Yeah I agree with much that has been said.

Since I had not read any of the Disney canon books I had to have this explained to me. Apparently at some point after Jedi; The Republic demilitarized and disbanded thier fleet. Some did not agree with this and began to remilitarize and that splinter group is The Resistance you see in these new movies.
Yeah I agree with much that has been said.

Since I had not read any of the Disney canon books I had to have this explained to me. Apparently at some point after Jedi; The Republic demilitarized and disbanded thier fleet. Some did not agree with this and began to remilitarize and that splinter group is The Resistance you see in these new movies.

Why the hell would they demilitarize? That makes no sense.

Also am I the only one who hates it when people say "Well you need to read the books!" I don't want to read the fucking books, I expect the film/game/whatever to adequately explain things.
Also am I the only one who hates it when people say "Well you need to read the books!" I don't want to read the fucking books, I expect the film/game/whatever to adequately explain things.

Well no, supplemental story material should never be crucial to the understanding of the main story. I for one appreciate when main work has references to side stuff, but it should never depend upon it.
Why the hell would they demilitarize? That makes no sense.

Also am I the only one who hates it when people say "Well you need to read the books!" I don't want to read the fucking books, I expect the film/game/whatever to adequately explain things.
Well, may be the new republic/Alliance went bankrupt so they have to lay-off their troops without pay or pension.

And yes, a movie should be self contained, when I watch the last ep of the prequel, I have no fxxking clue about many part of the story or characters just because I didn't watch clone wars.....
For the second sequel trilogy If the empire is still the bad guy I fucking quit. I'm tired of jedi and sith and the force and the empire. Yeah thats what started it all but We've Already Seen That. For the next trilogy the villain should just be a borg rip off. Or anything different really.
For the second sequel trilogy If the empire is still the bad guy I fucking quit. I'm tired of jedi and sith and the force and the empire. Yeah thats what started it all but We've Already Seen That. For the next trilogy the villain should just be a borg rip off. Or anything different really.

Well the Force is fundamentally a part of Star Wars.

I also remind you we had 3 movies of evil corporations and droids.
TFA comes out:
Me: Wow Rey is such a Mary Sue getting all the powers ever with no effort.
SW fans: It's a set up for a reveal in the sequels! This is the first in a trilogy there is a plan! Her parents!

The Last Jedi comes out:

Me: So she is all powerful for no reason whatsoever after all, huh?
SW fans: Alt right Bot!!!!

Will you kindly suck my balls Walpknut?


Even Mark Hamill didn't know this shit would suck as bad as it did.
Was it just me or Yoda looked the most rubbery in the entire series? I understand not using CGI Yoda because they are terrified of looking anything like the prequels, but why not get a better puppet? Animatronics can do so much more nowadays.
One of the many reasons why, being a woman, I do not feel comfortable posting on these forums!

My apologies but if you stay away from The Order you should be fine with sexual innuendos. If anyone hits on you it can be dealt with. As far as talking about no-no parts I am sorry but she should not show off her tits in a movie if she doesn't want a comment on them.
That would mean, "the villain can't be a government."
That's not true. But once again just rip off the borg. Have a war with that monstrosity. Also don't ruin the concept like voyager did >_>.

Or hell, you could do a warriors style story where several hundred crime syndicates ban together to overthrow the local government. Just fucking stop with the empire and jedi bullshit. We've seen it already, it was good. Now stop.

One of the many reasons why, being a woman, I do not feel comfortable posting on these forums!
Most of us are gay tbh.
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Was it just me or Yoda looked the most rubbery in the entire series? I understand not using CGI Yoda because they are terrified of looking anything like the prequels, but why not get a better puppet? Animatronics can do so much more nowadays.
I KNOW. That and added to the Force Ghost aura looking also even shittier, mainly because of not being as translucid as the ones before and the blue haze being so intense, it looked like it also had botched post production. Having a puppet was extra dumb considering how much they tried to make the aliens consistently "relistic".

Most of us are gay tbh.
Speak for yourself faggot
So I asked my friend some more about the state of the galaxy in these new moives and going back to why the republic demilitarized was that after the battle of Jakku they reached an agreement with the Imperial Remnant who pretty much did the same except for you guess it...a splinter faction who fled into the unknown regions only to reorganise as the First Order with Snoke as supreme leader.

On a somewhat related note; So apparently those humanoid beings with purple robes in Snoke’s throne room are kinda like Guild navigators.
Let's talk good things from the movie:

1. The Suicide ram looked cool, even if in the end it served no porpouse at all.

2. The fight against the red armor guys was well coreographed.

Uhmmm that's kinda it.

For all the talk about this movie "Breaking away from the mold" or "Doing it's own thing" or even "Subverting expectations" it was still a mashup of plot points from two movies from the original trilogy, The villain reveals something about the protagonist's parents, there is a fight in a snow like planet where ATAT walkers surround the rebel base, Rey goes to train with a cranky old man who is afraid she will fall to the dark side, the empire 2.0 delivers a crushing defeat to the rebels (while seemingly ignoring the fact they lost an entire planetary base in the previous movie). They are still repeating the same shit.

Wouldn't it be more subversive of the Star Wars formula if it actually hadn't followed the formula that in this movie the rebels had to lose and be "dark"? What about a movie where both sides of the conflict have to build themselves up after the loses from the previous movie? Maybe make the reveal of Rey's parents not take a single sentence and actually explore the character instead of keeping her in the Irish island planet, how about having her look for her parents alongside Luke while Kylo Ren tails them and their romance blossoming from more than just some forced "telepathic link" that formed to progress the plot by the macguffin villain that has nothing going for him, maybe even build up the disillusionment of Kylo Ren towards the leadership of Snoke through a more elaborate conflict than just the slowest carchase in movie history? I don't know, just make a decent movie instead of this slop?
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