First time out of the vault

I remember my first joint. That was a while back, back when I was fresh out of High School. My mother was working for DoDDs (She was basically a school teacher for military brats) and we had just got back from a two year stint in Germany. I went over to a friends house who I knew back before I left and he happened to have turned into a pothead. And we're talking a fuming pothead. Like, every time I saw this kid he had a joint with him, had a glazed over look in his eye, and seemed rather dopeish (Although, to this day, he manages to surprise me every once in a while by not just saying something smart... but by saying something brilliant. Genius even.) So I met up with him a couple of times and we hung out. At first I was very set in my anti-drug ways. For a few weeks everytime he asked me if I wanted a joint my immediate answer would be "No. Drugs are bad. Mkay?" (I now realize that it was almost automated.)
But eventually curiosity got the best of me. So finally I told him I was willing to give grass a shot. So he rolled me a joint and I smoked it. My eyes didn't melt. My teeth didn't rot. My mind didn't explode. Nope, I actually had a pretty fun time. If memory serves me right we watched Fritz the Cat for the first time. Overall it was very enjoyable, and NOT the horrible, frightening experience I had been led to believe all through my childhood.
Since then I've smoked grass a few times, but NEVER to the magnitude of my buddy, and never bought any (He's always told me, "If you everwant any, just give me a call, man.").
I would like to say it really doesn't matter to me if they're legal or not. I would probably vote for legalizing it if it ever came up (which I'm sure it will), but I probably won't ever attend any marches/ support groups/ what have you simply because I have tons of better things to do. I figure there are worse more harmful things out there that really do destroy your brain (Like Fallout: PoS).
BUT, what does matter to me is the governments handeling of the situation. All through my childhood I was constantly having horrible stories about drugs told to me. Some of this stuff was borderline threatening (Like how ol' Officer Friendly would come to school and threaten us with jail time if he ever cought us, and how pot would destroy our brains). In hindsight, I can clearly see they were using a very effective form of scare-tactics. And I find something very wrong with that.
I remember my first joint. That was a while back, back when I was fresh out of High School. My mother was working for DoDDs (She was basically a school teacher for military brats) and we had just got back from a two year stint in Germany. I went over to a friends house who I knew back before I left and he happened to have turned into a pothead. And we're talking a fuming pothead. Like, every time I saw this kid he had a joint with him, had a glazed over look in his eye, and seemed rather dopeish (Although, to this day, he manages to surprise me every once in a while by not just saying something smart... but by saying something brilliant. Genius even.) So I met up with him a couple of times and we hung out. At first I was very set in my anti-drug ways. For a few weeks everytime he asked me if I wanted a joint my immediate answer would be "No. Drugs are bad. Mkay?" (I now realize that it was almost automated.)
But eventually curiosity got the best of me. So finally I told him I was willing to give grass a shot. So he rolled me a joint and I smoked it. My eyes didn't melt. My teeth didn't rot. My mind didn't explode. Nope, I actually had a pretty fun time. If memory serves me right we watched Fritz the Cat for the first time. Overall it was very enjoyable, and NOT the horrible, frightening experience I had been led to believe all through my childhood.
Since then I've smoked grass a few times, but NEVER to the magnitude of my buddy, and never bought any (He's always told me, "If you everwant any, just give me a call, man.").
I would like to say it really doesn't matter to me if they're legal or not. I would probably vote for legalizing it if it ever came up (which I'm sure it will), but I probably won't ever attend any marches/ support groups/ what have you simply because I have tons of better things to do. I figure there are worse more harmful things out there that really do destroy your brain (Like Fallout: PoS).
BUT, what does matter to me is the governments handeling of the situation. All through my childhood I was constantly having horrible stories about drugs told to me. Some of this stuff was borderline threatening (Like how ol' Officer Friendly would come to school and threaten us with jail time if he ever cought us, and how pot would destroy our brains). In hindsight, I can clearly see they were using a very effective form of scare-tactics. And I find something very wrong with that.