

Worth 1/5th of 100 grams of tea
Anyone excited to see how Beth fucks up a brand new series? This is their first brand new IP since 1994, and I'm hoping they can get it together for just half a second at this point so they have money to make TES VI
Beth had done so much wrong I can't even spin this into a joke... it's that bad.

Like, everything you say about Beth that is true has been chewed up so frequently it's boring.
Daggerfall was fun. Morrowind was well written. Oblivion is a masterpiece imo
I would say Daggerfall was fun, Morrowind was awesome and Oblivion was meh...
Played and finished Daggerfall and Morrowind lots of times, and even without mods a few times, Oblivion I never finished it with or without mods, I always get bored sooner or later.
Oblivion is kinda fun. As am open world fantasy RPG, I feel it's pretty good. Same with Skyrim.
Bethesda still make fun Elder Scrolls games, but they are way overhyped.
Masterpiece is a really strong word for a game where the only defense to that statement is "I liked it".

I mean there are people who like eating shit so let's not go there.
I have the feeling that most people who have fun with Oblivion and Skyrim only do it with tons of mods on top of the games.

I wonder how much fun it would be to play those games totally vanilla. >_>
I wonder how much fun it would be to play those games totally vanilla. >_>

150 vanilla playthroughs of Oblivion. I found that if you don't fast travel or ride a horse you can really appreciate the music and the landscape more, and I explored more without them. I seriously enjoy vanilla Oblivion

Skyrim needs a fuck ton of mods though
Even prolonging the experience of playing Oblivion. You, sir, are a grade-A masochist.
At this point it's kind of grown on me. I finished my 200th run of the main quest last night. The AI isn't great, the voice acting is hilariously bad, but some of the quests are really good (like the Grey Prince quest)
So according to your profile you are 17 years old. Therefore we have:
17 * 365 = 6205 days
6205 * 24 = 148920 hours
So you have been alive on this planet for 6205 days, which translates to 148 920 hours.

Let's assume the main quest takes 30 hours to complete. We have:

30 * 200 = 6000 hours.
148920 / 6000 = 24.82%

So according to my brilliant calculations you have spent approximately 24.82% of your life playing oblivion. Either you're a great liar or you simply aren't human.
17 * 365 = 6205 days
6205 * 24 = 148920 hours
So you have been alive on this planet for 6205 days, which translates to 148 920 hours.

Let's assume the main quest takes 30 hours to complete. We have:

30 * 200 = 6000 hours.
148920 / 6000 = 24.82%

So according to my brilliant calculations you have spent approximately 24.82% of your life playing oblivion. Either you're a great liar or you simply aren't human.

You're assuming I don't run builds expressly for the main quest, don't deviate to do side quests, and complete the Shivering Isle DLC to count as a finished playthrough. The Oblivion main takes (without Fast Travel, so I have a high Athletics and Speed stat) around 4 hours to complete. This brings me down to 800 hours spent playing main quest.
So according to your profile you are 17 years old. Therefore we have:
17 * 365 = 6205 days
6205 * 24 = 148920 hours
So you have been alive on this planet for 6205 days, which translates to 148 920 hours.

Let's assume the main quest takes 30 hours to complete. We have:

30 * 200 = 6000 hours.
148920 / 6000 = 24.82%

So according to my brilliant calculations you have spent approximately 24.82% of your life playing oblivion. Either you're a great liar or you simply aren't human.
Brilliant indeed. You really think 6000 is almost a quarter of almost 150k?
He's also forgetting that the main quest gets shorter as you do it more often because you pick up tricks to it that make it easier and faster (like just inching along the coast in Fallout 2 until you can steal the GECK and get a free suit of power armor without even going to Vault City)