Stop being so dead losers


NMA’s only mutie
Okay, since everyone is either leaving or getting banned, we need a new conversation to prevent this site from dying.

so... How was your 2016 overall? Do anything fun? What were the best & worst moments?

Joined NMA
Met you guys
My mom surprised me by getting us tickets to the Renaissance Faire
Got a new car
Made a bunch of new friends

Joined NMA
Met you guys
Okay, since everyone is either leaving or getting banned, we need a new conversation to prevent this site from dying.

so... How was your 2016 overall? Do anything fun? What were the best & worst moments?

Joined NMA
Met you guys
My mom surprised me by getting us tickets to the Renaissance Faire
Got a new car
Made a bunch of new friends

Joined NMA
Met you guys

Everyone? A few people left, but this place is still going.

Honestly I don't have many good things to list so I'll let someone else go next.
Wait...? "people" don't matter, "people" only matter after they have been dipped and transmuted into the glorious vision of the master. Dip all prime normals! expunge the rest!

Outside of my typically Leu banter, my 2016 was quite qood. Got my own place, and jsut recently purchased a new couch (reclining) and a tv.
Still breaking in this NMA chair, getting comfy, posting here and there but rarely.

2016 was fine, just good ol' routine of an average Joe. But hey, I got a new processor for my PC during the middle of the year. (I'm broke as fuck)
The good
- I got laid, like, SO much.
- Hillary ain't win yo.
- I found a lump in my breast.
- I've finally gotten around to cleaning up the porn I've been hoarding and have a neat little selection of quality stuff.

The bad
- My favorite sweater tore. :(
- Trump won...
- It wasn't cancer...
- My computer went and died.
Not much of good things happened in 2016 for me, but here is a few:
Join here
Got a GTX 970
White match part 2
Start to play Shadowruns series on pc and have some good time with it

One of my dog get sick which cost me alot for the treatment, and he lost his balls forever
Almost working everyday
Then the "Vacation" in china
And most importantly:
Since I already spend too much of money, I can't buy games like Tyranny or Age of Decadence during steam sale

Okay, since everyone is either leaving or getting banned, we need a new conversation to prevent this site from dying.
Yeah two right wing nut jobs that got banned for breaking constantly forum rules. That of course somehow qualifies for people getting banned left and right I guess.

Unless you're joking. Than ignore my lunatic rant.

On the more serious side, there are always people coming and people going. That's the normal lifecycle of any forum. I can say, that there are a lot of new faces here, quite a lot of people registered with 2016. And I can say, I don't cry over everyone that has left, so much for sure.
Speak for yourself, Crni Vuk. Every time someone hasn't shown their mug in a week I bawl my eyes out. I got a tub full of eyeballs now and I don't know what to do with them...

I don't get why some are so fixated on this shit in the first place, bannings, some threads being locked and vatted and peopel some leaving. Like, is it their first time on a forum? Cause this shit happens everywhere. Nothing to get worked up about really and I don't see why a thread has to start with bringing it up when it isn't about it at all. Just fanning the pointless fire at that point. :shrug:

Still, I cri evrytiem.


Got more actually.

The good
- The election is over so I could finally stop the fucking hillary avatar/RPing/signature/title crap.

The bad
- My old avatar is gone and I have no idea what to change it to at this point.
Speak for yourself, Crni Vuk. Every time someone hasn't shown their mug in a week I bawl my eyes out. I got a tub full of eyeballs now and I don't know what to do with them...

I don't get why some are so fixated on this shit in the first place, bannings, some threads being locked and vatted and peopel some leaving. Like, is it their first time on a forum? Cause this shit happens everywhere. Nothing to get worked up about really and I don't see why a thread has to start with bringing it up when it isn't about it at all. Just fanning the pointless fire at that point. :shrug:

Still, I cri evrytiem.


Got more actually.

The good
- The election is over so I could finally stop the fucking hillary avatar/RPing/signature/title crap.

The bad
- My old avatar is gone and I have no idea what to change it to at this point.

I was part of a forum that is sadly no longer with us. So we just upped and made a new forum.

It never really caught on and even the admin left leaving a couple of moderators (including me).

I should really go back to that forum, but it's so dead, there's only like six people who post rarely.

Pros: Got bored and joined this Website.
Still alive
Runs a meme page

Cons: Got bored and joined this Website
Still alive
Runs a meme page
Single for life boii

What's your meme page (sad boy)?
The Good
-Bought myself a lot of new games this year including Pillars of Eternity, Europa Universalis, Stellaris, Tyranny and LA Noir
The Bad:
-Left the European Union this year.
-Got invited to one party the entire year.
-Went outside significantly less than usual
The Good
-Bought myself a lot of new games this year including Pillars of Eternity, Europa Universalis, Stellaris, Tyranny and LA Noir
-Left the European Union this year.
-Got invited to one party the entire year.
-Went outside significantly less than usual

Man, 2016 was great for you! I'm jelly.
- Brexit
- Trump
- My 2 remaining grandparents survived another year
- @CloudlessDruid's cat died :lol:
- My mom had a stroke because of a bloodclot (thrombosis) and now her left side is paralyzed :lmao:
- Added two new names to my list of Fantastic Vaginas & Where I Fucked Them

- My receding hairline
- My sister discovered that her husband is a pedophile and got divorced (could be seen as a good thing, I guess, but she went through hell and back, so I put it here)
- Muslims

2017 is gonna be awesome! :aiee:
What's your meme page (sad boy)?

There's a reason why it's on my cons. I should edit my previous statement, I used to run a meme page. It got about 2k followers then, BANNED. Too offensive, made someone consider suicide, at least that's why I was apparently banned. Too lazy to start up again
There's a reason why it's on my cons. I should edit my previous statement, I used to run a meme page. It got about 2k followers then, BANNED. Too offensive, made someone consider suicide, at least that's why I was apparently banned. Too lazy to start up again

I may have been part of it.