If you guys want a space game Serifan can hook you up.
Especially those that whaled in that game too...
It's hard to believe why everybody I liked here left and went to RPGCodex. REAL HARD. REAAAAALLL HARD RIGHT NOW. Now I am left with people my sons age that I don't see because some whore ran off and remarried fifty times.
Hey which one of you fags is gonna talk about modding it next? I'm wanting to read that post.
I really like how it was done in VTMB and even that game was a little too long. Same for the KOTORs.
Depends very much about the RPG systems they decide to implement in this,
I’m not really sure about this.
Depends very much about the RPG systems they decide to implement in this, whether or not I’ll be interested, because I kinda don’t need a shooterified No Man’s Sky.
Those crabs on that vagina aren't bugs, they're features.
I wouldn't mind having an account on Codex and NMA at the same time. That sounds like a lot of work though and uh, I'm lazy.
That's nuts, I thought KOTOR 1 and 2 were far too short. The second game especially.
I keep saying this, but there's really no way I will buy another Bethesda game unless they make it a proper RPG. That's how much Skyrim disappointed me... And after being gifted FO4 for Christmas years ago, and trying it for 20 hours (or maybe less than that, I suck with numbers and dates) of mostly collecting junk, breaking junk apart and then building different junk... FO4 is even worse than Skyrim for me.
Even modded these games bore me to death and I can't even force myself to play them for more than an hour or so, let alone finish them.
Really, Bethesda's game formula evolved into something that I don't find appealing anymore. The only way I would ever play Starfield or any other future Bethesda "RPG", is if someone gifts the game to me, because then I feel morally forced to at least try it for an hour or two. But I will be telling anyone that might want to buy me such games, that I don't like them and they should buy me something from my wishlist or just give me a Steam voucher instead.
Actually, Steam tells me I played 8.2 hours of FO4. only got one achievement and I haven't played it since 2017, which was the first and last time I ever played it, and never again touched it:
I'm sorry but are you mentally retarded?
Ouch.If you guys want a space game Serifan can hook you up.