some ideas...

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If people could roll,
>take cover, crouch, dive and
>shoot simultaneously, fire from moving

And pray tell how you are going to implement that in a turn-based system.


Nunc ut nunquam
[font size=1" color="#FF0000]LAST EDITED ON Dec-15-02 AT 12:26PM (GMT)[p]>"You're joking, right?"
>No, I am very serious. A
>pipe rifle is an inacurate
>peice of shit. Since pipe
>isn't designed to be used
>as a gun barrel, it
>has imperfections in it. These
>imperfections cause the bullet to
>wobble and/or bounce inside the
>pipe, and come out in
>an unexpected direction. Also a
>pipe rifle takes forever to
>load compared to a bow,
>and there is the chance
>that it could blow up
>in your hand.

Welcome to the wasteland, where people are cobbling together weapons to survive, with what they have to work with.

There is a far larger chance and practicality that someone would make a pipe rifle than spend the hours needed to make a bow and arrow.

While you were busy ignoring the setting, did you take a look at the trees sometime? Those kind really aren't too well for making bows or arrows, even before the area got nuked.

>"Without the power pack, dumbfuck, that
>helmet wouldn't work very well,
>would it? The power pack
>is on the back of
>the power armor."
>Um, actually it would work very
>well, provided you had the
>carrying capacity to handle the

Wow, still as clueless as a brick? I would have thought you'd have tried to rememdy the problem. The point is that the PA's helmet would be less useful than that of the combat armor, due to the unwieldy nature. Having a heavy and un-anchored thing around your head is incredibly stupid.

>It wouldn't protect against
>radiation and stuff that much,
>but it would stop bullets
>aimed at your head, ass
>fucker! Besides, it would most
>likely be the other way
>around. If you found power
>armor without a helmet, you
>can find a helmet later,
>and attach it with the
>repair skill. Man you are

No, you're the stupid twat who doesn't know about the setting, much less how the PA works.

>"Oh, I see, so running around
>with two swords, Drizzt style,
>is UNIQUE! My bad, I
>thought it was a shitty
>munchkin cliche spawned by tripe
>novels that people who stand
>no chance at getting a
>girl read."
>First of all, I have never
>read any books with Drizzit
>in it, although I plan
>to. Secondly, you shouldn't insult
>fantasy books on an RPG
>fourm. Espically one from an
>RPG setting.

This is very comical.

>That is about
>as dumb as saying Harleys
>suck at a Hell's Angels

No, but your argument is clearly idiotic. By your "logic", we're suppose to praise Piers Anthony, even though his literary skill hasn't moved up past "banal", just because of the fact he's a fantasy writer.

>If you were an
>RPG character, you would have
>an intelligence score of 1,
>and only because you can't
>have decimal abilty scores! You
>are the dumbest fuck in
>the world.

Actually, I'd say you win that award, since you posted like a moron the first time around, and kept getting worse.

>"The martial arts thing didn't get
>popular until the 1970s."
>Martial arts were invented thousands of
>years ago. Whether or not
>they were in popular culture
>is irelavent.

Yes, is IS relevent, since you're the chimp who wants to include it in. We keep reminding you of the setting, and you're the retarded little kid who has no grasp of it. Tell you what. Put down the keyboard and go get your father. I'm of a mixed feeling of either wanting to beat the shit out of him for allowing an also-ran of the human race to live (you), and asking him to explain about the things that occured before you were born (since history class didn't do well enough).

I'm afraid it would be the former, since you've displayed very little learning ability, nullfiying the latter in the probability your father may be just as stupid.

For the last time, Fallout is a story from sci-fi from around the 1950's perspective, and a bit earlier. Flash Gordon, and many more, all those serials and pulps all give a good example. It also wasn't too hard to see where Indiana Jones borrowed it's styles from, either.

>The idea of
>a player character in an
>RPG is that you are
>not normal. You arn't an
>ordinary, you are a hero.
>You are different from ordinaries
>in many ways, why can't
>one of those ways be
>martial arts skills.

Prov already explained this, moron. It's because pugilism was much more held in regards in the 50's (again, how Indiana Jones took much of its style) than the martial arts of the 70's. Again, you're missing the setting, dipshit.

>"And, in case you didn't notice,
>those "ninjas" didn't fit in
>with anything at all, did
>they? Also, the word you're
>looking for is, "yukuza"."
>I guess they didn't. So I
>forgot the name of a
>single group of random NPCs
>in an RPG I played
>a couple years ago. I
>guess I should be put
>to death for this horrific
>crime (i am being sarcastic
>incase you are two stupid
>to tell the difference). Bite

Thanks for proving that you wasted my tax dollars. Now I really want to beat your father for allowing you to live.


The yakuza would have really stood out if you had a clue about the world, since they are a Japanese mafia (and not really ninjas at all). Rather ill-placed, since only the Chinese were the only Orientals who had any impact of note in the Fallout setting, and they couldn't be called "ninjas" either.

Yet another altogether obvious screw-up on part of BIS.

>"Real doesn't mean it's not silly,
>caped crusader!"
>Just because it reminds you of
>Batman doesn't mean that's where
>I got it from you
>dumb fuck.

No, but it's just as ludicrous as where you pulled them from.

>They were cold
>war relics. I guess they
>were silly, that is the
>point though.

Yes, it's now clearly obvious that you've missed the setting. I'm guessing that you've got the same grasp of Fallout 1 as that other chucklehead on the Gen. Fallout forum. Here's a hint: It's not about stupid easter eggs.

>The game is
>supposed to be a satire
>of the times.

Oh, this is too comical. First, you post some bullshit that hardly fits into the setting, and then you're trying to tell people it's something else?

>They wasted
>so much time with these
>assasination weapons, when all you
>really needed was a knife.
>Look at Trotski (Spelt horribly
>wrong I know, but it
>is a Russian name, I
>have an exuse).

Yes, you're a moron with relatives occupying dual roles. Fantastic "excuse".

>He was
>killed with an ice pick
>from a "repoter's" "camera" bag.
>If you can get close
>to somebody, you really don't
>need a gun.

That's where Melee skill comes in. I also have a bad feeling that you don't know why Fallout was crafted the way it was, either.

>I never mentioned any of these
>things nah3man. Your the one
>that brought them up. You
>ovbiously have never played a
>console RPG before.

I think you just pointed out why it was a stupid idea. Read the quoted part again if you need help.

I can't believe
>this. It seems that Darwin
>was wrong, the weak and
>stupid havn't been anywhere close
>to weeded out of the
>gene pool.

Exactly, and my faith in Darwin's research won't be regained until you put a .45 into your mouth and keep pulling the trigger until you see the imaginary man of your choice.

>wait, that's right, your can't
>think anymore, your two brain
>cells are almost overloaded.

Considering whom is typing that, I would say it's fairly hypocritical of you, isn't it? Let's not forget that you were the stupid piece of shit who posted about KEVLAR. Congratulations for proving you're a stupid kid without a clue, you've done that so well nobody else has had to do much.

I'm of two minds about this topic, given the ironic entertainment value of someone who doesn't know much about the setting is going on cluelessly (to the point of telling others about what the setting is), yet I hate stupidity of this nature and would normally get rid of it.
[font size=1" color="#FF0000]LAST EDITED ON Dec-15-02 AT 12:18PM (GMT)[p]>If people could roll,
>>take cover, crouch, dive and
>>shoot simultaneously, fire from moving
>And pray tell how you are
>going to implement that in
>a turn-based system.

Shhhh...don't say that, it'll comfoose the little retard.
>[font size=1" color="#FF0000]LAST EDITED ON Dec-15-02
>AT 12:18 PM (GMT)
>>If people could roll,
>>>take cover, crouch, dive and
>>>shoot simultaneously, fire from moving
>>And pray tell how you are
>>going to implement that in
>>a turn-based system.
>Shhhh...don't say that, it'll comfoose the
>little retard.

Well, that was what i was going for :D.


Nunc ut nunquam
>I'm of two minds about this
>topic, given the ironic entertainment
>value of someone who doesn't
>know much about the setting
>is going on cluelessly (to
>the point of telling others
>about what the setting is),
>yet I hate stupidity of
>this nature and would normally
>get rid of it.

Please keep it open. There are others around here who would like to enjoy it for just a bit longer.

Moo..... Moo.... I'm an Interplay Cow. (Ready to be milked with a Fallout style MMORPG with aliens!)
Speaking of 100-year old weapons such as M16:

M16 derivatives are used by US Army for over 30 years. I wouldn't be overly surprised, now that I think of it, to see M16A10 in real-world 2077 (ever seen that tricked-out M16 rifle in "STALKER" FPS?). Not that it matters - Fallout's Assault Rifle description indicates clearly that 1) at some point it was the Army's choice for the grunts, and 2) it was used as such for quite some time, because it was already virtually obsolete by the time bombs fell. Even if M16 derivatives were used in Fallout world by the military, it was a long time before the War.

I'll be speculating now, but methinks AK112 were purchased by millions from friendly Soviet Union (who happened to be the lowest bidder - AK rifles' simplistic design is cheaper than technically superior M16's) by the government. I'd guess that Army was brooding over the concept of the "Ultimate Weapon" that'd turn the tide of oncoming conflict with China - hence the revolutionary ultrasmall fusion batteries, high-tech power armor and excellent combat armor, carryable miniguns, laser and plasma smallarms, and pan-immunity virus (okay, that was a bit of a misnomer, considering the side effects). These days, nobody cared about assault rifles except maybe buddying survivalists, and for major gun manufacturers that still existed (Winchester, Glock, Sig Sauer, to name a few), it just wasn't profitable to make assault rifles AT ALL, with all the military contracts loading up their production schedules, especially high quality M16's. Also, remember that US at the time had a wartime economy, which means "everything for the victory!"
Wow, a lot of posts since I have been gone, and a lot more smart-ass comments. Time to shoot them down once and for all (except the one I like).

"roshambo warrior reminds me of Nynaeve Al'Meara from the wheel of time" Props to whoever wrote this, I couldn't agree more.

First of all, half of my point is that you are all hypocyrites. Posting illevant and innacurate shit, then nitpicking on trival stuff, and then have the nerve to call me stupid about it, when your respones are not at all intelligent. All I am doing is an eye for an eye asshole, you started it (I use "you" as a lose term refering to everyone who did the above). Someone said think first, post later to me, and then these two guys post stuff they ovbiously didn't think about, so don't talk to me about hypocracy.

BTW, my friend pointed out that silenced weapons were actually invented during WW2, so they would fit in to a 50s setting.

Also, I do know what vaccum tubes are asshole. After all, computers are my specialty.

"There is a far larger chance and practicality that someone would make a pipe rifle than spend the hours needed to make a bow and arrow."

Funny, it doesn't take hours to make a pipe rifle? Wow, either you have a lot of skill at that sort of thing, or you have no clue what you are taking about. Either way is scary.

"Wow, still as clueless as a brick? I would have thought you'd have tried to rememdy the problem. The point is that the PA's helmet would be less useful than that of the combat armor, due to the unwieldy nature. Having a heavy and un-anchored thing around your head is incredibly stupid."

It extends down the neck and has fins that attach to the shoulder. I agree it would be cumbersome, but not impossible to wear. Another possibility would be mounting it to your combat or other armor using the shoulder attachments. You would have to makeshift a connecting in your armor, but hey, that's what the repair skill is for. If you are so adament about this however, make it not work on it's own, it's purpose in the game would be to add it to a power armor you find that doesn't have one.


Um, if they are wearing black and weilding Asian swords, that is generally the first thing that comes to mind, yes.
I never pretended to have a master's degree in history. In fact the Canadian schooling system really does suck in terms of history and geography. I learn more by watching TLC then I do from school.

"Congratulations for proving you're a stupid kid without a clue, you've done that so well nobody else has had to do much."

You stubburn old fool. Never call me a kid again. I am 19 years old, legally an adult in every way, at least in Canada. As for stupid, I have an IQ of 130. Point in case.

"Oh, this is too comical. First, you post some bullshit that hardly fits into the setting, and then you're trying to tell people it's something else?"

Your trying to tell me that Fallout isn't supposed to be humourous or satirical at all? My god, who would play it if it wasn't. Espically the way you want it. So the only weapon you want in the game is the alien blaster, because it looks alot like something out of Flash Gordan, and the only enemies are those robots because they look like the robot from that sci-fi, the really bad one where there is this family stranded on a planet (the name has eluded me), and you think these things arn't satirical at all. You actually liked those shows, now that's funny. To me the post-apoc elements are more important than the 50s sci-fi ones, which I belive are just in their for satirical effect. If Fallout was anywhere near the way you think it is, it would suck. No weapons we wouldn't see in a 50s sci-fi? That is just a little limiiting don't you think? Most weapons and/or mundane technology invented in and after the 50s (and even alot invented prior to that) wouldn't be in a 50s sci-fi, but they still need to be put in the game, because stuff like that, or at least peices of it, would survive the war. If you look at the game, the number of things that don't fit your definition of the setting would outnumber the things that do. I would have to say it is a post-apoc RPG with some 50s sci-fi elements, not the other way around. Just because you are a stubburn old crank that thinks differently, doesn't mean you should try to impose your will on the rest of the world. You know you can't kick me off, because if you do, you will be proving my point. You arrogant magolomanic! Why don't you come down of your throne, and stop threatening me with your high and mighty moderator powers.
Oh brother.............

First off, being caled a kid doesn't have anything to do with your actual age but with your mental age. I know 'kids' who are 16 and i wouldn't go around calling them 'kids' because mentally they are far more ahead in years. On the other hand a 70 year old person can be a 'kid'. And IQ also doesn't have anything to do with stupidity. The above point proves that.

The 50's sci-fi part is even more important then the post nuke part of the game. Why ? Because the nuclear threat was something from 50's sci-fi and not the other way around. Besides, you should have already noticed that most, if not all the people who have posted something don't agree with you. So saying that Rosh wants to impose his will, is, again, stupid, because that's exactly what you are doing. Everybody doesn't agree with you but you still expect us to come to your side.


Nunc ut nunquam
[font size=1" color="#FF0000]LAST EDITED ON Dec-17-02 AT 00:20AM (GMT)[p]Ok, I was pretty drunk at that time, but still that's what I had to say and I did, through I didn't used your exact words, cause I don't have to (and don't like to, anyway) quothe you exactly since you're no one famous to quothe from. Still, it's not fair cause I put words in your mouth and you probably did not mean that, besides, english is not my first language of choice, so I made a mistake. I APOLOGIZE TO YOU!!!!!!
BUT, I don't see how that offended you, since you started this thread, and you should have expected cretins like me to come ruin your fun, and you're right, I did not played that kind of games (I so much hate'em), so that makes you the expert.
Please note that I did not take the time to insult you in any way, for I have a conscience inbedded in my two brain cells, while you, in your + xxx brain cells, don't have it, my friend. And you need fear not me approaching your precious gene pool, in fact you won't catch me anywhere near it (yours and anybody else's) - not my kind of goal in life. And I won't make any improvements over there since my great brain robbery. But you may need to cut down on those lame phrases since I saw'em a few threads back, so that means that either you kind of repeat yourself too much, either you're too small to make up your own and stop copying somebody else, and for a smart boy like u, it doesn't look good. You need not respond to this here, I won't be reading anything that comes from you again (that would be waaaaay too much for me to handle), so take that cool, space-age, titanium enforced, laser-sighted, 6-rocket shooter and do that special move towards your a**! Zbye. See you in orbit.
"The 50's sci-fi part is even more important then the post nuke part of the game. Why ? Because the nuclear threat was something from 50's sci-fi and not the other way around. Besides, you should have already noticed that most, if not all the people who have posted something don't agree with you. So saying that Rosh wants to impose his will, is, again, stupid, because that's exactly what you are doing. Everybody doesn't agree with you but you still expect us to come to your side."

Apparently, Interplay doesn't agree with you. If you look at the games, FO and FO2, I would say 75% of the game doesn't fit in with Rosh's view of what the game should be. The funny thing is that is what he thinks the game is. He says no martial arts, but the basic martial arts were in the first one, and the second one had really fancy kicks and stuff. Rosh is claiming that the game is something that it isn't. Besides, you are making my point. The game was based of people's fear of nuclear destruction in the 50s. The cold war and all that. So why the fuck is there stuff about aliens and other stuff that makes it seem less realistic as a post-apoctalyptic game? Like I said, it is extranous and is there simple for the satirical value.
>>"Congratulations for proving you're a stupid
>>kid without a clue, you've
>>done that so well nobody
>>else has had to do
>You stubburn old fool. Never call
>me a kid again. I
>am 19 years old, legally
>an adult in every way,
>at least in Canada. As
>for stupid, I have an
>IQ of 130. Point in

*waits for the IQ results and ages of everyone else around here*
Last time I was tested I was about 150 something and I'm older than you too, kid. You're not even old enough to legally drink alcohol in the states.

By the way, you need to work on your spelling a bit. Quite a bit, actually.

Moo..... Moo.... I'm an Interplay Cow. (Ready to be milked with a Fallout style MMORPG with aliens!)
>Apparently, Interplay doesn't agree with you.
>If you look at the
>games, FO and FO2, I
>would say 75% of the
>game doesn't fit in with
>Rosh's view of what the
>game should be.

Fallout 2 was a butchering performed by BIS, loosely-based upon the original design of people no longer around at IPLY. Those who like a good, cohesive setting and story, often like the first because it was put together much better than the first.

Then again, I'm really certain you don't understand what my view of the game should be, since you've displayed very little reading ability. The setting has been explained to you numerous times, especially since it's what has been said by the original devs more than a few times.

>The funny
>thing is that is what
>he thinks the game is.

No, what is funny is what you've been going on about, making assumptions, etc.

Let's not forget KEVLAR, dumbshit. Much less spy gear.

>He says no martial arts,
>but the basic martial arts
>were in the first one,
>and the second one had
>really fancy kicks and stuff.

Mostly, it was BIS straying a bit off track for the second one. "Basic martial arts?" Are you talking about the punches and kicks? If you had a dictionary or a clue, you might just understand what pugilism is. Some forms of boxing do have some rudimentary kicks, yet it's still pugilism for the main.

>Rosh is claiming that the
>game is something that it
>isn't. Besides, you are making
>my point. The game was
>based of people's fear of
>nuclear destruction in the 50s.

Now you're going back to your load of shit again.

>The cold war and all
>that. So why the fuck
>is there stuff about aliens
>and other stuff that makes
>it seem less realistic as
>a post-apoctalyptic game?

What the fuck do you think a pulp is? Holy shit, you're getting more inbred with every post. Just stop while you have *some* sense of credibility left.

>Like I
>said, it is extranous and
>is there simple for the
>satirical value.

Pay attention, dumb shit. The Master was a comic book villain, as was much more done as if it were in a comic book.

To put it into simple terms:

Fallout is what science-fiction comic book writers would have envisioned a nuclear post-apocalyptic world. Drop the cold war spy shit, it really doesn't belong in most of the comic book frame.
[font size=1" color="#FF0000]LAST EDITED ON Dec-17-02 AT 03:42AM (GMT)[p]>Wow, a lot of posts since
>I have been gone, and
>a lot more smart-ass comments.
>Time to shoot them down
>once and for all (except
>the one I like).
>"roshambo warrior reminds me of Nynaeve
>Al'Meara from the wheel of
>time" Props to whoever wrote
>this, I couldn't agree more.

Ever play Redneck Rampage? That's whom you remind me of. Yes, both of them, as two entities would be required to capture the density of your idiocy.

>First of all, half of my
>point is that you are
>all hypocyrites. Posting illevant and
>innacurate shit,

Most of it has been about debunking your stupid shit.

>then nitpicking on
>trival stuff, and then have
>the nerve to call me
>stupid about it, when your
>respones are not at all

Hell, kid, you're the only one who doesn't get Fallout's setting. I'd say you're the twit with the problem.

>All I am doing
>is an eye for an
>eye asshole, you started it
>(I use "you" as a
>lose term refering to everyone
>who did the above).

No, you started with your idiocy, then gave an attitude when told the whole post was crap.

>said think first, post later
>to me, and then these
>two guys post stuff they
>ovbiously didn't think about, so
>don't talk to me about

Ha! A bit amusing, since your original post has got some of the worst ideas to grace this board in a long time. Then you act as if you're something special. I did give feedback, and I basically said the whole thing was a load of tripe. I then went through piece by piece and told you why it was garbage.

I guess you lied about taking criticism.

>BTW, my friend pointed out that
>silenced weapons were actually invented
>during WW2, so they would
>fit in to a 50s

And they didn't work for shit, let me tell you that.
They also don't fit into the loud, rowdy, saviour-of-the-world type comic books of that era.

Seriously, if you need to go back and take a look at that style of comic books and sci-fi in general (like radio serials), then do so. There's more than enough sites devoted to them around to help you get a clue, kid.

>Funny, it doesn't take hours to
>make a pipe rifle? Wow,
>either you have a lot
>of skill at that sort
>of thing, or you have
>no clue what you are
>taking about. Either way is

You know, I could point out more than a dozen sites on how to make homemade rockets, guns, etc.

Have you ever heard of Hayduke, little inbred child? A makeshift pipe rifle could be made within an hour, easily. Especially if you have some scrap parts of guns around. Can you make bows from scraps?

I also noticed you conveniently left off the part about no real wood being available in the setting to make bows and arrows. It's kind of hard enough to make bows and arrows of that kind of wood, but when the trees are sickly and barely living makes things a little more difficult.

>It extends down the neck and
>has fins that attach to
>the shoulder. I agree it
>would be cumbersome, but not
>impossible to wear. Another possibility
>would be mounting it to
>your combat or other armor
>using the shoulder attachments. You
>would have to makeshift a
>connecting in your armor,
>but hey, that's what the
>repair skill is for. If
>you are so adament about
>this however, make it not
>work on it's own, it's
>purpose in the game would
>be to add it to
>a power armor you find
>that doesn't have one.

Get a clue, moron.

It's made purposely bulky to have all the supported gear and fit seamlessly with the body suit.

So, if you're going to be stupid enough to have a cumbersome piece of armor that limits your field of vision, that might be anchored onto your current armor through a jury-rigged method, without giving you any good effects aside from great armor, I guess you could enjoy it as the enemy takes shots elsewhere.

>Um, if they are wearing black
>and weilding Asian swords, that
>is generally the first thing
>that comes to mind, yes.

Wow, gotta love stereotypes. How many teeth does your family own between them? Would I be surprised if they numbered in the tens digits?

>I never pretended to have a
>master's degree in history. In
>fact the Canadian schooling system
>really does suck in terms
>of history and geography. I
>learn more by watching TLC
>then I do from school.

So, when in doubt, just label things as they are convenient and throw up a fuss when people correct you. Just like you've been doing this entire thread.

>"Congratulations for proving you're a stupid
>kid without a clue, you've
>done that so well nobody
>else has had to do

>You stubburn old fool. Never call
>me a kid again. I
>am 19 years old, legally
>an adult in every way,
>at least in Canada. As
>for stupid, I have an
>IQ of 130.

I'd say you're lying, kid.

>Point in

Yes, you have proven you're lying. Your spelling, grammar, and numerous other facets of your writing are quite poor.

>"Oh, this is too comical. First,
>you post some bullshit that
>hardly fits into the setting,
>and then you're trying to
>tell people it's something else?"
>Your trying to tell me that
>Fallout isn't supposed to be
>humourous or satirical at all?

No, and stop trying to mouth-stuff, shithead.

What I'm saying is that the spy gear, and most of the stupid things you've said don't fit in.

>My god, who would play
>it if it wasn't. Espically
>the way you want it.

You really need to learn how to read. Given your manner of typing, I'd say that you've been wasting a good amount of Canadian tax dollars.

>So the only weapon you
>want in the game is
>the alien blaster, because it
>looks alot like something out
>of Flash Gordan, and the
>only enemies are those robots
>because they look like the
>robot from that sci-fi, the
>really bad one where there
>is this family stranded on
>a planet (the name has
>eluded me), and you think
>these things arn't satirical at

Damn, get a clue already. A 6-shot rocket launcher doesn't fit. KEVLAR doesn't fit. A multitude of real-world weapons don't fit. Many things, do not fit. We've explained the setting to you, numerous times, and you keep going on about what little you know. I call you a kid because you are a young, stupid and clueless twat, who doesn't know what we're talking about and making a guess. No, sci-fi pulp of that time doesn't mean to put in all sorts of Cold War spy gear.

>You actually liked those
>shows, now that's funny.

Did I say that?

>me the post-apoc elements are
>more important than the 50s
>sci-fi ones, which I belive
>are just in their for
>satirical effect.

They are part of the setting, just as much as the post-apocalyptical ones. It is done that way to differentiate from Wasteland.

But I suppose you knew that already, right?

>If Fallout was
>anywhere near the way you
>think it is, it would

Kid, I'm fairly certain you don't have a clue about what I've been talking about. You've been going on cluelessly about it for several sentences already.

>No weapons we wouldn't
>see in a 50s sci-fi?
>That is just a little
>limiiting don't you think? Most
>weapons and/or mundane technology invented
>in and after the 50s
>(and even alot invented prior
>to that) wouldn't be in
>a 50s sci-fi, but they
>still need to be put
>in the game, because stuff
>like that, or at least
>peices of it, would survive
>the war.

So this would make Kevlar excusable to be put in? Hey, microchips also fit your definition, why have vacuum tubes in there now? That plasma rifle is far too bulky, a more streamlined Battlestar Galactica form would be much better.

Oh, hey...there just went what separated Fallout from the rest and defined it for what it was.

Get a clue, dipshit, before you are unanimously laughed off the board. In fact, people from 3 other Fallout sites are watching you and laughing their ass off at what an utterly clueless shit you are.

> If you look
>at the game, the number
>of things that don't fit
>your definition of the setting
>would outnumber the things that

Again, I'm not sure you really do understand the setting. This has been obvious since your first post.

>I would have to
>say it is a post-apoc
>RPG with some 50s sci-fi
>elements, not the other way

Then you're a special child who doesn't know why the game was made that way.

>Just because you are
>a stubburn old crank that
>thinks differently, doesn't mean you
>should try to impose your
>will on the rest of
>the world. You know you
>can't kick me off, because
>if you do, you will
>be proving my point.

No, it would be because you're a stupid twit, and it would be for your own good.

Let's just say I've talked to most of the developers, which is a lot more than I think you could say. It also might surprise you to notice that I'm not the only one who thinks you're being an idiot.

>arrogant magolomanic!

There's that "130 IQ" again. *applauds*

>Why don't you
>come down of your throne,
>and stop threatening me with
>your high and mighty moderator

Then don't post stupid shit and get a clue. Simple, isn't it?
"Yes, you have proven you're lying. Your spelling, grammar, and numerous other facets of your writing are quite poor."

Poor spelling comes from growing up in the digital age and/or not giving a shit. For stuff your future depends on, there is spell check, for everything else, spelling really doesn't matter. As for grammer etc, I would have to say it is better than 90% of the people here. Do you want me to quote every grammer mistake in this thread? It would take me a long time. Just look at the guy posting about mortal combat (god knows where he got that from). His grammer looks as if he didn't pass elementary school. This is an internet bulletin board, not an essay writing competition. Sometimes I use sentence fragments due to the fact that they are easier to write. Takes less time, lol. Don't judge a book by its cover.

"Ever play Redneck Rampage?"

I have not.

"I guess you lied about taking criticism"

I did take critisism, and I even took back a lot of what I said because I realized I had gone overboard. Then I was still badgered and insulted, and I simply defended myself. Stick to arguing about the points, and maybe I won't take so much offence.

"So this would make Kevlar excusable to be put in? Hey, microchips also fit your definition, why have vacuum tubes in there now? That plasma rifle is far too bulky, a more streamlined Battlestar Galactica form would be much better."

Perhaps not, but where do you draw the line. A lot of stuff already in the game has passed what I precieve as your line by a few light years. Unless you clarify exactly what your position is, I have little choice but to make assumptions to fill in the blanks. Like I said, you give me the impression that the hand gun from the first fallout and the alien blaster are the only acceptable weapons. The tommy gun is out, because those were used in the 20s, not the 50s. I somehow doubt that they were used in many sci-fis. The minigun is more of a modern weapon than a 50s one. The gatiling laser gun? I somehow doubt that was in 50s sci-fi, modern sci-fi maybe. New Reno really fits in (riiiiight). As does the martial arts fighting competition in San Fran (suuuuurrrre). What about that Japanesse mob? I could go on.

"I'd say you're lying, kid."

No, I actually rounded it off. My IQ is 133. I said stop calling me kid. It is quite disrespectful.

"I also noticed you conveniently left off the part about no real wood being available in the setting to make bows and arrows. It's kind of hard enough to make bows and arrows of that kind of wood, but when the trees are sickly and barely living makes things a little more difficult."

There has to be some source of wood. If I recall correctly, the makeshift alcohol distillery in FO2 is in a wooden shed. If one were to tear that down, they could make lot of bows. Besides, as I said, some could have survived the war. People do bow hunt, there are museums with bows in them, and archery is a sport that has been around for a long time. It would be surprising if not a single bow survived.
"You're not even old enough to legally drink alcohol in the states."

Not my problem, it is your strange law, not mine. College students not even allowed to drink, and yet you let 15 year old kids drive unaccompanied. American stupidity never ceases to amaze me. It is hilarious that about half the country voted for a president who is so obviously a redneck. Now he is looking for an exuse to bomb someone (not that I mind Saddam finally going to hell where he belongs, but a little bit of proof would be nice). Um, I better stop now before I start a Canada/US war on this message board.
>"Ever play Redneck Rampage?"
>I have not.

Love this game.

>"So this would make Kevlar excusable
>to be put in? Hey,
>me the impression that the
>hand gun from the first
>fallout and the alien blaster
>are the only acceptable weapons.

I would agree with you here, if anyone gave a damn about I have to say :-D. Seriously, Rosh, I think it's not as simple as "50's future" (hell if that was true, there wouldn't be any firearms at all, only rayguns and maybe dartguns). We need a better definition.

>The tommy gun is out,
>because those were used in
>the 20s, not the 50s.

Yep. Rosh hates FO2.

>I somehow doubt that they
>were used in many sci-fis.

They would also be two hundred years old or something...

>The minigun is more of
>a modern weapon than a
>50s one. The gatiling laser

Miniguns were used in Vietnam in the 60's, I think. Not too far off. Personally I've read a couple of books about "Doc Savage" which came out before WW2, I think, and they had a gatling-wielding commie Finn in it :-)

>gun? I somehow doubt that
>was in 50s sci-fi, modern

True here.

>sci-fi maybe. New Reno really
>fits in (riiiiight). As does

Rosh hates FO2.

>the martial arts fighting competition
>in San Fran (suuuuurrrre). What

Rosh hates FO2.

>about that Japanesse mob? I
>could go on.

Rosh hates FO2. ;-)

>"I also noticed you conveniently left
>off the part about no
>There has to be some source
>of wood. If I recall
>correctly, the makeshift alcohol distillery
>in FO2 is in a
>wooden shed. If one were

Rosh hates FO2.

>to tear that down, they
>could make lot of bows.

Okay. Have you ever tried to make a bow when you were little? Try it, you might be surprised to discover that bow is not just any wooden stick you can bend and put a string on.

>Besides, as I said, some
>could have survived the war.
>People do bow hunt, there
>are museums with bows in
>them, and archery is a

How do you make bow arrows with no usable wood, then?

>sport that has been around
>for a long time. It
>would be surprising if not
>a single bow survived.

Maybe it did. So what? It doesn't matter if there is no WOOD around!

Now, EVIL RADIOACTIVE CROSSBOWS, that's a completely different matter... That is, if there weren't piles of 10mm littering the wasteland that made bow weapons useless to anyone who has access to trading posts and/or army supplies.
On the pipe rifle topic - you can make a muzzleloader, too! That's even simpler, especially if you're doing a shotgun.

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>Apparently, Interplay doesn't agree with you.

And we do not agree with Interplay. ;-)

>He says no martial arts,
>but the basic martial arts
>were in the first one,

Boxing, Pugilism - ok. Eastern martial arts - not ok.

>and the second one had
>really fancy kicks and stuff.

Rosh hates FO2.

>my point. The game was
>based of people's fear of
>nuclear destruction in the 50s.
>The cold war and all

Not really based... Inspired is more like it. US' war with China was pretty darn hot...

>that. So why the fuck
>is there stuff about aliens
>and other stuff that makes
>it seem less realistic as
>a post-apoctalyptic game? Like I

Aliens are a comic relief. Same with Godzilla and Who. What "other stuff" are you talking about?

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Arrows can be made of light weight metal. Sure wooden arrows are better, but metal ones still work. Modern compound bows can be made with plastic and they are really powerful. I put a hole all the way through the wall seperating the furnace from the rest of my friends basement. Something tells me it wasn't the best place for a target, lol.
[font size=1" color="#FF0000]LAST EDITED ON Dec-17-02 AT 05:24PM (GMT)[p][font size=1" color="#FF0000]LAST EDITED ON Dec-17-02 AT 05:16 PM (GMT)

You'd have to have access to lightweight metal, and be an expert blacksmith to make an arrow such as that. Same goes for compound bows. You need to know and be able to do so much, it doesn't pay off unless there is no other way (lack of ammo). Bow weapons are just not suitable for combat - bows and arrow take up a lot of space, rate of fire is slow, they require a certain degree of mental and physical fitness from the shooter, and the only bows that can compete with firearms in penetration are powerful hightech compound bows you mentioned. Seriously, it's much easier to take a smoothbore pipe and rig it with nails and powder and a simple ignition mechanism than to make a compound bow.

Speaking of heavy bucketheads ;-) - did everyone forget about the loading screen with a tribal wearing one of those things?

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