline, cold sweatting, staring around myself, slowly coming to the understanding that no-such-thing-as-ghosts, and that it was all in my head.
Very different, and very short lasting
I'm not sure which one is worse - a spectacularily active short lasting shock, or those long, drawn out inabilities to open your eyes and wake up, when you know you should be able to
It's very distressing the notion that your eyes ARE open (in the dream), yet you need to open them further in order to wake up :I
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