Smoking marijuana, does not lead to lung cancer!

Mingus said:
Thanks for the assurance sander. Good to listen to some rational analysis of this whole mess.

Although, I'm curious. Why would hash have a less likely chance to cause anxiety and paranoia attacks, considering it's stronger and more potent?
It's also a lot purer. Most people I know never have problems with hash, more with weed, and get a much mellower high from hash.
There's different stuff besides just hash in the normal version of weed, meaning it has a somewhat different effect.

And then there's bubble-hash, which is basically centrifuged and purefied weed. That's really, really potent stuff and is a lot more likely to induce paranoia or bad trips.
Mingus said:
Purer huh?

What other types of impurities are found in weed then?
Weed is a plant, so it has a lot of different chemicals. THC is generally most dominant, though. Hash is mainly just the active elements of the plants, seperated from the rest of the plant (which is still present in weed).
Nothing interesting or worrisome is present in weed, though. It just gives a slightly different sensation.
Sander said:
It isn't physically addictive, it doesn't have any lasting effect (there are minor indications that there is some small correlation between psychosis and long-term, very heavy use of marijuana, though), it doesn't make you violent.

Suppose you are naturally violent, can it make you want to do violent things under the influence?
I naturally like doing bad things to people >) But when im stoned im not violent or stuff ... but my friend Is kinda stupid and keeps throwing stuff at me , personally i think it may have different effects on different people ...
So I say no :) it doesnt ..
LinksBoxers said:
Suppose you are naturally violent, can it make you want to do violent things under the influence?

Not like alcohol, because alcohol simply removes your inhibitions. THC, at least in purer forms, is a sedative, analgesic, muscle-relaxant, sleep aid, anxiety and stress reliever, among other uses like appetite aid. The bad mixture is when someone gets drunk and stoned at the same time, which reduces the nausea of drinking, but also lowers their inhibitions, and also fucks with their cordination much more so than either alone. So if they are a violent drunk, this is an especially bad combination.
Hmm pot dosent make you dump in the long run, two of my best friends are the bigest pot heads iv ever seen there brothers and great guys, there's nothing wrong with pot, but it can make you waste a lot of time, my buddy spent a half-hour makeing a bowl out of a pop can... it worked but dam...

Have any of you tried lighting up a cig after smokeing a jont?
Weed smoking is ok. For the right people.
I've seen people smoking weed for years and years and nothing bad ever happened to them.
There are also kids, like 15 - 17, smoking the shit out of them, and after 2 months it's become BORING to just smoke weed. After a year they are totally addicted to all the weirdest chemz avalible.
It's all about selfcontrol and the right personality.
Shiozaki said:
Hmm pot dosent make you dump in the long run, two of my best friends are the bigest pot heads iv ever seen there brothers and great guys, there's nothing wrong with pot, but it can make you waste a lot of time, my buddy spent a half-hour makeing a bowl out of a pop can... it worked but dam...

Have any of you tried lighting up a cig after smokeing a jont?
the next time you try to prove weed doesn't affect the mental capacities of a person, you should try to write correct english. it kinda defeats the purpose if you dont...

(or at least warn people that you were dumb before you started smoking weed.)
SuAside :rockon:

It's all about selfcontrol and the right personality.

Very true.

I was smoking a few times a week or more a few years ago but now it rarely happens. Under those years i got to know allot of peoples who like cannabis.. :eek:

Now a few years later, some of them have stoped completely, some still smoke as back then, now and then, and some have moved on to more "interesting" substances...

I have seen some who have become very pacified, they rarely do anything and if they do something it involves cannabis. Thats propably the biggest trap with cannabis.

The "nothing to do lets smoke a joint syndrome" :) That can easy become an evil circel.

But then again, cannabis isn't the only factor that makes that circel. It deepens on where you are in life, what friends you have etc...
Suaside wrote:

"the next time you try to prove weed doesn't affect the mental capacities of a person, you should try to write correct english. it kinda defeats the purpose if you dont...

(or at least warn people that you were dumb before you started smoking weed.)

Well for one you spelled English wrong, Two it was late when I was writing it , Three it's "don't" and four well what you said wasn’t very nice…
Sorry to break topic a bit, but what is a bad trip? I don't want a definition, what can or will it involve?
Shiozaki said:
Suaside wrote:

"the next time you try to prove weed doesn't affect the mental capacities of a person, you should try to write correct english. it kinda defeats the purpose if you dont...

(or at least warn people that you were dumb before you started smoking weed.)

Well for one you spelled English wrong, Two it was late when I was writing it , Three it's "don't" and four well what you said wasn’t very nice…
1) so? i rarely use capitals, they're overrated.
2) boohoo.
3) actually, you're not allowed to use don't & can't in written english. it's supposed to be do not & cannot.
4) i've got a meanstreak. welcome to the internet.

anyhow, i never proclaimed to write correct english (and there are more "mistakes" in my post than those you listed). however trying to sell a point that includes mental capacity, yet unable to write in a normal fashion (or reread your post for that matter) doesn't help your argument much.

Stag said:
Sorry to break topic a bit, but what is a bad trip? I don't want a definition, what can or will it involve?
a bad trip can be a lot of things. basically it means the effect you're getting isn't what you wanted. this can mean nausea & throwing up. however, a "bad trip" is in most cases a reference to mental state. paranoia, offensive halucinations, mood swing to anger, and the like.
This study proves nothing, previous studies have shown the opposite, plus scientists have isolated chemicals proven to cause cancer within maraujuana.
Scientist have isolated chemicals proven to cause cancer EVERYWHERE.

Especially in your posts.
Yes but these are in signifcant concentrations, greater so than in tobacoo, tobacoo causes cancer. There was some study that some people use as evidence saying maraujana shrinks cancer cells, however this study was later proved incorrect.

So whilst a survey based study like this one fails to turn up evidence, there is plenty and until someone