Smoking marijuana, does not lead to lung cancer!

Nuerof said:
This study proves nothing, previous studies have shown the opposite, plus scientists have isolated chemicals proven to cause cancer within maraujuana.
Ah yes. They claimed they had. Yet the *more recent* study quoted in the starting post of this thread claims otherwise. Since it is more recent, and accepted by the scientific community (and apparently also the British Government), the study you are referring to (but not showing us anywhere. 'Gee, some study somewhere showed...') would actually be the more doubtful one.
This study proves nothing, previous studies have shown the opposite

Little off topic but...

This is a classic dilemma. It had been dealth with in a book called World Risk Society by Ulrich Beck.

In this book he discus the problem that science today have lost its "god like" status in telling whats true and whats not . Now there are so many studies with different results, this make people start to distrust science as a method of determining truths.

This thread is a perfect example of this phenomena.
SuAside wrote:

"anyhow, i never proclaimed to write correct english (and there are more "mistakes" in my post than those you listed). however trying to sell a point that includes mental capacity, yet unable to write in a normal fashion (or reread your post for that matter) doesn't help your argument much. "

Ok I’ll admit that my post wasn’t the most coherent one I’ve ever made, and yes you do have a point about “trying to sell a point that includes mental capacity” when in fact mine at the time wasn’t up to par, and my post shouldn’t of been made as I needed to think it out more as it turned out as more of a rant than a real comment.

Now as we have been threw the scientific reason’s that pot is bad why don’t we look at the political reasons. The truth is if pot wasn’t the subject of so much conversely then it wouldn’t be such a problem, it’s almost a proven fact that if you tell some one not to do something there more likely to do it, Back in the 1900’s the government paid the farmers to grow it as it was good for so many things beside smoking.

Why do you think pot is illegal when much worst drug aren’t? Such as alcohol and tobacco, it’s simple the government can’t control it, Moonshine is the same way, the only reason it’s illegal is because the government is making no money off of the sales tax they get from all other sales of alcohol.
Marijuana is like god.

Some believe in it, some do not.

Unlike god, marijunana can be analyzed by scientists. :D
Have any of you guys seen the old propaganda flick "Reefer Madness"?


The prologue to the film states: "Marihuana is... an unspeakable scourge--the Real Public Enemy Number One! Its first effect is sudden violent, uncontrollable laughter, then come dangerous hallucinations,... the loss of all power to resist physical emotions, leading finally to acts of shocking violence,... ending often in incurable insanity."

21st Century anti-marijuana propaganda.

Remember kids, Marijuana - or "Pot" Almost always leads to vehicular man-slaughter, and accidental shootings.

For every "Hit" you take on a Marijuana or "Pot" cigarette... A puppy (Or kitten, which ever floats your boat) will be euthinised... Remember that, next time you get "High"

(Note - None of these statements have been confirmed by the FDA, or Surgeon General. Any puppy/kitten euthanasia has absolutely nothing to do with use of Marijuana. Any cases of vehicular manslaughter, or accidental shootings are usually caused by lapses in judgement, or abidden by the circumstances)

TRUTH - The anti-drug
I don't want to run anyone over, or accidently shoot them, whilst showing said person, my father's, or my own gun... and the TRUTH organization cap's puppies... Is "Pot" realy worth that?!
The chance of any of that happening would be extremely. You'd be more likely to do any of that with some alcohol than with marijuana.
...That's not what the television said... (XD) According to the fine folks of the American Anti-Drug / tobacco lobby, If I smoke pot, I will run over a 5 yearold girl, whilst ordering food at a low-end fast food chain, and.. and- I'll show one of my stoner friends my fathers (and/or) my (loaded) gun (safety off - bechause I/my father are paranoyed), and squeeze the trigger.. or... Like- Give into peer pressure, and stick my fist in my mouth - and get it stuck... or- Smoke a Fat "Blunt" as the cool kids call them, and play russian roulette, with a Glock. ( all except for the last were/are Anti-Marijuana propaganda, on american television. )

And.. Don't bad mouth alcohol. ethyl alcohol is man's best inanimant friend. No one, Has ever done anything stupid on alcohol. Ever. Except Mel Gibson. But- I don't believe what the media says... The Road Warrior is incapable of wrong doing. Thats right. He's Mad Max. He can do no wrong.

Maybe a bit OTT but it illustrates a valauble point.