STALKER: Call of Pripyat New Trailer

I don't like this slow-mo-combat shit. It is like "see, Stalker has awesome battles now!". Man, this game was never about combat for me... until it has been released and I realized that it is all about running around, shooting other dudes while looking at some nice places (still, the focus was most on combat).
Its the Watchmen method, make it look like an action packed game, then you play it and its nothing like the trailer, not that it's a bad thing, helps bring in more CASH.
One firefight in 5m:17s gives you the impression it will be all about combat Lexx?

I understand what you are saying though (with the slow motion effects), but for me, who has not had the pleasure of playing the Stalker games yet, this trailer was pure awesomeness because of the lack of combat and "omg!action!!!" moments.

This looks beautiful and eerie, I think.

I will have to get hold of the Stalker games and finally play them :)
Yes, because SoC and CS have been all (ok, most) about combat too. And now I even see slow-motion death in the trailer.

But beside this, I think, I will not buy this anyway because even SoC is still buggy for me and I couldn't yet finish CS because of script bugs (and I tried often and hard, really). So, the last two games have somehow failed regarding bug-less-ness and I just can't believe that the next one will be better.

I mean, I really love the graphic and atomosphere of the games, but the annoying and game breaking bugs killed everything for me.
Looks good.

Personally loved SoC, yeah it was buggy but loved it from start to finish. Especially the combat, hectic and I personally loved that you couldn't haul around everything including the kitchen sink. Will remember several fights for my life when I ran out of even pistol ammo and had to scrounge for weapons from the ones I just shot just to get some mutant or something else off me....

Gotta check out CS.
Hey lexx you just got to find the right mods from the community to fix the bugs, just like you do for the fallout series!

try stalker filefront

definitely looks pretty, but i hope there is more motivation to explore and continue onward. For some it can get a little boring with no leveling system, I hope they change the game play up at least a little in some ways
Stalker was not really much more then a Shooter for me.

It was awesome before you entered Pripjat but after that it became very fast boring and a bit senseless. And it seems this "Addons" are not much different compared to the core game.
i loved shadow of chernobyl and thought clear sky was a bit of a letdown. i have high hopes for this one, and higher hopes that we get a bug free version at launch.

i know, i know, it's not likely... but don't go fucking with my dreams.
rehevkor said:
I got bored after 30 seconds much like playing the first game.
Yeah, it's not as easy to dig into as Call of Duty, that's for sure...

The first game was an unpolished buggy gem. The level design was superb, but lots of game mechanics could be improved and implemented.

The prequel was a polished but buggy gem, with awesome level design, awesome mechanics (weapon customization and artifact hunting) but it was too much railroaded after the middle part of the game.

They promise the sequel won't be like that and will be even more open than the first game. If the include all the awesome mechanics from the prequel and hopefully implement some more, then it's going to be head on. For and FPS of course. We're not talking about RPGs, and, because we're not, I'm very ok with saying that both STALKER games are two of the best FPSs ever made, even if they don't quite deliver all the way through.
Morbus said:
They promise the sequel won't be like that and will be even more open than the first game. If the include all the awesome mechanics from the prequel and hopefully implement some more, then it's going to be head on. For and FPS of course. We're not talking about RPGs, and, because we're not, I'm very ok with saying that both STALKER games are two of the best FPSs ever made, even if they don't quite deliver all the way through.

For me, STALKER (with a few mods that change the ballistics to behave more realisticly and a few other minute aspects) was just the most fun i had with a FPS and this is just for the shooting part, not even including the awesome setting. If the devs will release this one a bit more polished and with a bit more sophistication this could easily be the best FPS ever made....
I just hope they fix the a.i. Was a tad annoyed that bandits could spot me from 2 miles away in the dark with my light out.

Pretty much my only gripe with the games really.
the animation looks like shit. trailer is fucking boring. well, maybe I just don't like stalker games.
Yeah I played the first one and even though I love PA fiction and games, the games setting just rubbed me the wrong way.

I really thought I would like it but I couldn't get past the setting and stopped playing after a few hours....
They really nail atmosphere, but I always had a nagging feeling that STALKER should've been done in pseudo-isometric perspective. First-person perspective is such a game is something feels wrong to me.
I haven't played the second yet (guess i will be checking the nets for a good deal in a moment...)

Hey its not totally crappy for a post-apocalyptic type game! Better than no stalker at all! (i think it does a better job of what it wants to be than Fallout 3 did)

The graphics didn't seem superb but certainly better than the first 2 iterations, for a moment the trailer made me think of how cut scenes used to be in games where they weren't done with the engine

I don't think this trailer will ultimately have done the end product any justice