Some really lame DnD monsters.

I think the mimics are great... I almost always use them when I am putting together a dungeon....
Enchanted floors and wallsw are good as traps, but I agree, they suck as "monsters"
And Lolth is great! My character (a lvl 31 Rogue-Socerer) recieved the "Rong of Lolth" from Keirahn the daughter of Lolth... yeah... Iwas the only one to come out of that dungeon alive (the ring makes you immune to spider poison as well as having some pretty neat spidey-sense)


*masturbates furiously*


*masturbates even more furiously*
That cover takes me back, I have that same book in my attic somewhere. In all fairness only the first 10% of those entires actually came out of it, I have no idea where the rest of that stuff came from. And I don't think whoever wrote it (Gygax?) was raking in the dough.

The various jellies, puddles, gelatinous cubes, fogs, smokes were always very :roll: .

Never did encounter enough harpies or succubi to the liking of my 12 y.o. imagination.
I remember buying that Monster Manual when it came out.


And yes, some of the monsters they came up were some of the most ridiculous ever.
Keep your Orderite memes off of NMA please, McRae

I remember buying that Monster Manual when it came out.

But, ehm, this is from multiple monster manuals. Which one do you mean?

Anyway, saw those articles a while back (this one and part II). Funny stuff. The Duckbunny is easily the scariest.

I love the D&D penchant for just cross-breeding random animals. Like monkey bees or the owlephant

There's nothing wrong with the Beholder. Or indeed the gelatinous cube. The gelatinous cube being a mount is a bit much, tho'

Some of the ideas are fairly interesting as well. Monsters basically consisting of sentient junk (the Raggamoffyn), stuff like that, it could work if implemented better.

Also, including Spelljammer is cheating
Yeah the cover of the first MM is pretty legendary, it was in an episode of futurama too where Gary Gygax, Uhura and Al Gore helped to fix the space-time continuum

Brother None said:
There's nothing wrong with the Beholder.

agreed, the beholder is a real classic D&D baddie
Spider Horse?

Spider Horse?


What next a Dog-tow-pus?

How about a Hippophant?

Still funny though.

I'm waitng for a tribute to The greatest enemy in a RPG EVAH!


TheGM said:
Spider Horse?

Spider Horse?


What next a Dog-tow-pus?

How about a Hippophant?

Still funny though.

I'm waitng for a tribute to The greatest enemy in a RPG EVAH!



Earthbound for the win!