Meh. You're underestimating the power of modders. We have all the tech in the world to make really fucking good mods in less than a year now. Hell, before GECK even came out there's already mods coming out on the Nexus, and like I mentioned naugrim04 is making the Dust version for Fallout 4 for quite sometime now. The problem lies in Bethesda's shitty fucking engine, and the fact they held back the GECK from coming out Day 1 with the game's release, AND all that shitty restriction put on the GECK and their engine (like four-only option for dialogue wheel and cutscenes tied to it, animation requiring third party application, and the hardcoded perk page that's fortunately kind of worked around but still really difficult for modders to work upon) on top of that, all simply to accommodate mods for console, and fuck PC audience because console is where the money's at. Imagine if Bethesda:
- Use different/better engines. Hell, anything but their shitty engine.
- Put no restriction to it whatsoever
- Release the GECK/whatever name for modding toolkit if they start using actually new engine Day 1
We should have anything good like a month since release. But, NOPE! Gotta bring the shitty engine to 2015, put restriction to it, and hold it like 6-7 months.
Oh, and like you said, Xander's Aid just came out and it does looks interesting. What time is it? Not even a year after the initial release of Fallout 4, mate! Like I said, you're underestimating the power of modders with passion. Imagine all of those 3 points actually happened, I guarantee you the author for Xander's Aid most probably would have release it like 2-3 months ago, and naugrim04 would have released the Dust version for Fallout 4 anytime now.