
Yoshi525 said:
"I can shove a spoon down my respiratory tract, it may kill me, hence it is equally hazardous as a gun"

Double illogicalness! You see your life span is flawed; for example FAR more people die in car crashes than are killed by LSD, MDMA or cannabis, all classic bad' drugs. Your wooden spoon hypothesis will not hold up in court if myself and Niehem Monarch have a say!

Good point. Also there's a ton of people who don't obey traffic laws (damn near everyone has gotten pulled over for speeding) and could be looked upon as wreckless and dangerous and not fit for the road - but in most states it takes a large number of moving violations to have your license completely suspended. Also think of the people w/out licenses or w/ suspended licesnses that are still out there driving.
wibbly pig said:

So, mom is hitting the crack pipe.

She gets sent to jail, now the kids are without a mom for a few years, if she can even get them back after she gets out.

Or, mom is hitting the crack pipe, kids go into a temporary care facility while she spends a month or so in a treatment program, and since coke and other things aren't illegal she was high but not spending all the family's money on drugs... she can still get a job when she gets back from the treatment, as using drugs isn't something that gives you a criminal record. Etc etc etc.

Yeah, addiction is a bad situation, but which is more productive for society in general?

Let's also ignore that alcohol is probably the worst drug in terms of repercussions on family members.

I have a friend who is still putting his life back together after using drugs for three years (he quit two years ago). He was addicted to Cocaine, Meth, and Horse. Hes always scratching himself, rubbing his nose, and rubbing his teeth. Hes also having a hard time not thinking about going back to all of that. So take this info and make the right decision not to use drugs. You will pay for it for the rest of your life.
I know what you are thinking. Instead of harping on the costs of drug prevention, save the money by legalizing it. With no violations prohibiting or regulating the possession, use, distribution, or manufacture of illegal drugs things would be great. No more need for all those cops and courts and trial lawyers.

That doesn't make any sense to me, since there would be ten times more cops, courts and trial lawyers to pay taxes for if druggies where free to run around the streets and smacking the living shit outta things because they look like big mutated hamsters with dildos as hands to them.

Maybe I'm just being paranoid, but I think chaos would erupt.
And we don't want that.
Wooz said:
Bullshit. Legalizing cannabis won't lead to worldwide chaos.

Ever been to Amsterdam?


No, I haven't been to Amsterdam, but you made your point. What I really meant is the 'heavier' kind of drugs, like LSD, that makes you see bad things, and therefor makes you feel bad.

A not-so-close relative of mine put all of her kitchen knives into her sofa because she was convinced that it was trying to eat her.
This was from LSD.

Of course, not all drugs make you like this; heck, for my knowledge, legalizing 'lighter' drugs like marijuana could perhaps make the world a better, much less stressful, place.

For some unexplicable reason, I was under the impression that you were talking about cannabis legislation in the post I replied to.
Zaron said:
Maybe I'm just being paranoid, but I think chaos would erupt. And we don't want that.
What makes you think that, I want chaos.

Zaron said:
Of course, not all drugs make you like this; heck, for my knowledge, legalizing 'lighter' drugs like marijuana could perhaps make the world a better, much less stressful, place.
And many legal drugs make people go unbalanced and crazy.

wibbly pig said:
plah plah plah
Then show me a country that doesn't have unequal opportunity to all of it's citizens, thats government gets the same amount for it's bay as all the other populous. Thats power structure is segment of a line, not a square or cube of somesorts.
Vicious_Squid said:
Drugs are bad.

Overall, yes, but not always; if I, let's say, got a bottle of wine shoved up my ass, I wouldn't let anyone near me that is going to pull it out unless I'm pumped with pain-easing drugs.
Vicious_Squid said:
Drugs are bad.
Strike one for adding nothing but *more* useless shit after being warned.

Don't post one-liners, post statements with arguments.
I'm all for more LSD in the fresh water supplies. I'm barely noticing it, with the low amounts they use these days.

Regardless, I think that most soft drugs should be legalised. That would also improve their quality and thus reduce health risks. Plus: they would become cheaper and could be taxed like any other goods.

Crystal meth and the like should remain banned for the same reason you can't buy most serious toxins. It's likely to be abused and causes permanent physical harm rather easily.

I'd say nicotine, alcohol, cannabis and similar drugs should be made legal for all adults. Citizens are supposed to be politically mature and as long as they use recreational drugs responsibly, the health risks aren't problematic either.

Granted, it'd seriously reduce the angst politics attempt to uphold lately to distract the populace from their leaders' egotist intentions -- but we do live in a Democracy after all and their prime concern should be the good of the people, right?
I just got my hands on something called I-Doser, a program which open soundfiles, and listening to them should represent various drug-effects. At the moment I'm listening to marijuana3, and I'm not feeling anything.

Has anyone tried this?
And if you have, the obvious question is; did you get any results?

Because, getting the effects of drugs, without getting hooked, sound way to good for me to believe in.
Whish I could, but I think I would be violating the rules on this forum ;(

And I already got one strike for wareztalk.
legalize them all wordlwide.. Its youre own choice to become strung out junky piece of shit that doesn't contribute to society in a positive manner. Drugs are good. The people who abuse them and do onto others in bad ways (such as mugging to get their fix ect ect.) are the ones who should be locked up. Not the ones doing them recreational.

So... ya. Drugs are good. All depends on the person doing them imo.
Thank you for sharing that with us!

Now, how about reading the entire discussion before posting something as stupid as that?