Stupid Things About Fallout 3


Look, Ma! Two Heads!

-Even when Vance gives you the password to the family terminals, you still can't use them without the Family turning hostile.
-Even when Herbert Daring Dashwood gives you the key to his safe, opening it and taking what's inside counts as stealing and turns him hostile.
-Even when you are given Dave's key which opens his safe, people still turn hostile if they see you open it.
-Open an owned empty container and put something inside. Then take it back out and you lose karma and turn nearby npc's hostile.
-Why Gustavo allows you entry into Tenpenny Tower even if Charon or Fawkes is your companion.
-If random raiders kill someone in Arefu, you get blamed for it.
-Why people react negatively if you pick up an item with the "z" key.
-Why you lose karma even if you kill Roy Phillip's despite the fact that he's a murderous ghoul.
-Why Mr. Burke has a house in a town he plans to destroy and why you can't get the key from his body.
-Why you can't find the key Jericho tells you about on Moriarity.
If you think those things are the worst, then you had a better experience than me...
Lore inconsistencies, poor characters, reused plot/groups and a great misunderstanding of what Fallout is actually about.

Oh and people freaking out for just glancing at a locked container.
Destroying the GECK, which can create paradise on earth over a large area, (in Fallout 3 lore) to get purified water (which the GECK would do anyway in that large area of land it would work on) while all one needs to do is make some condensation collectors or repair all the Mister Handy/Gutsy robots they can find, since the robots have condensation collectors (at least the Mr Handy does) and collect purified water (5 full bottles every 3 days).
Or just have Tenpenny sell purified water since they somehow have unlimited of that and would increase his fortune, power, fame, etc (everything someone like Tenpenny would be interested in).
>the setting
>the plot

These are the games two biggest problems. Because they're both so inconsistent that neither work with the other. I won't go into detail because this guy already did. Fallout 3's badness is so dense and has so many layers... that its actually on the same level as the star wars prequels for me.

Then the games other problems.

>the characters by and large are woefully forgettable
>lack of content
>clunky oversimplified combat
>children can't die
>unkillable npcs in general
>and the plot actually doesn't work by itself either
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When you're wearing an entire suit of enclave power armor and the brotherhood doesn't give a flying f*ck. I guess fallout 2 has that same problem though. I still get shot on site by enclave troops even when wearing advanced power armor.
Surprised you haven't mentioned the bit when you're told to enter a deadly irradiated chamber to sacrifice yourself to save the Wasteland but then remember you friend Fawkes- whom you saved earlier- is immune to radiation, only for him to then refuse and claim that it's your destiny to die for no reason.
The writing is just seriously underwhelming. It was the most poorly written Fallout at the time until... you know... the dreaded sequel.

Also, the Vault 87 entrance gives off lethal radiation that kills in seconds cause it was "struck directly by a nuke", yet the same doesn't apply for the rest of the wasteland??

The saddest thing about Fallout 3 is that you can honestly tell that the Bethesda devs really cared about connecting Fallout 3 as best as they could to the OG fans.
It was like introducing the stepdad to the children after the beloved dad filed a divorce. Even though the stepdad means well, the children still want their real dad.
They missed the huge picture. Fallout was an America en result of zealous nationalism and chilling accounts of what would happen to the world if petroleum ran out.
It was a large phoenix dying, and a post-war chick being born from the ashes.

was almost like a horror game. When I encountered Deathclaws in Boneyard, coupled with the music, I honestly thought I was fuckin die.
In Fallout 3, you're shooting poison darts at a Deathclaw to "HE'S HACKING AND WHACKIN AND SMACKIN HE'S HACKING AND WHACKIN AND SMACKIN" (you get the idea)
Surprised you haven't mentioned the bit when you're told to enter a deadly irradiated chamber to sacrifice yourself to save the Wasteland but then remember you friend Fawkes- whom you saved earlier- is immune to radiation, only for him to then refuse and claim that it's your destiny to die for no reason.

"I’m sorry, my companion, but no. We all have our own destinies, and yours culminates here. I would not rob you of that...unless you pay extra cash for the DLC, then I shall happily go in there and activate Project Purity while the game calls you a pussy."
Fawkes has nothing to say about life with the supermutants or what their plans were. Charon has nothing to say. The hooker hasn't much to say about her job. No one has anything to say in this game. You can't talk to roy phillips about his genocide in any meaningful way. You can't talk about the good fight with three dog in any kind of detail. The drunk russian barely has dialogue. The enclave supporter from megaton. Can't talk about the enclave with him in any detail. Daring dashwood has barely anything to say about his friend's death. You can't talk to the big town people about how they feel about little lamplights society. You can't ask the little lamplighters what their justification for doing that to people people is. Or what they're gonna do when their cook has to leave. Or how their society even functions now. The ENTIRE game is like this. The npcs have barely anything of note to say if anything at all. And while all the characters are busy being blank slates with virtually no opinions 99% of them share their voice with another character.
Which means in a game with a shitload of characters I can only remember like 10 by name.

Also literally everything else about the game is pretty dumb too.
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Sadly, one of the worst thing about the game. Tons of hours of repetitive combat fillers agains't the same kind of enemies in the same kind of locations and when you finally reach an npc, it has nothing to say. I am shocked when i see it being compared with FoNV. The two games barely have anything in common.
My biggest offender is level scaling right here. The way it works is that the level scaling is based on your level when you enter an area and is never adjusted again for that area, so in the starting areas, you'll deal with easy enemies, and as you get stronger and go further out, the enemies will also get stronger, but if you back to the beginning areas, you'll be dealing with the weak enemies again. In addition, enemies are largely prebuilt to a certain level and pulled off a list to set what's appropriate, instead of having scaled stats and equipment AKA Oblivion, however, thanks to Broken Steel is you can encounter Super Mutant Overlords, Albino Radscorpions, and Feral Ghoul Reavers, which are filled with special ability called"I'll do 40HP unblockable damage, screw you."

Oh, and how about Perks that raises your skills? Thank God New Vegas doesn't have those.
My issues with Fallout 3 are its placement in the time line, the factions and how sparse the setting is. I think Fallout 3 and 4 should have been set in 2177. This would make sure the BoS couldn't have been a faction and there would have to have been something more original. I would have taken a generic military faction and a vault based faction over the BoS and Enclave, 3 brought me into the series, but I'm not a fan of lazy writing.

The writing of all of the settlements was very shallow, there is little interaction with the locals. Also there were very few settlements. If there were more settlements I could have tolerated the fact that they were shallow if there were more of them with more side quests. The raiders are just mindless junkies that shoot you, there isn't any politics with them. The same is true with Fallout 4. I would like raider politics and side quests. More than Nuka World that is. Which I haven't played and don't plan to.

I didn't like that all of the Vaults were essentially dead except 101. I would have liked to see a faction based on the Vaults, but why write something when you can carbon copy the BoS?

I'd say glitches, but that Bethesda's hallmark at this point.
One thing which bothers me is how many characters are written and given names, but aren't any more complex than the NPC's who run around.

Billy Creel, why establish all this stuff about him and the girl he's with, but have no quest or anything?
One thing which bothers me is how many characters are written and given names, but aren't any more complex than the NPC's who run around.

Billy Creel, why establish all this stuff about him and the girl he's with, but have no quest or anything?
It's almost worse than morrowind. If they didn't have bsckstories then they couldn't call them characters. They already don't have opinions or decent dialogue trees... And unlike morriwind the game world barely had any lore or world building so if they didn't have backstories they would be NOTHING.