Spiritual successor to Fallout?

Brian Fargo got the rights to Wasteland around the same time as Bards Tale. He pretty much said since the begining what direction he was going to go with both series. Bards Tale an Action/Rpg, Wasteland Oldschool RPG. I can understand why they havent started Wasteland yet. They dont have alot of money since they didnt have alot to make Bards Tale and then it becoming a flop. Im pretty sure their taking on other projects to raise money to go towards Wasteland which is his pet project.
Tannhauser said:
There is mysterious hint from a 1Up Yours podcast nearly two weeks ago. Garnett Lee, Managing Editor of 1Up, said the following in a conversation about Bethesda's Fallout 3, at the 80:50 mark:<blockquote>I think we are going to see a spiritual successor to Fallout One and Two from the guy who originally did Wasteland, and I'm just going to leave it at that.</blockquote>It seems likely that Garnett is referring to Brian Fargo, founder of Interplay and current CEO of InXile. In an interesting wrinkle, Fargo also owns the rights to Wasteland, which Fallout was partially a spiritual successor to.

Thank to CStalin for this news.

Light? Do I see light?!?! Hope? My god is this hope? It's a dream, yes a dream...
CStalin said:
Brian Fargo got the rights to Wasteland around the same time as Bards Tale. He pretty much said since the begining what direction he was going to go with both series. Bards Tale an Action/Rpg, Wasteland Oldschool RPG. I can understand why they havent started Wasteland yet. They dont have alot of money since they didnt have alot to make Bards Tale and then it becoming a flop. Im pretty sure their taking on other projects to raise money to go towards Wasteland which is his pet project.

If he does make a new Wasteland I hope it isn't fucked up like FINO:3 looks like it will be. Please Brian get the cash and take your time with it. 8)
Thanks, you reignited a spark of hope CStalin, although it seems unlikely that he would invest in a proper RPG with a good team. I don't know him or his motives. But then again, manager types have dreams too...
By the way, since Wasteland was made in the 80s, it had a very 80s style (especially in character portraits), so it would be great if they made it 80s retro-future. I'd love to have a post-apocalyptic game with 80-style pink clothing, 8-bit electronic music and Commodore 64-like advanced supercomputers :).


Here's what Fargo had to say about Wasteland in 2003:

As for Wasteland, I can't give much commentary on it yet but it would be a totally different treatment than what we are doing with BT. Wasteland is a heavier subject matter with a more intense system behind it.

From what I recall, Cold War went into the nineties in Wasteland, and it was around that time the apocalypse happened, so this would rather be a retro-past or retro-present :)

On the other hand, you could play this card: Dissolution of the Soviet bloc never had happened, then U.S. had blown gazillions of $$$ more on weapons development - this would explain the more advanced stuff...
Yes, the War in Wasteland happened in our past (1997, IIRC), but the game itself took place years after that, in our (near) future. Anyway, by retro-future I mean future as imagined in the 80s (think of Back to the Future 2), regardless of whether it's set in our future or past.
I was referring to the technology level specifically, someone might get under the impression that since Wasteland is modelled after a later time than Fallout it ought to have a more advanced tech. Wastland ought not to have Cyberpunk 2020 level of tech as imagined in the 80s, but a Y2K level of tech as imagined by the 80s.

But yeah, 80s retrofuture or the win! I want to see amber displays all throughout the game! :D
Well, but the original Wasteland did have cyberpunk level technology.

Oh, and I want a theme song by Queen :).
Tom_Sawyer said:
Zlatorog said:
Wouldn't it be funny if the game came out the same time as Fallout 3
and would have everything that F3 lacks (Iso, TB, ...) ?

That would be a good kick in the ass for Beth$oft :lol:

Sounds like what happened to MOO3. Galactic Civilization was in the works and quicksilver took one look at it and panic ensued. They rushed out MOO3 to compete and well one of these game series is still around and the other still has trying to rinse out their mouths from the bad taste.

However, Galactic civilization is just Civilization in space and in no way a spiritual sequel to Master of Orion 2. I loved MOO2, but I found many design decisions in Gal Civ completely unadapted (wtf? sending billions of civilians as groundforces, or the culutral assimilation of alien races? you must be kidding...).

So I really hope it doesn't turn this way for Wasteland 2. It is predictable that whatever we like it or not, Fallout 3 will sell a lot, so it would still be around, thus, the analogy would probably work better with Gal Civ <=> Oblivion with guns, and MOO3 <=> Wasteland 2, which would not really be a good thing...
scypior said:
Hope. Hope never changes.

Ain't that the truth, guv.

Hah, i just realized, even tho we all are supposed to be a bunch of sceptical, and hopeless angst-ridden mofos, i find it educational how a one-lined, unconfirmed rumour can spawn 4 pages of discussion. 8)

Really, let's wait with the group masturbation till we know something more.
Speaking for myself, I'm not a cynic because I want to be. But because my hopes have been used up and thrown away like so much toilet paper.
So any chance - no matter how small - that there may indeed be a silver lining in those dank, black clouds is good.
It's good news, but I'm cautious with what feelings should I have on it. I had high hopes for Bethesda's game too. The Key is not to follow the trends for me, if they do, I'm not gonna like either.

But at least he's got the credit of being the creator to the original.
wonder if Cain will work on it too.
I doubt Tim Cain would like to work with Fargo again. And, despite a common misconception, Fargo didn't create any of the Fallouts (he did work on Wasteland, though).
Yeah, I guess I meant producer, that was his actual credit, wasn't it?
Still beats Bethesda's who are only fans to the game. At least he was actively involved.
Fuck it

IF and WHEN it shows up be it Wasteland 2 or it Out of the Wastes or Brian says fuck you Bethesda this is how Fallout 3 should have been done (doubt the last concept title will fly :P ) I will start to really dream.

And as the dream progresses if it stays true to the roots I will get out the trusty credit card for a pre-order.

If however like a certain long awaited game we all wanted but are now not getting then my card will stay locked away.
neopl said:
Vault 13 said:
Troika games was also making such a thing but it got cancelled later : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xzYmQyHl2bc

I've said this before and I'll say it again. This looks absolutely amazing. I simply don't understand why is Bs-corp is so lazy, if they wanted the game to be in FPP sure, but give us iso as well, much like in the quoted link.

Indeed the video shows us stuff who hoped to see in beth's fallout3. Strange tho that some beth fans shout "innovation" and "change" while this tech demo is way more innovative then what is known of beth's fallout.

But when you think about it, beth's Engine probably ain't all that "great".