Some Fallout 3 ideas


It Wandered In From the Wastes
An idea of encounter with some nastys.

And before you read it i have to say i dont mean that Enclave should be the main bad guys again, god no.

-It would happen in the middle of a dust storm.... have them appeare through the swirling colums of dust between the sides of two big dunes....

First you would see a thin bloody red light that would shine through the dust and the wind...than another..... for a split second..
they would rise and fall in a peculiar way.... swooping in arcs.... then another... It would seem they are suspended in the air....a little further down your path....
still you could barely see them in the wind and the dust ... you go towards them..and then see that sand below them is not justi blowing if its hitting some obstacle...

You would come closer.... closer..... and notice that something is shimmering in the air as sand sticks to it more and more....
upvards...across something that looks like a arm...of an ARMOR.

Then ...above the red laser light ...sand collecting on the tubes and rubber pipes connecting the head with something on the back...
you would see two yellow eye they would shimmer...predator like... the figure would reach and turn of chameleon camouflage and become visible all that gloom....
and those thin bloody red lights would slowly trickle across surface of the sand to you... up your chest...from left and right...more and more of them, cutting through mad howling wind...

then split it into fighting them and from remains, or tracks they left,
(oh you would be alive buahahaha)
find out location of their base, - or speaking to them and going with them to discover they also have mutated beyond human forms along time ago but stayed enclosed in Power Armor with a mind that locked himself in believing they are still human but better, stronger. .... and so on.
lost the inspiration here... something like that...
Have somebody good write it. not me.

And add one fight where you break in secret radio transmitions of "somebody" and tell them all kinds of stuff even provoke a fight, an attack of strike teams, make them nasty nasty... chameleon armor and all...-

This would be my idea of encounter with some nasty improved enclave troopers that would have Chameleon Power Armor.

Which would be nice improvement for them( it would make them much harder to fight) and for you -if you ever managed to get hold of it.

Ofcourse the last part was in the memory of Fallout2 scene where you would talk to officer of the Enclave through the radio in Gecko-s Nuclear plant.

In my opinion it would be much better to introduce them to the story in similar way than to say -BANG! ENCLAVE TROOPS!! WAAA!!!


Also i would like to make Power Armor itself a little more interactive.

Sure it can be done through the upgrades but maybe it would be more original if the player would be able to unlock some additional features in it depending on the style of play and skills player possesses.

Like if you would want to be a hand to hand fighter than you could "discover" that there are blades in the arms of the Armor that you can fight with or use for climbing.

It would be also nice, and possible to use the strenght of the armor in the much more imaginative way than simply to alow u to carry more stuff.

For example you would be able to jump really high in it, well maybe not too much, but jumps that cover about ten meters could be possible.

And that leads me to another thing.

Running and jumping even in combat. If it was done in a manner appropriate for Fallout general setting.
In my mind it was one of the limitations of first engines used, not Fallout itself.
And im tired of RPG-s that limit you constantly.

And i don't think that even turn based combat needs to look like it is conducted by a bunch of paralyzed people.

As an small example i could list that Troika game...Temple of Elemental Evil, although i didn't like it for other reasons - theirs turn based fight looked lively, fluid. It didn't give that feel: Oh my god i have to waaait until all those guys Fallout 3 should try to avoid as much as possible. I think.
the increase in ST from the PA gives you all the bonuses that would would expect from more ST.... ST related perks are unlocked, more HTH damage, more carry weight, etc.... so unless devs are planning on more imaginative ways to handle high ST in general, there is no need to expand on that aspect of PA
I guess its about how much you want to see something new. I simply do not think that what you do get from high strenght is enough, and i would like to see Power Armor have additional features.
That would include not just retractable melee weapons but more....

I don't think that more imaginative ways to handle high strenght is tightly connected with ability to jump.

Its just something that buged me for a long time, especially when 3d RPG-s like Knights of the Old Republic started going out.
Its just ridiculous that nobody can jump anywhere in modern RPG games.
I think it would really enhance the gameplay and give possibilities for much more engaging and much more fun battles. Or hiding. Or whatever.
I like the way you're going with that Sina. I've thought of that long time ago, ever since I read R.Heinlein’s “Starship troopers” where he introduces the concept of Mobile Infantry wearing Powered armour.
And yes, "future" PA should be more sophisticated - more like a bio-chemically armoured bodysuit reinforced by an exoskeleton with movement enhancers (so that you can move with speed comparable to a contemporary tracked armor vehicle, or faster even) that adapts its colour and temperature depending on the environment, integrated communications systems complete with heads-up display (equipped with thermal target acquisition and detection system) and airborne antenna…” ( I'm leaving provision for possible multiplayer here).
And yes, it should be customizable... like those wrist blades you proposed...or a jetpack mounted on the back with about five minutes of sustained flight time (burning condensed fuel pellets)

P.S. Moderators clean this thread up. Those unnecessary derailments just tend to draw attention away from some very interesting stuff herein proposed. Thanks

PA should be completely armored against 7.62mm (and HE fragment), possibly with addition of some smoke screen canister discarders and of course have fully contained atmosphere capabilities. (Gas weapons should definitely be added to FO3)
Wow there are some really great ideas in those posts! Where do you hide your stash? :wink:
I split this from the vatted thread because I think this is a worthwhile discussion. Per requested Sina to repost the good ideas, but I'll be a bit more kind than that and do it for him.

But please follow the rules, present your posts in an intelligible fashion and don't double-post. I don't want this vatted again.

Everybody hapy now?
I didnt have to change my "super" post, you dont have to read it lets get back to work.

Kharn, thanks.


Max, thats what i like to heare! Rip it.... :)

only ...such realy advanced armor would not be in the style of Fallout....we have to remember that fallout has that 90-s imagining 50-s imagining future style and that kind of technology style maybe would not be apropriate... so we might need to tone it down a bit.
Those are not bad ideas per se, but there is the problem with the Enclave being destroyed at the end of Fallout 2. Sure, there would still be some bases scattered around the wasteland (I'm not sure exactly how widespread the enclave were in the first place, my guess would be not that much). With no central base of operations, all that remains would be a few small bases here and there.

Your idea, Sina, would mean that some Enclave base decided to experiment with the FEV and at the same time develope a new verison of the Power Armor. With the Enclave broken, how could possibly a single base do both those things with close to no resources?

Also, it's much to Predatoresque for my liking. One slight problem I had with Fallout 2 was that it deviated too much from the 50's Sci-Fi overall, and with the Power Armor Mk II in particular. Thus a Chameleon Power Armor would take Fallout even further in this direction, something I'm very much hoping will not happen.
Ivy Mike said:
Those are not bad ideas per se, but there is the problem with the Enclave being destroyed at the end of Fallout 2. -....sniped.....- Thus a Chameleon Power Armor would take Fallout even further in this direction, something I'm very much hoping will not happen.

I agree. But i just cant stop my brain sometimes. It has a will of its own....

Enclave....i think that idea came mostly because i would enjoy some nasty enemies again.
Enclave would fit better than inventing new kind of enemies with Power Armor over again and Power Armor should have more uses if its going to be in the game again.
So it kind of went together.

The end of Fallout 2 left a room for some Enclave being there in the third game.

Was there one base or more.... hard to say, nobody ever gave us details.So we can go both ways. If it was written smartly i think it could pass.

But thats why i need to hear other opinions.

Yes its predatoresque in that story of mine, but that can be toned down too. Executed differently and kind of more dirty tech it could be nice to see.

And maybe the player could wipe them for good this time, destroying that new Power Armor in the process and so getting the game to move in that direction most here want.

I must say that i envisioned having Power Armor just through some parts of the game...and finishing without it.
So you would have it, be cool in it, and be stricken with grief when it would brake down so it would always remain beautiful memory.
And at the last part of the game you would be left to your own devices again. Surviving again.

While we are at it, maybe we could wipe out NCR too.....i kind of didn't like them doing the same thing again with civilization.
Maybe it would not be bad if they were one of the enemies?
After the Enclave got wiped out there would only be left small groups of soldiers with power armor. Instead of those fancy chameleon thingies they could have war paint and hide behind bushes, works just as well. And as they would soon run out of bullets for their advanced weapons they could use axes... No wait, that would be tribals... :roll:

Likes the intro even if the chameleon suits is something a doubt a little on, would love to see it as a movie. Kinda' remembers me of a starcraft clip, a large protoss group gets visible in a flash and... yea, that is about it. It was still very cool.... :D
But that would not be interesting, wouldn't it?

And besides if we go down that road, than there would not be anybody with any kind of armor, or weapons, or anything.
Just a bunch of scarred loosers hiding in the bushes.
i think that kind of armor would turn the player into a god... i have fun discovering new weapons and new armor, not using 1 armor from the begginning to the end that is an armor + weapon..

My suggestion for the final armor in FO3 woould be Frank Horrigan's armor in a smaller version..
Who said we need a new power armour? We allready got power armour(hardened) and advanced power armour(mkII) hell, I'd be fine without the advanced one, the regular looks so much cooler, and besides, I don't use them unless I really have to. Leather jacket for the win!
New tech and enemys associated whit them:
The jumpjet, would be good in the Tesla Armors or some kind simular(so it's not the best armor). The jumpjet is powered by solarcollector and special battery(and take about a day to recharge) in the armor, but it is more like JUMPjet than a jumpJET so it's meant to be used only for 10 seconds, and in 20 to 30 seconds the battery runs dry. It would be best used by a ghoul sniper to get in positions in roofs.

The camouflage"suit" is a good idea, and if you put it onto a deathclaw, you can have an silent assassin whit a good protection, damn a liked FOT.

But the worst BAD ASS is jet to come, a mutant whit three original arms(bio) and whit one witch is mechanical arm. He can uses two miniguns or four magnums etc.
Jarno Mikkola said:
New tech and enemys associated whit them:
The jumpjet, would be good in the Tesla Armors or some kind simular(so it's not the best armor). The jumpjet is powered by solarcollector and special battery(and take about a day to recharge) in the armor, but it is more like JUMPjet than a jumpJET so it's meant to be used only for 10 seconds, and in 20 to 30 seconds the battery runs dry. It would be best used by a ghoul sniper to get in positions in roofs.

The camouflage"suit" is a good idea, and if you put it onto a deathclaw, you can have an silent assassin whit a good protection, damn a liked FOT.

But the worst BAD ASS is jet to come, a mutant whit three original arms(bio) and whit one witch is mechanical arm. He can uses two miniguns or four magnums etc.

Who in the Wasteland, the Unity, NCR, and the BoS included, would have the tech to graft a working mechanical prosthesis on someone, no less a mutant? Only VC and they sure as hell would not do that for a mutant.

The camo thing has already been dealt with, but still, bad idea.

And what basis is there for jet packs in the Fallout universe? I don't think that's even very fifties-ish.
I really disliked alot of the suggestions here..... Many aren't really a 50s theme sci-fi thing.

Something similar to the WW2 German Vampir IR system would be nice though. :P (The US were testing it during the 1950s)
Any of you played those SSIs Buck Rogers games? There are some very cool weapons there, which could nicely fit into the Fallout theme:

Microwave Gun fires a short-range beam of concentrated microwave radiation. Microwaves can penetrate any non-metalic substance, but are reflected by all metals (and hence most types of armor)
Rocket Pistol fires a stubby, self-propelled, explosive projectile. The projectiles incorporate a microscopic guidance system, and they are actually able to veer up to 20 degrees from their original course. These so called "smart bullets" can, however, be thwarted by chaff and ECM.
Sonic Stunner emits a high-frequency sound that is tuned to the harmonic resonating pitch of most nervous systems. Targets of the weapon must make a "saving throw" or be rendered unconcious.
Mono Sword is an entire sword made from a single piece of synthetic diamond. The edge is sharpened to a single molecule in width (monomolecular - hence the name)
Plasma launcher propels a canister of flammable jelly, tipped with an ignitor. The weapon delivers a devastating area effect on all unprotected targets.
Grenade, Aerosol Mist releases a vaporous cloud designed to diffuse laser fire.
Grenade, Stun self explanatory
Grenade, Chaff self explanatory
Grenade, Dazzle releases a blinding electrical discharge arc. All not wearing protective goggles in the effected area must make a "saving throw" or be blinded for a "certain ammount of time".
not so much a strict 50s theme... a 50's looking STYLE... with technology that just progressed in a different manner from how we currently see technology progressing