
assuming these are the same videos, I thought it was great to watch Robin Williams fiddle around with the creator. Gameplay footage for an awesome looking game + comical commentary. Cant' get much better.
now that looks like a game worth spending on, hell if it does 3/4 of what the demo said it's still fresh and interesting. It is possible that at some point it will get old (here I am talking about the lifespan of a game that has yet to hit the stands :roll: ) but when or if it odes it will be more likely because of the limited imagination of the gamer rather than the shallowness of the game. This game might hit the gaming community with an epiphany: sometimes the gamers lack in imagination just as much as the game devs (except that the devs get some money out of it while the gamer gets jack). But from a dev's standpoint this is just brilliant: it's no longer my fault the game sucks because I left most of the decisions to the gamer, so he now has as much freedom as he wants and he is responsible for the kind of experience he gets out of the game. Pure genius.
Could they make one of those things for F3 and just let us make our own games? We couldn't suck at it more than they do.....
OH man! I saw that old GDC video that came out a year or so ago, and I was so hyped for this game, now the more recent video really shows that the game is pretty much done, and still has all the stuff from he previous video and more.

I want to play this game soooooo bad now. :D
Search, post in the right forum. Yeesh.

Merged with an existing topic.
I don't mind, I hope the extra time serves the development team well.

Geez, what a crappy website though.
That game is FREAKIN AMAZING! Just the design concept is awesome let alone the fact that he graphics and music all match the idea. Eat little ones to grow big...get adaptations to catch little ones by defeating competing big ones. So simple yet so deep.

The Vault Dweller