Vault Dweller

I think I'll go with Ash on this one, I would rather have my partner have some experience in the field, and both eyes! I mean Snake is missing an eye! Hasn't anyone thought about this one?
hehhehe.... great line.Plus he can play a mean game of b-ball
[PCE said:el_Prez]
Snake still has my vote though.
. He is a coward? Of course. But imagine Snake in his position. Fighting hordes of deadites. He is going to shit his pants!!!.
EyeMaster7 said:My vote goes to the K-mart clerk.
Ash said:Shop smart, shop S-MART
[PCE said:el_Prez]The only thing Blade would win is a gymnastics competition because all he does is twirl around like a fairy.
Murdoch said:Blade kicks all kinds of ass. But funny, he is not.
c0ldst33ltrs4u said:Wow, EyeMaster7, you're a regular riot, you are the master of puns, I might say, you always keep an eye on the ball.
And why should it matter if Blade is a vampire? If I were surrounded by zombies I would love to have him by my side, he would surely manage to get me out of there in one piece. And I could live without the humour.