STALKER: Call of Pripyat New Trailer

Since you guys have the options to iginore mods, dont have to pay anything for them and they never come as "mandatory" to your original game. I have no clue what you people complain so much about. Sure "bad" design happens everywhere. You mention it, say your oppinion and that was it. I dont see a reason to call it all just "shit" or complain endless times.
Eyenixon said:
S.T.A.L.K.E.R.'s bevy of mods have all been a terrible waste of time to me, the things they add that have been removed they typically don't bother even implementing correctly, as though there were some reason that they were actually removed, y'know, because they weren't finished, because they were fucked up in the first place?
I played Oblivion Lost 2.2, AMK 1.4 (Russian) and I are very solid done and in fact some restored features were nicely polished. The real bad side of all Stalker mods are cars but heck, with such in- game-maps there is no way to make them useful.
Crni Vuk said:
Since you guys have the options to iginore mods, dont have to pay anything for them and they never come as "mandatory" to your original game. I have no clue what you people complain so much about. Sure "bad" design happens everywhere. You mention it, say your oppinion and that was it. I dont see a reason to call it all just "shit" or complain endless times.
Just because somethings optional and free doesn't mean it should be free from criticism. And since most modders either think their design decisions are better than those of the professional developers or are making the mod hoping to become professional developers (or both) they need as much criticism as possible to counteract all the stroking of e-peens that usually goes with a big fps mod. Being harsh also helps deflate the over inflated egos most of them have.
I did not said that its free from criticsm. Its the "tone" of the criticism that is what I complain about.

Particularly when its about oppinions. Ones "shit" is anothers "gold" (hope that makes sense). Maybe alpha stages or other things like the gamplay lack certain aspects and it might not be fun to play. Then you can say that adress the issues you have and mention it. But to many get just flat out the oppinion "its shit cause (insert some issue here)". Thats not the kind of criticsm that deserves much respect, Or any attention.
frosty_theaussie said:
You guys think Bethesda are bad, right? Wonder how many of you are aware of how GSC have treated the STALKER fanbase. A load of ass. Shadow of Chernobyl's flaws, game-breaking bugs and horrid lies could be ascribed to its protracted development cycle but Clear Sky's cheap cash-in was kicking the fans while they were down. It says a lot when no modders want to touch your sequel.

I don't know, SoC was really stable for me (but then again, I WAS using the final patch). While it could've been a lot more, it was still hella awesome.

Clear Sky has a lot of great ideas, and I wouldn't call it a bad game or a "cheap cash-in". The way it was released and remains unstable to this day was completely unprofessional, though, and that may be the reason why fewer people mod it. Hell, as much as I loved SoC, I might throw CS out of the window (just got it), cause it crashes every 5 fucking minutes, and that's with patch and mod (and there seem to be a few major mods for CS, BTW, maybe just not in English). Hell, CS may be the buggiest game between TOEE and FO3, the two true kings of Glitch Kingdom.

As long as CoP doesn't crash as often, I'm def. in for more of the same.
I always considered SoC to be a fluke success, and it's like GSC thought "hey people actually liked it, let's make a sequel with more of everything" which turned out to be the wrong way to go. I honestly don't believe Call of Pripyat will be any different than the first two in terms of bugs. They claim they fired the whole QA team and hired new people but come on, what a transparent marketing ploy. For the third time it will be up to modders to fix the mess. The earlier poster who said GSC doesn't care about the fans is 100% correct. I'm a regular on their forums and I think I've seen a GSC employee post ONCE.
Hmm with the latest patch CS is nearly as stable as ShoC, for my rig that is.

@randir14 I thought they listened too much to the fans when making CS. I mean just about every large mod for ShoC turns the zone into a battlefield. So you can't really blame them for thinking that's what the fans want.
Well, I have with Wind of Change installed, and CS crashes every time I try to pick up any 1-block-sized item from the grounf (bandages, small pistols etc), and also at random moments. I haven't tried it under XP yet, though, maybe it's more stable on DX9?
Well, it might've installed wrong. I didn't have Russian locale set so something may have gotten broken. I reinstalled it with diff. settings to see if it's any better.