
My current poison:


Soon switching to Camel (once in Beirut I'm not likely to be able to get my hands on Drina again)...
Mikael Grizzly said:
I've switched to Camels and, damn, they are good.
Really? I always thought they would taste mostly like, well camel. The times I have cigarettes I usually buy Prince.

The lovely warning sign...
i remember enough from my basic spanish lessons.."smoking can kill" ? right ?
The finnish goverment wanted to add warning labels to alcohol products while back.
Needless to say that proposition didnt pass.
I've done a couple marbs, a couple camels
but lately I can't seem to smoke em right
or i have developed an aversion
because i start feeling really drunk then i have to go puke and i've only done 3/4s, stumbling into the house and up the stairs into the bathroom

but i have a lot of natural alternative herbs

I enjoy salvia
makes me dream while awake/with eyes open
not that i do it very often

I have some other legal stuff, mostly from iamshaman
Smoking (rolled tobacco) + chronic bronchitis = FTW.

Live fast, die slow. :drummer:

Also, i love the warning signs.
"Smoking can cause a slow and horrible death".
yeah, so do I.

Now, joking aside: I wish i could quit, but i'm addicted to such a level, that in order to quit it, i would need something like a month off from work, and i don't see that coming anytime soon....

On a sidenote, legalizing the hemp would help. a lot.
I smoked Lucky Strike lots of years. Then, out of a sudden, after years of smoking i didn't feel the need to smoke all that much (from a pack a day i got down to 2-3 cigarettes a day). I tried pipe smoking, but i didn't really stick to it. Now i've got some rolling cigarettes, Bali Shag tobacco. Seems good enough and it's cheap, i haven't smoked anything else for like two weeks.
I don't smoke anymore but I used to smoke Parliament and Parliament lights. I liked the recessed filter and couldn't smoke anything else after I got used to it. I found that european Parliament were better as they had a different special filter with visible pieces of coal in it.

Then I moved on to Capri Menthol Lights. They're thin and looked like lady cigarettes but they were the smothest I've ever tried so I smoked them exclusively.

I quit in January 2007 cold turkey and highly recommend it but I didn't smoke for a very long time anyway.
I'll lay it out for you:

Nationality: Dutch.

Fill in the blanks.

NO funny-witty-sarcastic-PRO-Belgium comments please.
Mikael Grizzly said:
I'm currently going through Marlboros in search of my favourite brand, so far Marlboros are kind of average.

What, Camels not furry enough for you?

Dragula said:
SuAside said:
fuck smoking. not only is it fucking annoying, it's also a waste of perferctly good money that could be wasted on something more fun!
Most retarded sentence ever. I assume you eat candy? Same thing, waste of money, by your definition. I smoke the occasional cigar for the taste, and for the enjoyment of it, the same way you go waste bullets on the firing range.

Candy doesn't stink (usually).
You must be smoking something that is rolled in rainbows and dipped in faerie farts.
I'm just noticing how much cigarettes in general stink and how I had just spent the last four years or so smelling to high heaven.

Again, no anti-smoker here but man they do smell bad.
Tobacco and Cigars do smell good (as far as my tastes go) but your average stick smells bad and gets worse when lit. It can really get stinky when more than 1 person chain smokes in the vicinity...
I usually smoke Free, or Carlton because they're quite cheap. But I like Marlboro. Those other gringo cigarretes are not part of my reality, unfortunately (or not).

Now, I'll leave the cigarettes and will pass to only smoke tobacco, since the taxes over cigarettes were raised. Oh, not to forget Mary Jane, of course. Mark Colombiana. :lol:

BTW, does anybody know a cigarette mark called US (which I guess stands for United States?)?