Stupid Watergate - or how to impeach Donald Trump.

Crni Vuk

M4A3 Oldfag oTO
So, it seems more and more likely that this might lead to the impeachment of Donald Trump. Actually pretty surprising how quick everything escalated. But the more information is available the more likely does it seem that many people have been involved in this corruption. Maybe even Mike Pence has done something wrong but this remains to be seen.

Impeachment =/= Removal.

It just means -

'Wow you were a shitty criminal here's a badge affirming you are a criminal'.

It's Mueller hype all over again. People want to tear the house down but don't have, know about, or even want the tools.

That's my 2p. Back to ignoring everything about Trump I go. Does wonders for the mental health. I already hate the fucker and everything he does, but I can't do anything but vote, so why stuff my day all around his stupid fucking mug?
They'll never impeach Donald Trump... you have to understand that they must vote it to the senate (which the democrats are able to do on their own) but once it's in the senate they need a significant portion of Republican senators to actually convict him - which they will never do. There is no US president in history that has been successfully impeached and the only one that likely would have been resigned before it could happen (Richard Nixon).

Edit for clarification: Because impeach is commonly thought to be part and parcel with "removal" it would be more accurate to say "they'll never remove Donald Trump". He will be successfully "impeached" but not "convicted".
They'll never impeach Donald Trump... you have to understand that they must vote it to the senate (which the democrats are able to do on their own) but once it's in the senate they need a significant portion of Republican senators to actually convict him - which they will never do. There is no US president in history that has been successfully impeached and the only one that likely would have been resigned before it could happen (Richard Nixon).

Edit for clarification: Because impeach is commonly thought to be part and parcel with "removal" it would be more accurate to say "they'll never remove Donald Trump". He will be successfully "impeached" but not "convicted".
We have to wait and see I guess. But as much as I dislike Micheal Moore he was spot on when he said, Trump is the human Molotov Cocktail people throw in to the system that hurt them so much.
We have to wait and see I guess. But as much as I dislike Micheal Moore he was spot on when he said, Trump is the human Molotov Cocktail people throw in to the system that hurt them so much.

I'm just telling you now. I hate Trump as much as anybody but this dog and pony show isn't going to end with him being removed from office. The stuff they're impeaching him for is an incredibly grey area and voting out your own president just before the next election would be Republican suicide. There's a not unreasonable chance that Trump will face criminal charges for obstruction of justice after his presidency but I also see that not going through to a convicted conclusion.
Yeah I don't believe it's really going to happen either.

I mean imagine a US president going to jail (even if only after his presidency ended). The humility.

It's not gona happen.
He's like a comet.

Follow the synchronicity.


This comes out.

*lays on bed and takes pants off*

Trump will most likely get voted in again, which is a shame as America deserves better.
He seems to have tricked voters into thinking he is something more than he is, which is pretty clueless.

If I may go off topic and go on a mini rant here, I don't think democracy has worked exactly.
It's funny that we basically vote someone into a job, like we're the people who basically pick our own boss. Problem is, we don't tend to go for the most qualified.
Heck, over here in the UK, we didn't even get a vote on our Prime Minister, he just shoved his way in.

But outside of that, yeah, Trump is moronic, I believe we had a few members on here who supported him/ still do, which was an interesting time. Especially seeing as how they couldn't really agree with any on of his policies
He seems to have tricked voters into thinking he is something more than he is, which is pretty clueless.
No, people know exactly what he is, an Entertaining clown who spits mad shit. Despite the loud tiny hordes who pretend it was all racism that got Trump elected because the reality of it being the simple fact he wasn't Hilary Clinton is what got him the job. There are people who out there who believe the election was a sham and rigged so people would have to vote for Clinton by running an actual internet Troll for President and they called their bluff and voted for the Troll. Since then The Dems have Octoculated their lunacy because for whatever reason they think Twitter votes, meanwhile Trump drip feeds insanely entertaining quips in easily digestible size for the attention span of the common voter as opposed to the deep lore you have to keep up with 23 democratic candidates and their one-upsmanship of who really thinks the constitution is smelly.
It's funny that we basically vote someone into a job, like we're the people who basically pick our own boss. Problem is, we don't tend to go for the most qualified.
I disagree. We don't pick the boss, the voters are the boss and pick the employees but do a shit job at it and barley pay attention, not to mention too lazy to even show up at the office most days.
Since then The Dems have Octoculated their lunacy because for whatever reason they think Twitter votes, meanwhile Trump drip feeds insanely entertaining quips in easily digestible size for the attention span of the common voter as opposed to the deep lore you have to keep up with 23 democratic candidates and their one-upsmanship of who really thinks the constitution is smelly.
What?! Twitter isn't real life and doesn't really influence real life politics? The blue check marks who majored in underwater basket weaving and non-binary Antifa furries with They/Them pronouns (I wish I was making this up. I really do.) tell me that they are the revolutionary heroes of our time who are going to save America and usher in a utopia with the power of Twitter likes and retweets. Twitter was a mistake.
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Twitter isn't real life and doesn't really influence real life politics?
It actually influences politics by people trying to cater to it despite it having none existent voting power or money since they were trying to get their campaign donations back when Bernie lost the Dem Candidacy last time.

Bill chips in real info at 4:00 minute mark. Metaphorically speaking people!
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i'm African American so i HAVE to say impeach Donald Trump / elect someone else. he'll probably never get impeached. He got elected in because it was either him or a woman. A woman. I knew it was over before it began. I let that pipe dream go.
i'm African American so i HAVE to say impeach Donald Trump / elect someone else. he'll probably never get impeached. He got elected in because it was either him or a woman. A woman. I knew it was over before it began. I let that pipe dream go.
Heh. Yeah. Main reason I can't vote for the as-rightwing-radical-as-it-gets party in Germany is because their main candidate is a lesbian woman. All that not-so-cryptic "well-tempered cruelty to get rid of the immigrants" and so on, that's fucking awesome, but hell freezes over before I'd vote for a dyke.

If someone finds a little bit of snark in the above, please keep it. It's a gift.