SSE hires another ex-BISer

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I almost forgot you can see how the orbital thing would look like here
the rocket would be something like a V2 crossed with classic Flash Gordon stuff.

Ok time to get back to work

P.S: Role Player isto não é pessoal contra eles, se existe uma lista de pessoa que eu gosto aqui o rosh está lá de certeza, mas não posso deixar que transformem isto para pior, pelo menos sem alguma luta.
Space Stations? Why not?

Even better if we got laid in zero-g!

I wonder if any astronauts have tried that? :wink:
Briareus was wrong in what he wrote, and was unfair with NMA. kukquat didn`t had enough experience to deal with the situation, and was wrong in indirectly supporting Sean.

I just want to clear that situation up a bit:

I fucked up three fold that day. No one else. It wasn't Kharns fault for modding me, and Rosh wasn't an ass for demodding me. Had I stoppped and thought, I would have figured out the best moves to make. I did not.

1. I shouldn't have touched that situation, it wasn't my place. I should have PMed a Admin to do something.

2. The action I took was wrong, if I was to do anything, I should have moved the posts. I wasn't thinking, I regret that.

3. I didn't take the fight to PMs. I should have beenthe bigger person.

No excuse, I fucked up. I shouldn't be a mod, and if I got banned I wouldn't have blamed anyone. I don't think anyone can say I cried about it, or stopped helping NMA after the fact tho.

My point is, while the way I acted was wrong, what I tried to do (and maybe accomplished) wasn't based in malicious or "ass kissing".

My logic in acting was this: First, disagree with someone all you want, but there is a personal line that shouldn't be crossed. It doesn't matter if the other guy crosses it first. Not that I am innocent of this, but the point still remains.

Second Bri, whos relationship with NMA is all but destroyed now I assume, was someone who was VERY good to this community. So, even if he crossed the above line, I don't think the smart move was to counter attack. Again, disagree, but don't go into personal attacks. Don't kiss ass, but don't get personal. Two wrongs don't make a right. Hell, Saint came over HERE to mess with the devs. No sweat of his back.

Third, NMA lives and breaths (when its a stable and growing community) off its relationship with the devs. If that fight continued, I feared that things would be said that can't be taken back by either side. It's a close knit community of devs, if you get a bad rep, your not going to get alot of people talking to you. Some of the things said by the admins, I felt, may have hurt NMA. Even the smartest of people get mad and say the wrong thing.

I wasn't trying to argue that what was said was wrong, but simply that it shouldn't be said. By either side. Now I am NOT saying the end justified the means. I had a responsibilty and I fucked up. I just didn't want anyone thinking I did it on an ego trip or something.
Mr. Teatime said:
This place is getting bad. Kumquat now has the moron sign? For disagreeing with Rosh and Saint? Jesus. Something needs to be done, and quick, before this place turns into DAC.

I agree. This is silly.

Realizing that I have only recently been made Admin, I will defer to the more senior here.

However, I personally like that this is NMA and not DAC. No offence to the DACers.
Interesting point about NMA extremism, though.

I've noticed that since the Great Newbie Invasion that transformed us back in December of '03 we've been experiencing a more hostile phanboism attitude in quite a few of the newcomers and sometimes it even starts reflecting back into the more regular posters as well. I've commented on it in one form or another before, but it deserves to be restated here as well. Do we really want to go down that path as well?
Another exciting chapter in BRIOSAFREAK 2 TEH RESQUE, I see.

Briosafreak said:
Then he invented some bits. He knows jack shit about the story when compared to kumquat, Sammael, Odin or me.

Now that's horseshit, Brios. I'll admit I didn't really care much for the first little tidbits of information that started leaking out about the game and lost interest, but if you think you three are the only people who know anything at all about Fallout 3, you're sorely mistaken.

Kumquat3 even had to ask me if the person he got his details from was legit. Why? Because I was talking to the guy FIRST. If you guys think that was the only person I heard stuff from about Fallout 3, you're mistaken there as well.

Because they didn`t want to maybe?????? Really, instead of cocking up bullshit stories just ask them. It`s easy.

Yeah, because I'm so sure they'd rather work on HIGH PROFILE GAMES like Silver Style makes than work with the people they used to work with.

*sigh* ok you weren`t here so you deserve an explanation on this. Baldurs Gate3: The Black Hound was made with a real time with pause in mind. After a couple of reunions they decided to put a TB mode already thinking of using the engine in the furure for future Fallout titles. When Fallout3 started priority went to make that TB in the better way they could, and rt went to the sideline. They saw how Arcanum failled, but were willing to try , because a TB fallout was always preferable to a non-tb Fallout.

Well, no shit, Sherlock. I think everyone knows that Jefferson and Van Buren were sharing the same engine. I'm sure we all remember J.E. Sawyer publically stating that the Jefferson engine was designed with the idea of sequential scripts/systems in mind as well. Still doesn't change that the turn based system hadn't been implimented yet in Fallout 3 as of cancellation. Other than the engine could be tweaked later to do it, which was done before Van Buren started production, not much else was done.

Why what they had to do because Interplay forced them is a sin, and when Troika did the same thing everything went fine with no drama is ridiculous fanboism.

Your memory is foggy with Puuk-lust, Brios. The one thing everybody complained about with Arcanum was the combat.

Briareus was wrong in what he wrote, and was unfair with NMA. kukquat didn`t had enough experience to deal with the situation, and was wrong in indirectly supporting Sean. But let`s get one thing straight, whenever he talks about Fallout3 he knows what he`s saying, and not just guessing, inventing or distorting things like Rosh or Saint.

Wait.. So now it was wrong of Briereus? Back when it all happenned, you guys were supporting him. In fact, kumquat3 even deleted all the posts on the subject because developers r teh k3wl.

And the fact he has the Moron sign and Saint that when asked me to leave NMA and go to RPGCodex, after i told him i needed time to help NMA in all the changes Odin had devised told me "FUCK NMA" still is treated as some guru is laughable. In a sad way.

I'm sure you could retype this and make it more clear. At the time I asked you, I was the only one at RPG Codex posting news. That's changed. Even at the time, I told you that you were way too much of a fan boy and far too willing to believe whatever any developer says to you. Not too many developers are going to freely admit they can't do something such as make a game with both turn based and real time combat without fudging both. You bought that one hook, line, and sinker.

Put your eyes on DAC, wich was the greatest and strongest Fallout community, and see how it is now. Their only assets are the (great) news from MadMax and Project Phoenix. I sure as hell don`t want NMA to end like that, and will fight against it.

Yeah, because NMA is so much better since it basically mirrors the IPLY forum now. :roll:
Kumquat3 even had to ask me if the person he got his details from was legit. Why? Because I was talking to the guy FIRST.

I don't talk to that guy about VB much. Ask him. Since he is so open with you tho, why didn't he give vb materials to you to post? O, I am sure its because you just didn't want them. :roll:

Also, explain to me why your people ask me about the most basic points about VB? I don't mind giving them info, but either you are holding out on them, or you don't know.

Yeah, because I'm so sure they'd rather work on HIGH PROFILE GAMES like Silver Style makes than work with the people they used to work with.

Hey JE isn't at Obsidian, I don't think it was because of lack of offers. Not saying thats the case, but those two arn't even CLOSE to the only people who arn't at Obsidian. Maybe they don't want to be there. Anyways, we'll talk again after this latest round of hirings tho.

Still doesn't change that the turn based system hadn't been implimented yet in Fallout 3 as of cancellation. Other than the engine could be tweaked later to do it, which was done before Van Buren started production, not much else was done.

Remember, its not like they were working at full steam in the months before the game got axed. They didn't even have the right people to finish the game if they were given 2 more years. Had the game gone forward anywhere near like it was supposed to, who knows. Don't act like you do.

Your memory is foggy with Puuk-lust, Brios. The one thing everybody complained about with Arcanum was the combat.

Yea, about tech and magic not being balanced, and bitching about ranged mainly. The hybrid system didn't work that well tho. What Brios was saying is that JE learned from it and had time to work on it, and when Tim Cain tried to do a hybrid system all the fanboys kissed his ass.

Wait.. So now it was wrong of Briereus? Back when it all happenned, you guys were supporting him. In fact, kumquat3 even deleted all the posts on the subject because developers r teh k3wl.

Now your memory is hazy. I got a new asshole ripped into me for what I did. Privately and publically.

I'm sure you could retype this and make it more clear.

That little bit might have worked the first 5 times someone tried to discredit someone in this thread for a mistype, but I think you need a new trick now.

I was the only one at RPG Codex posting news. That's changed.

Thats too damn bad. Now you have time to go around spamming other forums.

Not too many developers are going to freely admit they can't do something such as make a game with both turn based and real time combat without fudging both.

Yea, but you would assume you could find one of them to say that it wouldn't have worked after the game was cancelled. You can't. Not even in private.

Yeah, because NMA is so much better since it basically mirrors the IPLY forum now

kumquatq3 said:
I don't talk to that guy about VB much. Ask him. Since he is so open with you tho, why didn't he give vb materials to you to post? O, I am sure its because you just didn't want them. :roll:

Because he told me from the beginning that Fallout 3 didn't stand much of a chance in hell of ever getting released. Why would I care to post material about a cancelled game? I do well enough working on getting info and stuff about games that are actually going to be released.

Also, explain to me why your people ask me about the most basic points about VB? I don't mind giving them info, but either you are holding out on them, or you don't know.

I assume you mean RPG Codex's staff? You're free to ask them how much I actually talk to them about Fallout 3 or have EVER said about it. Most of our conversations revolve around upcoming games. The kind that get released. For example, Hey, Ausir, have you gotten in touch with Activision yet about that interview? or Hey, Spazmo, how's that Geneforge 2 review coming? and the like.

Hey JE isn't at Obsidian, I don't think it was because of lack of offers.

I'm sure he's quite happy working on the next Gauntlet game.

Remember, its not like they were working at full steam in the months before the game got axed. They didn't even have the right people to finish the game if they were given 2 more years. Had the game gone forward anywhere near like it was supposed to, who knows. Don't act like you do.

They didn't have the right people because Darth Molitor wanted to hurry up and ship Fallout Enforcer. They had enough people until then. Remember all the stuff about how well the demo showcase went?

Yea, about tech and magic not being balanced, and bitching about ranged mainly. The hybrid system didn't work that well tho. What Brios was saying is that JE learned from it, and when Tim Cain tried to do a hybrid system all the fanboys kissed his ass.

Actually, the reason ranged didn't work well at all is because enemies could transverse from where they start to where you are in their first turn in turn based. The biggest advantage to ranged is that distance which was nullified by the amount of APs everything had.

Now, since you claim JE learned from it.. Ask one of your buddies how the amount of AP was determined in Fallout 3.

Now your memory is haze. I got a new asshole ripped into me for what I did. Privately and publically.

No, I remember that quite well.

That little bit might have worked the first 5 times someone tried to discredit someone in this thread for a mistype, but I think you need a new trick now.

Sure, I'll work on coming up with new tricks. You just work on coming up with your first one.

Thats to damn bad. Now you have time to go around spamming other forums.

Spamming? Hah. Note the length of my posts here, boy. Spamming is something done quickly.

Yea, but you would assume you could find one of them to say that it wouldn't have worked after the game was cancelled. You can't. Not even in private.

It's called being delusional.

Yeah, because NMA is so much better since it basically mirrors the IPLY forum now


Why would I care to post material about a cancelled game? I do well enough working on getting info and stuff about games that are actually going to be released.

They why did RPGcodex have the Armor model pic up within 10 minutes of NMA posting it? It is your site, after all.

As for doing well with current games, yea all those "HIGH PROFILE GAMES" are just running your way. The Obsidian folks just rave about wanting to talk to you. It's funny how you just poured love over S2, since they helped your site. I would have thought someone of your "abilities" could have seen the many many weakness in that game. Did you meantion the repetitive missions? Nope, but you did talk about their "replay" value. Did you talk about the bugs? Nope. Instead of your usual "this should have been in there" approach to reviews, you said things like "I would have liked". I guess in your mind you are better than me because you think I suck dev dick, but you suck it for treats. Congrats.

You're free to ask them how much I actually talk to them about Fallout 3 or have EVER said about it.

O, you don't listen during those fireside chats on irc? I am sure you look away from the screen.

I'm sure he's quite happy working on the next Gauntlet game.

It was his choice. He made it for a reason.

They didn't have the right people because Darth Molitor wanted to hurry up and ship Fallout Enforcer. They had enough people until then. Remember all the stuff about how well the demo showcase went?

When JE left, right before the showcase iirc, the VB team was already missing key people.

Sure, I'll work on coming up with new tricks. You just work on coming up with your first one.

Sorry, I don't turn tricks for anyone. You just keep working on your new ones. There very entertaining.

Spamming? Hah. Note the length of my posts here, boy. Spamming is something done quickly.

Spamming is a useless post. Length has nothing to do with it.

It's called being delusional.

ah yes, every dev is insane. You, on the other hand, are all knowing. Please.
kumquatq3 said:
Why would I care to post material about a cancelled game? I do well enough working on getting info and stuff about games that are actually going to be released.

They why did RPGcodex have the Armor model pic up within 10 minutes of NMA posting it? It is your site, after all.


  • From: kumquatq3
    To: Saint_Proverbius
    Posted: Tue Dec 30, 2003 12:40 am
    Subject: Re: question

    If I tell you something, I assume you can be trusted not to tell Odin/NMA?

    Heres my situation: I am currently a news poster for NMA. Since news for NMA in PA rpg terms will be slow, I suggested expanding are coverage to "deep" rpgs that our community has interest in. Also, the games I suggested had devoplers with FO connections. Namely KOTOR2 and Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines. Well long story short, Odin and I didn't see eye to eye on it. He pretty much slammed the door shut on any hope of NMA expanding. I assure you, he wasn't doing it out of respect to RPGcodex or anything. His list of reason included "they arn't isometric camera views" and "they arn't TB". Well, The Fall, are headliner right now, isn't either of those. NMAs only other game, Metalheart, isn't even PA. Not to mention the last RPG by that company sucked. It is Odins pet project tho. NMA has zero game prospects till Wasteland, Trokias PA rpg, or a new FO get going. Anyways, I had my supporters, he had his and he did it his way. Thats fine. Needless to say I miss Briosafreak.

    Now I noticed you guys tend to get alot of reviews and chats, but not a ton in the ways of dev quotes and pictures like NMA got during the VB days. I tend to be able to get alot of that. In fact, I may be coming in to more items in a week on VB than NMA has posted all together, photowise, and better things. Heres hoping. I already am the one who got the photos of the milestone markers and the char model. Brios got the 2 screenshots. I also know about as much as anyone about VB. I have a good amount of varied sources, some will be with Silverstyle soon, others are still with Iply, still others are still floating around. What I really want to do now is cover KOTOR2 and VampiretheMasquerade2. I have nothing inside trokia currently, havn't really tried, and I should be "inside" Obsidian soon. With just a little luck. A few guys are seeing if they can't help me out with that. Either way, I think I can create contacts just like I did with VB.

    Basically, I am wondering if there would be room for me if I wanted to join your team. Not sure if I would want to do it publically or privately just yet, but I am interested in helping RPGcodex if that means being able to cover these games. What do you think?

Remember after this PM you sent me, I asked you to come to IRC where I basically told you I wasn't interested in all this stuff? Exitium was interested in some of the FO3 stuff, but I was only interested if you would post news, do interviews and other things. You just wanted to get screenshots.. I don't care much about screenshots, never have. I get offers for them all the time, but I never post them. I still needed to get the staff up to a decent level at that point. Notice I didn't really care too much about what you offered in trade for screwing over Odin.

So, basically, when you sarcastically said maybe I wasn't interested, you should have already had your answer a month and a half ago when you were trying to sell out NMA.

PS. Now you know why I never answered that first question in that PM. :D

Sorry, I don't turn tricks for anyone. You just keep working on your new ones. There very entertaining.

Well, that was my new trick. Still entertained?
Wow, never saw this coming. :roll: I already told Odin about all of it. I told him I talked to you about working for you. I told him I said alot of things I regret because I was PISSED at him. Ask him. I was sorry then, and I am sorry now. It's called fessing up to your mistakes to the people you give two shits about. What I ever saw in a dog like you is beyond me. What ever it was, it was short lived.

BTW, you notice which site I continued to help? Even after I got demodded, which was after that letter.

Its funny, only a rat like you would save a PM to try and use against me someday. That was about 2 months ago? I am sure it just sat in your PMs by accident. Kind of like Monica Lewinski and the cum staind dress.

Try again loser.
Saint_Proverbius said:
kumquatq3 said:
BTW, you notice which site I continued to help?

It's called NO WHERE ELSE TO GO.

You sure seemed like you wanted me then, but now I am sure you'll claim you told me to hit the road. Right? (EDIT: Just like you told Brios....) Remember:Whats the Wrigley Fields address? Besides, you wern't the only place I talked to. Sorry, does that make you feel sad?

Your still a rat. :)
Come on Saint! DIG DEEP.

Show everyone how low you can sink. It won't help you, and it won't hurt me. I got no buried skeletons.
I think my reply to you on the subject was, I really don't care. It's up to Exitium. Even said that a couple of times to you. I certainly hope that isn't your definition of being wanted.
Saint_Proverbius said:
I think my reply to you on the subject was, I really don't care. It's up to Exitium. Even said that a couple of times to you. I certainly hope that isn't your definition of being wanted.

Well saint old buddy, I'm tired and need some sleep. Goodnight.
Page 1:
kumquatq3 said:
But I'm not about to get into a tit for tat here. Bye now

Page 2:
kumquatq3 said:
Anyways, rosh is fully in "mcdumbass" mode, so I'm outty.
You know what's really funny though? This was your first post here at the new NMA boards:

kumquatq3 said:
After reading much of what jester said on the FO:BOS forum, I think I can make peace with the game. It may help fuel the FO name and FO3. I don't think it will hurt FO3.

Now, on to the space station stuff:
It's something that's never been determined. Yes, it was evident in the 50's and one would presume, that things like fusion power could've gotten them there. However, as I've said with things Fallout before, if fusion was so uber in Fallout, why did America annex Canada? Why is it all "oil" that's mentioned everywhere in the Fallout intro? To turn around and say "Yes, they had the resources to go to space" really sucks the point out of the war. I, personally, don't believe it's something that "fits", not within the 50's culture, but within the world that "Fallout" itself portrays.

The Enclave themselves were never properly explained in Fallout 2. Even then, I believe they were an additional thought Tim had after Fallout 2 along with the Vault experiments that he never properly developed (as far as I am aware).

EDIT: As for NMA:
This place was DEAD quiet prior to the board upgrade. We're talking one new post in GD a week. Most of the general forum happening was on Vault13 and anything that happened at NMA was mostly in the specific Fallout forums. That's going back as far as I can remember and I admit, I haven't been here long compared with some of the others. My point is, a lot of users liked it that way. NMA was my "once a week" forum. Not my "once a day just to keep up". It was a Fallout place. It had great Fallout info and a strong community built up of a few core people. I personally don't think developers had shit to do with it.

Yeah, developer info is always good, but to me, NMA stood up for itself. If there was something "Fallouty" that it disagreed with, it was said and it was said strongly with big-bad words. I can't recall this place being an ass-kisser clanny playground. Hell, maybe it was, and I just ignored that aspect of it at the time. Hell, maybe I can't remember shit.

My point is, as I said, NMA was quiet but it had it's core. A good solid core that kept the place rumbling for a good long while. A lot of that core is still here and still running the site. What happened at DaC happened for a bunch of reasons. My own understanding of the situation is that part of the reason DaC is still alive at all is because Saint intervened. Someone feel free to correct me.
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