Speculation Op-Ed: New Vegas and Tycho

Brother None

This ghoul has seen it all
This particular guy from the Fallout: New Vegas trailer:
Has been shockingly busy inciting speculation. Of what nature, do you ask? Well, he fits Tycho's description fairly well.<blockquote>You see a man in dusty leather armor with a trenchcoat and gas mask.</blockquote>Fairly spotted (thanks jero cvmi) but it's pretty unlikely that this is Tycho. But what it made me recall was Tycho's description of his faction, the Desert Rangers (a nod to Wasteland).<blockquote>We Rangers hail from back east, what used to be called Nevada. Our heritage stretches back to the days of the Texas Rangers. We learn survival and combat skills in order to go out into the world and have a chance of surviving and making things better.</blockquote>Nevada? Why, that happens to be where New Vegas takes place.

Let the frenzied speculation begin!
I think it's pretty obvious he's NCR. Remember that BoS soldier in F3 teaser? I bet he's just an indication that NCR is back in bussines.
Cannot be Tycho, has to be long dead by this time. The game is probably set after fallout 2, since the NCR has extended itself all the way to Nevada.

As for the guy in the video, what looked like an N to begin with now looks like it says "A7", along with the (7) on the helmet.
I'm not sure I take a gas mask, and trench coat, as proof that this is Tycho. For one that would make him pretty damn old, and two, that seems like pretty standard wasteland garb to me.

The more interesting thing is why would someone carrying an NCR flag be scoping out Vegas at night?

Please let this be good... Let them utilize SPECIAL so that it's actually worthy of the heritage it was born from.
Maybe its just a lone wanderer who passes an old abandoned battlefield:

The NCR tried to annex New Vegas and was defeated in a huge battle. This graveyard is what is left of NCR's army and the flag... well it's just a flag left on the battlefield. Now it is a silent reminder of NCR's hybris.

But things are about to change...

... because War, War never changes.

Hmm... never thought him to be Tycho, still not thinking him to be Tycho now.

With that NCR flag, the game definitely takes places no earlier than when NCR was officially declared, 2186 maybe? Not sure of Tycho's age, but if he did survive he would old, and I don't see him traveling back the way he came (he himself said it was a very dangerous journey, and I for one don't believe that an older Tycho would have made it). Plus, his outfit seems too neat and clean to be a wander like Tycho. This person is definitely part of an organized faction.

It would be cool if Tycho made an appearance, but judging by the NCR flag, location, and the possible dates that this game takes place, I highly doubt he will. Plus, didn't the developers of Fallout wanted it so all the NPC's died at the end of the game in Mariposa?
I'm not sure Tycho is even recognized by Fallout 2 as an existing person. Vault Dweller's journal didn't mention him for sure, he only mentioned Dogmeat and Ian AFAIR.
I am going to venture a guess here and say that he is from Vault 7. The (7) on the helm is my indicator on that, and he is obviously a ranger/allied with NCR.

Just to be saying these words right now, you guys have no idea how much comfort and joy there's in them.

I watched the trailer, and every single.. piece of me said: "This is Fallout 3." It felt like .. a religious experience.

Let's hope the gameplay is good too.

This is one hell of a start to 2010.. :postviper:
Just because there is a number on something does not automatically mean it's from a vault.
Dracon M'Alkir said:
I watched the trailer, and every single.. piece of me said: "This is Fallout 3." It felt like .. a religious experience.

Something like "Follow. Pray. Unity."?
Do we know at what time this game takes place? I would think the desert ranger to be, exactly that, a desert ranger, and not Tycho.
I don't mean it wrong guys but you are making so much speculation about something that might not even really be mentioned in the game.

I just see it as some trailer that is meant to introduce us all to the feel of the game, not necessarily showing a character we get to play as or interact with.

If this would be the look of some of the NCR soldiers, that would be nice though.

Best thing would simply be to wait for actually in game shots next week.
Something struck me when I was watching the trailers and I saw small crosses. They reminded me of Golgotha, which was south of New Reno. And what we see in the trailer might as well be re-born New Reno I suppose. It's even kind of close to NCR.
Am I making any sense?
Yeah, I thought so too. Don't know how far the travel would be from Vegas to Reno to the NCR, but it looked familiar. But on the other hand, just we could see a graveyard and a town in background it doesn't mean it's reno. ;)