This ghoul has seen it all

I actually think the new FO4 BOS is one of the few interesting things from the story. They are more in line with the original brotherhood + a few of the aspects Lyon's jedis of steel had, like actually accepting wastelanders into their ranks regularly, which solves the problem of inbreeding. Sure their leader is a young guy who is waaaaaaay over his head and the older members indulge him even more because of his lineage, but I think that actually makes them more compelling than the stupid "Steel be with you" jokers from FO3, also you are not forced to join them, so there is that. Rest of the factions are all super lame, with the Railroad being the dumbest one, the Minutemen removing agency from you despite you supposedly being their leader and the Institute being more incompetent than the Big MT crew of mindfucked psychopaths.