Spiritual successor to Fallout?

Good job, Bethesda, people already shifted interested to a game whose development was only hinted at.

Really good job.

As for this, I have not played Bard's Tale, the new or the old ones, but even if they screwed up the new one I'd still give them a chance. Hopefully they'll have the funding needed for such a project, and well, they don't have the history of fuck-ups Bethesda has.
Ausir said:
Well, but the original Wasteland did have cyberpunk level technology.

Something I never quite have gotten past.

I say it was designed after studying the remains of the Terminator from the future :)

Ausir said:
Oh, and I want a theme song by Queen :).

Which one? :0

janissary said:
Imo, '80s-trash-future is eaven more fun then retro-'50s-future. (Well, now I'm persona non grata)

Nah, as long as you don't ay it
's "Fallout, you're safe.

No that I think of it, a nineteeneighties retrofuture.... Think Back to the Future III. :)
"Fallout 3 was cancelled, this sucks so much. Oh well, Carsten's The Fall will surely be the game we wanted Van Buren to be!"

"Oh boy looks like Fallout 3 is going to suck. Oh well, Fargo's Wasteland successor will surely be the game we've all been waiting for!"

As someone said several pages back, play the new Bard's Tale and then comment.
There's also the fact that they didn't actually have the Bard's Tale license while making it.

Even though the game was originally advertised as a remake...

...after EA got angry over perceived license infrigements, The Bard's Tale ended up becoming little more than a generic parody with largely inoffensive humor written by Cary Elwes.
Snarky/Nice dialogue system? What? This isn't the Princess Bride, man. though a game of that might not go amiss... ahem.

Had they actually been able to use the BT license it probably would've been better. Also, if it'd actually been released on the PC alongside the PS2/XBox instead of being ported later... yeah.

A clusterfuck, though I'd argue not nearly as bad as one like FOBOS- FOBOS DID have the license, but still fucked everything up.

Being deliriously happy over an announcement that Fargo, a man who amounts to little more than a suit (A progressive suit, yes) might have the desire to make a Wasteland successor is a bit pointless this early in the process. Especially considering he seems somewhat enamored with the idea of "next-gen".

Anything for hope, though. :mrgreen:

Ausir said:
Fargo himself said WL2 will be more ofa hardcore RPG than BT.
There's also that bit of good news to take into account. :dance:

inXile said:
The Unannounced Project
Next gen action adventure game.
But there's still that to take into account as well.