STALKER: Call of Pripyat New Trailer

I guess to me it was more the paranormal/extra-dimensional aspects that really turned me off.
It looks great to me, S.T.A.L.K.E.R. was very much about the atmosphere and not so much the technical splendor of the visuals themselves, and atmosphere it had in spades, very well done.
Pripyat seems to be doing well in this regard and the lighting is absolutely gorgeous.

Aside from that, not much you can see as far as the gameplay itself goes, but that's the case with most teasers.
All I would hope is that this time Pripjat will be REALLY open and possible to explore and not a "rail roaded" experience like in STALKER:SoC. That was pretty unfun. For me at least. The Nuclear Plant was "ok". But after you spend already almost some hour fighting, shooting, fighting, shooting ... it really starts to become tedious except the time you are walking in to the destroyed reactor! Now talking about eerie feelings! No enemies no nothing. That was great.
What really tickles my fance is the expanse we see in the trailer. It seems they really expanded the gameworld, showing off what X-Ray's really about.

I'd love to see Generators and Monolith War Lab reintegrated too.
You guys think Bethesda are bad, right? Wonder how many of you are aware of how GSC have treated the STALKER fanbase. A load of ass. Shadow of Chernobyl's flaws, game-breaking bugs and horrid lies could be ascribed to its protracted development cycle but Clear Sky's cheap cash-in was kicking the fans while they were down. It says a lot when no modders want to touch your sequel.

Mikael Grizzly said:
What really tickles my fance is the expanse we see in the trailer. It seems they really expanded the gameworld, showing off what X-Ray's really about.

I'd love to see Generators and Monolith War Lab reintegrated too.

Do not get your hopes up. Do not. Get your hopes up.
frosty_theaussie said:
You guys think Bethesda are bad, right? Wonder how many of you are aware of how GSC have treated the STALKER fanbase. A load of ass. Shadow of Chernobyl's flaws, game-breaking bugs and horrid lies could be ascribed to its protracted development cycle but Clear Sky's cheap cash-in was kicking the fans while they were down. It says a lot when no modders want to touch your sequel.

Mikael Grizzly said:
What really tickles my fance is the expanse we see in the trailer. It seems they really expanded the gameworld, showing off what X-Ray's really about.

I'd love to see Generators and Monolith War Lab reintegrated too.

Do not get your hopes up. Do not. Get your hopes up.

I liked both games.

*pats CEs*
That trailer made me feel like I installed stalker and played it all over again. In other words; bored as hell.

Why would I want to play more of the *same*? I have already done that... And it doesn't seem to me like there are huge differences between all these stalker games. None noteworthy at least.

I'm still waiting for the first stalker to come out, and not these craptastic linear clones.
If you only paid 10€ for the first game and 5€ for the second, it's an awesome perspective to be able to play more of the same, even if it costs you 15€.

At least for me. I replayed both games a few times and enjoyed it quite a lot.
Nicely done. I liked it. It's atmospheric and shows some of new NPC behaviors, but as I read, sadly, it will be relatively short game in terms of main quest time [cca 7-9h], which is not small by today's measures, but then again today's standards are just pure and insane POS, so.... You got a picture.

My God, I would give half of Pete's hypocrisy for re-combining SPECIAL and STALKER...

Meh, sarcasm aside, it'll be a good but some-what short FPS for those of us who like something like this. And they promised that it will be open-ended unlike previous ones. I just hope this time NPCs will be with more brain and personality then standard mmo bot and, as Deadman87 said, it wouldn't feel like first game all over again...
Interesting, I found the altered terrain by anomalies well done. Other then that as has been pointed out they are adding bits of stuff that moders have made available already. I wouldn't expect anything groundbreaking tough, its more interesting which one will turn out more polished COP or Priboy Story.
As for CS don't give up on it yet, one new mod should be hitting beta phase soon. Its called S.M.R.T.E.R. Zone Alpha and currently seems to be the only mod to integrate Arsenal successfully into it and adding some cut content to. Playing the latest version and it feels pretty stable, more then vanilla game.

GreyViper said:
Playing the latest version and it feels pretty stable, more then vanilla game.
That looks totally crap. The last thing Clear Sky needs is more combat, and why is it that virtually every big Stalker mod is an 'everything but the kitchen sink' type of mod? It would be nice if someone did a mod concentrating on exploration, reducing the factions down to 10 to 20 members each (except the monolith and the military) and slightly increasing the mutants.
requiem_for_a_starfury the video is one of the pre alphas, since my current game didnt have Monolith and mutants at fishing hamlet. But I honestly lack of mutants in swamp definitely is not the issue in latest version. I encountered mutants from controllers to pseudo giants randomly. And they do seem to slow down the faction advancement, since most CS and renegade squads get slaughtered by them. And the point of the video was mostly was to show that arsenal can and has been transferred to CS despite it being hard and long work. Since CS is using totally new anims that weren't in SHOC, meant people thought it was doable only with SDK.
My big problem with Clear Sky is that enemies are everywhere, and so is ammo. Unlike the first game. The spawn points are so many and so fast it's completely impossible not to play the game and end up with the Zone being a full blown battlefield. Thousands of enemies, hundreds of thousands of bullets, thousands of weapons, it's simply unbelievable. In the full sense of the word.
Doesn't mean they can't be erases after the said stage...

Besides, alpha stages don't need to excuse for anything.
After I found Lost Alpha mod for SoC, CoP stop existing for me. I just hope that they are capable of doing a proper A-Life like it was promised by GSC in past and other things like that. If they do, GSC will get a big, nasty nail in feet.

Honestly I really don't believe that GSC is capable of doing the *right* Stalker game, especially that CS and CoP look like fast done games to raise cash for Stalker 2. And com'on, Burner and Chmiera are new mutants? mods have them for a long time and even few more - Izlum, Cat, Zombies.
I never get all this fucking bullshit about mods, they're only good for novelties, I immediately get turned off once I realized that it's all done like shit.

It's like the hullabaloo with Morrowind and Oblivion mods, everyone says "Oh, it makes the game great!"
Then I play them and the game is just as awful, they may fix some things, but they completely break it in other ways, this is because nearly all modding projects are incredibly self indulgent, people don't want to fix the games, they want to add as much unnecessary unprofessional shit as possible.

Every now and then you get something good, but that's nearly all relegated to the modding scene behind Half-Life 2 or the Quake series, because god-forbid anyone tries to make a well-balanced mod that happens to add new content worth having.
S.T.A.L.K.E.R.'s bevy of mods have all been a terrible waste of time to me, the things they add that have been removed they typically don't bother even implementing correctly, as though there were some reason that they were actually removed, y'know, because they weren't finished, because they were fucked up in the first place?

I'm not saying modders should have some unholy ability to craft professional pieces, but rather that they should have the good sense to work on what's wrong and not completely alter the game for their supposed "fix mods", and if they do decide on new content, they need to finish it rather than just slap it on and call it 'restored'.
CS was crap, but CoP could easily be something decent, I'm looking forward to the results of developers with common sense and not some bungling morons who decided that pouring new content all over a game while applying fixes here and there is worthy of a public release.

Standards for Christ's sake.
Eyenixon said:
I never get all this fucking bullshit about mods, they're only good for novelties, I immediately get turned off once I realized that it's all done like shit.

Eyenixon said:
I'm not saying modders should have some unholy ability to craft professional pieces, but rather that they should have the good sense to work on what's wrong and not completely alter the game for their supposed "fix mods", and if they do decide on new content, they need to finish it rather than just slap it on and call it 'restored'.
In other words, they should design their mods before they make them. But since not even the original developers design their games before they create them, it's not much surprise.

God, my avatar must be disturbing as shit. I bet nobody takes me seriously anymore.

Huh, forget that "anymore" part.
Morbus said:
Doesn't mean they can't be erases after the said stage...

Besides, alpha stages don't need to excuse for anything.
About the only time things get removed is when they just can't get them working at all or think of something 'way cooler'. Besides for most modders alpha stage just means we're still thinking up cool shit to put in, beta stage means they've run out of cool shit to put in and final release means they've found a new game to move onto.

Eyenixon said:
I never get all this fucking bullshit about mods, they're only good for novelties, I immediately get turned off once I realized that it's all done like shit.
There's a few good ideas, that actually add something to a game but yeah most modders seem to follow the Bethesda school of game design.