...That's not what the television said... (XD) According to the fine folks of the American Anti-Drug / tobacco lobby, If I smoke pot, I will run over a 5 yearold girl, whilst ordering food at a low-end fast food chain, and.. and- I'll show one of my stoner friends my fathers (and/or) my (loaded) gun (safety off - bechause I/my father are paranoyed), and squeeze the trigger.. or... Like- Give into peer pressure, and stick my fist in my mouth - and get it stuck... or- Smoke a Fat "Blunt" as the cool kids call them, and play russian roulette, with a Glock. ( all except for the last were/are Anti-Marijuana propaganda, on american television. )
And.. Don't bad mouth alcohol. ethyl alcohol is man's best inanimant friend. No one, Has ever done anything stupid on alcohol. Ever. Except Mel Gibson. But- I don't believe what the media says... The Road Warrior is incapable of wrong doing. Thats right. He's Mad Max. He can do no wrong.